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Comparison study of CC and CH vibration frequencies and eelectronic properties for mono, Di, Tri, and tetra-rings layer of arm chair (SWCNTs)
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Semi-empirical methods were applied for calculating the vibration frequencies and IR absorption intensities for normal coordinates of the {mono (C56H28), di (C84H28), tri (C112H28) and tetra (C140H28)} -rings layer for (7,7) armchair single wall carbon nanotube at their equilibrium geometries which were all found to have D7d symmetry point group.

Assignment of the modes of vibration (3N-6) was done depending on the pictures of their modes by applying (Gaussian 03) program. Comparison of the vibration frequencies of (mono, di, tri and tetra) rings layer which are active in IR, and inactive in Ramman spectra. For C-H stretching vibrations, the results showed that vibration frequencies value increased with increased of length nano tube (rings layer SWCNT).

The results include the relation for axial bonds, which are the vertical C-C bonds (annular bonds) in the rings and for circumferential bonds which are the outer ring bonds. Also include the assignment of puckering, breathing and clock-anticlockwise bending vibrations. They allow a comparative view of the charge density at the carbon atom too.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 13 2020
Journal Name
International Journal On Advanced Science, Engineering And Information Technology
Robust Approach of Optimal Control for DC Motor in Robotic Arm System using Matlab Environment
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Modern automation robotics have replaced many human workers in industrial factories around the globe. The robotic arms are used for several manufacturing applications, and their responses required optimal control. In this paper, a robust approach of optimal position control for a DC motor in the robotic arm system is proposed. The general component of the automation system is first introduced. The mathematical model and the corresponding transfer functions of a DC motor in the robotic arm system are presented.  The investigations of using DC motor in the robotic arm system without controller lead to poor system performance. Therefore, the analysis and design of a Proportional plus Integration plus Divertive (PID) controller is illustrated.

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2009
Journal Name Conference/college Of Eng. /university Of Baghdad
Comparison between analytical solution and experimental results for reinforced loose sand
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Presents here in the results of comparison between the theoretical equation stated by Huang and Menq and laboratory model tests used to study the bearing capacity of square footing on geogrid-reinforced loose sand by performing model tests. The effects of several parameters were studied in order to study the general behavior of improving the soil by using the geogrid. These parameters include depth of first layer of reinforcement, vertical spacing of reinforcement layers, number of reinforcement layers and types of reinforcement layers The results show that the theoretical equation can be used to estimate the bearing capacity of loose sand.

Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Int. J. Nanoelectronics And Materials
The response of a window glass to the frequencies of sound
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 31 2020
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of a Mono PV Cell with Five Parameters, Simulation Model Compatible with Iraqi Climate
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The present work included study of the effects of weather conditions such as solar radiation and  ambient temperature on solar panels (monocrystalline 30 Watts) via proposed mathematical model, MATLAB_Simulation was used by scripts file to create a special code to solve the mathematical model , The latter is single –diode model (Five parameter) ,Where the effect of ambient temperature and solar radiation on the output of the solar panel was studied, the Newton Raphson method was used to find the  output current of the solar panel and plot P-V ,I-V curves, the performance of the PV was determined at Standard Test Condition (STC) (1000W/m2)and a comparison between theoretical and experimental results were done .The best efficiency

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
1-DOF Model for Fluid-Structure-Interaction Vibration Analysis
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In this paper an attempt to provide a single degree of freedom lumped model for fluid structure interaction (FSI) dynamical analysis will be presented. The model can be used to clarify some important concept in the FSI dynamics such as the added mass, added stiffness, added damping, wave coupling ,influence mass coefficient and critical fluid depth . The numerical results of the model show that the natural frequency decrease with the increasing of many parameters related to the structure and the fluid .It is found that the interaction phenomena can become weak or strong depending on the depth of the containing fluid .The damped and un damped free response are plotted in time domain and phase plane for different model parameters It is fou

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Chemistry And Materials Research
Anticancer Activity of New Di-Nuclear Copper (I) Complex
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In-vitro biological activities of the free new H4L ( indole-7-thiocarbohydrazone) ligand and its Ni(II), Pd(II) , Pt(II), Cu(II), Ag(I), Zn(II) and Cd(II) complexes are screened against two cancerous cell lines, that revealed significant activity only for [Cu2Cl2(H4L)2(PPh3)2] after 72 h treatment by the highest tested concentrations. The Copper(I) complex was characterized by X-ray Crystallography and the NMR spectra, whereas it has been confirmed to have momentous cytotoxicity against ovarian, breast cancerous cell lines (Caov-3, MCF-7). The apoptosis-inducing properties of the Cu(I) complex have been investigated through fluorescence microscopy visualization, DNA fragmentation analysis and propidium iodide flow cytometry.

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2021
Journal Name
Archives Of Razi Institute
RAPD Fingerprinting and Genetic Diversity of Salmonella Spp. Isolated from Broiler and Layer Flocks in Karbala, Iraq
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Salmonellosis in poultry is one of the most significant bacterial infections causing mortality, reduced production, and serious economic losses. This study aimed to study the molecular diversity among Salmonella isolates and investigate the epidemiological spread of these bacteria in broiler and layer chicken flocks in five different farms in Karbala, Iraq, using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In total, 217 cloac a swabs were collected from the farms, out of which 129 and 88 swabs were taken from broiler and layer chickens. The samples were screened by PCR for S. enterica subsp. enterica using primers specific for the invA gene. Afterward, RAPD-PCR with uniplex or multiplex octamer primers was appli

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Scopus (4)
Publication Date
Wed Mar 31 2021
Journal Name
Adaptive Robust Controller Design-Based RBF Neural Network for Aerial Robot Arm Model
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Aerial Robot Arms (ARAs) enable aerial drones to interact and influence objects in various environments. Traditional ARA controllers need the availability of a high-precision model to avoid high control chattering. Furthermore, in practical applications of aerial object manipulation, the payloads that ARAs can handle vary, depending on the nature of the task. The high uncertainties due to modeling errors and an unknown payload are inversely proportional to the stability of ARAs. To address the issue of stability, a new adaptive robust controller, based on the Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network, is proposed. A three-tier approach is also followed. Firstly, a detailed new model for the ARA is derived using the Lagrange–d’A

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A Comparison between Methods of Laplace Estimators and the Robust Huber for Estimate parameters logistic regression model
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The logistic regression model regarded as the important regression Models ,where of the most interesting subjects in recent studies due to taking character more advanced in the process of statistical analysis .                                                

The ordinary estimating methods is failed in dealing with data that consist of the presence of outlier values and hence on the absence of such that have undesirable effect on the result.    &nbs

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of optical properties for Ge - GaAs Heterojunction
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