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Studying the contribution of components and type of spiral galaxy NGC 6946 using digital image processing
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NGC 6946 have been observed with BVRI filters, on October 15-18,
2012, with the Newtonian focus of the 1.88m telescope, Kottamia
observatory, of the National Research Institute of Astronomy and
Geophysics, Egypt (NRIAG), then we combine the BVRI filters to
obtain an astronomical image to the spiral galaxy NGC 6946 which
is regarded main source of information to discover the components of
this galaxy, where galaxies are considered the essential element of
the universe. To know the components of NGC 6946, we studied it
with the Variable Precision Rough Sets technique to determine the
contribution of the Bulge, disk, and arms of NGC 6946 according to
different color in the image. From image we can determined the
contribution for each component and its percentage, then what is the
percentage mean. In this technique a good classified image result
and faster time required to done the classification process.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Analyzing the content of the chemistry textbook for the third intermediate grade according to the skills of knowledge economy
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The current research aims to identify the extent to which cognitive economics skills are included in the content of the chemistry textbook for the third intermediate grade, and the research sample was represented in the chemistry textbook for the third intermediate grade. A list of knowledge economy skills was prepared (6) main skills (basic skills, communication skills, thinking skills, work skills Group, information-gathering skill, behavioral skills (and (20) sub-skills) (reading, writing, operations, computer skills and employability, oral expression and written communication, dialogue, persuasion, influence and arousal, analysis, problem-solving, decision-making, suggestions and hypotheses and employing them. Controlling, directing

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of Organizational Change in the Development of the Insurance Service: (applied study in The National Insurance Company)
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تشهد بیئة الأعمال المعاصرة جملة من التغیرات والتطورات التكنولوجیة وتزایداً في حدةالمنافسة، وأتساع الفجوة بین العاملین والإدارة ، وقدرة الإدارة على التمییز بین الموظفین، والمشاركة فيإتخاذ القرارات، الامر الذي یلقي على عاتق شركة التأمین إجراء التغییر التنظیمي لتحقیق تطور فيالخدمات التأمینیة التي تقدمها للجمهور من تنوع التغطیات التأمینیة )الوثائق( والسرعة في تسویةالتعویضات وغیرها من الانشطة التي تمارسه

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The efficacy of the constitutional organization of the Iraqi freedom to choose his personal status in the Iraqi constitution
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We concluded that the issue of freedom in general is one of the important issues of the constitutional legislator, so he was keen to include it in the introduction and content of his texts, because the society suffered from scourge and injustice  And tyranny by the rulers and the ruled made freedom at the mercy of their fatwas. The international and Arab declarations stipulated the necessity of giving public freedoms without racial or national discrimination, but rather for all humanity. It has arranged consequences for those who failed to abide by the conventions, encouraging them to urge national legislators to stipulate public freedoms in Their constitutions, including our desired freedom here, is the freedom of the Iraqi. The co

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The role of Rabi’a tribe in the history of Iraq in the rightly guided caliph’s period Prof. Dr.: The role of Rabi’a tribe in the history of Iraq in the rightly guided caliph’s period Prof. Dr.
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Rabi’a tribe lived on the land of Euphrates since the first century of the
Christ. Then that land becomes her homeland. The Persians tried many times
to drive her away from that land, but with out result.
In the course of time Rabi’a become more knowledgeable of Persia.
This tribe proved her love and sanctification to the land of Euphrates, in the
battle of Dhyqar.
Rabi’a converted to Islam quickly and helped the Muslims to conquer
Iraq with a big number of fighters in many battles like al- Qadisyyah. That
influenced the anger of Mudriat Arab tribes who were their old enemies.
Mudriat tribes did their efforts to reduce the importance of Rabi’a because of
some its branches were among of t

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The present study aimed to identify the therapeutic evaluation of chitosan extracted from the fungus cushroom and pure chitosan on glucose and lipid profile in the blood of 35 male rabbits with hyperlipidemia induced experimentally by cholesterol. The tests included estimation of glucose levels, total cholesterol, triglycerides, high-density lipoproteins, low-density lipoproteins, and very low-density lipoproteins. hyperlipidemia was induced in the male rabbits used in the study which was administered orally with cholesterol 150mg/kg body weight for a week. rabbits were divided into seven groups: control, cholesterol, pure chitosan, mushroom chitosan, cholesterol and pure chitosan, cholesterol and mushroom chitosan and cholestero

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 20 2024
Journal Name
Iklīl For Humanities Studies
The directions of the Federal Supreme Court in determining the parliamentary bloc with the largest number in the Iraqi constitution of 2005
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 20 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of the external audit in improving the performance of the services provided: Applied research in the municipal directorate in ALMuthanna
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The subject of improving the performance of services provided by government institutions of the important topics at the present time because of their direct contact at the service of citizens and the increased importance of these units as a result of the diversity of activities performed by the so governments of the countries and their people made sure to pay attention to the good use of those allocated to those sectors of resources and spending in the service prescribed and manage the highest level of efficiency and effectiveness and monitor the proper management of the money used in those sectors and evaluate their performance through the Supreme Audit Institutions so that they can play their role oversight and contribute to th

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 07 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The status of the Arabic language in the Constitution of the Republic o f Iraq for the year 2005: A comparative study
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    The Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2005, in force and following most of the previous Iraqi constitutions and the constitutions of the Arab countries, states that Arabic is the official language of the state.  Recognition of the great and lofty status of it, it is the language sanctified by the Creator (Almighty), by choosing a language not written by Heaven and the dominant of them all (the Holy Quran).  In addition, it is also the endowment of lingual to the seal of his prophets and the leader of his messengers, the greatest Prophet Muhammad bin Abdullah (peace be upon him).  Moreover, this is what questioned the study of the rules of this constitutional demarcation of the Arabic lang

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluate the implementation of the investment plan projects A study on the field of the plan projects for the period 2013-2016
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The main problem of this research is the delay of implementation of the investment plan projects for the period (2013-2016) and the weakness of the staff ability in the ministries and they don’t have the sufficient experience to carry out the implementation process.

Therefore, the research aims to evaluate the implementation of programs and projects of the investment plan in a manner consistent with the objectives set for them without any wasteful of efforts, time and money. And then identify the problems and obstacles to determine the deviations of the implementation of the specific for each sector according to the criteria of evaluation and the form of cost, quality, time and implementation.<

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The relationship between the central government and local administrations in the federal system: Experience the Iraqi model
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   Increasingly, public organizations in the federal state are required to work together, as well as to work with others to achieve their objectives. In Iraq there are two levels of organizations, including federal and local, and these organizations have been forced to work for many years in an environment in which the responsibility for service delivery is shared between policy makers and service providers, and between local governments and the federal government. It is sometimes difficult to manage the relationship between these organizations (federal and local) and do not always provide the best possible outcome of this relationship. This paper reviews how to manage the relationship between local administrations and

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