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Polymer electrolytes based PAN for dye-sensitized solar cells

Solar cells has been assembly with electrolytes including I−/I−3 redox duality employ polyacrylonitrile (PAN), ethylene carbonate (EC), propylene carbonate (PC), with double iodide salts of tetrabutylammonium iodide (TBAI) and Lithium iodide (LiI) and iodine (I2) were thoughtful for enhancing the efficiency of the solar cells. The rendering of the solar cells has been examining by alteration the weight ratio of the salts in the electrolyte. The solar cell with electrolyte comprises (60% wt. TBAI/40% wt. LiI (+I2)) display elevated efficiency of 5.189% under 1000 W/m2 light intensity. While the solar cell with electrolyte comprises (60% wt. LiI/40% wt. TBAI (+I2)) display a lower efficiency of 3.189%. The conductivity raises with the raising TBAI salt weight ratio and attains the maximum value of 1.7×10−3 S. cm−1 at room temperature with 60% wt. TBAI, and the lower value of ionic conductivity of 5.27×10−4 S. cm−1 for electrolyte with 40% wt. TBAI. The results display that the conductivity rises with rising temperature. This may be attributed to the extending of the polymer and thereby output the free volume. The alteration in ionic conductivity with temperature obeys the Arrhenius type thermally activated process. The differences in activation energy mightily backup the alteration in the electrical conductivity.

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Materials Research And Technology
Immobilization of l-asparaginase on gold nanoparticles for novel drug delivery approach as anti-cancer agent against human breast carcinoma cells

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Effect of Prelabour Rupture of Membranes on Circulating Neonatal Nucleated Red Blood Cells

 Background: Prelabour rupture of membranes is a problem that faces the obstetricians. It has many maternal and fetal sequale and its etiology and management still controversial.
Objective: To test the absolute nucleated red blood cells counts at birth in infants who are born after prelabour rupture of membranes.
Methods: A prospective study conducted in AL-Kadhymia Teaching Hospital. Hundred pregnant women were included in this study. Fifty pregnant women who had prelabour rupture of membranes considered as group (1), other fifty pregnant women with intact membranes considered as group (2) through a period of one year. Nucleated red blood cell counts of venous cord blood obtained within one hour of life from 50 infants who we

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 29 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Photocatalytic Degradation of Reactive Yellow Dye in Wastewater using H2O2/TiO2/UV Technique

In the present study, advanced oxidation treatment, the TiO2 /UV/H2O2  process was applied to decolorisation of the reactive yellow dyes in aqueous solution. The UV radiation was carried out with a 6 W low-pressure mercury lamp. The rate of color removal was studied by measuring the absorbency at a characteristic wavelength. The effects of H2O2 dosage, dye initial concentration and pH on decolorisation kinetics in the batch photoreactor were investigated. The highest decolorisation rates were observed (98.8) at pH range between 3 and 7. The optimal levels of H2O2 needed for the process were examined. It appears that high levels of H2O2 could reduce decolori

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Simulation of Solar Coronal Magnetic Field Using Potential Field Model

In this paper, 3D simulation of the global coronal magnetic field, which use observed line of sight component of the photosphere magnetic field from (MDI/SOHO) was carried out using potential field model. The obtained results, improved the theoretical models of the coronal magnetic field, which represent a suitable lower boundary conditions (Bx, By, Bz) at the base of the linear force-free and nonlinear force free models, provides a less computationally expensive method than other models. Generally, very high speed computer and special configuration is needed to solve such problem as well as the problem of viewing the streamline of the magnetic field. For high accuracy special mathematical treatment was adopted to solve the computation comp

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 15 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Jour. For Pure & Appl. Sci
Adsorption of Bromo Phenol Red Dye from Aqueous Solution by Iraqi Bentonite Clay

This studies deals with investigated the potential of a Iraqi bentonite clay for the adsorption of bromo phenol red dye from contaminated water. Impulse adsorption experiments were performed. The contact time influence of initial dye concentration, temperature, pH, ionic strength, partical size adsorbent and adsorbent dosage on bromo phenol red adsorption are investigated in a series of batch adsorption experiments. Adsorption equilibrium data were analyzed and described by the Freundlich, Langmuir and temkin isotherms equations. Thermodynamic parameters inclusive the Gibbs free energy (∆G• ), enthalpy (∆H• ), and entropy (∆S• ), were also calculated. These parameters specified that adsorption of bromo phenol red onto bentonite

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 11 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Adsorption of Bromo Phenol Red Dye from Aqueous Solution by Iraqi Bentonite Clay

 This studies deals with investigated the potential of a Iraqi bentonite clay for the adsorption of bromo phenol red dye from contaminated water. Impulse adsorption experiments were performed. The contact time influence of initial dye concentration, temperature, pH, ionic strength, partical size adsorbent  and adsorbent dosage on bromo phenol red  adsorption  are investigated in a series of batch adsorption experiments. Adsorption equilibrium data were analyzed and described by the Freundlich, Langmuir and temkin isotherms equations. Thermodynamic parameters inclusive the Gibbs free energy (∆G•), enthalpy (∆H•), and entropy (∆S•), were also calculated. These parameters specified tha

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The influence of Packed Cells Volume (PCV) and Temperature on Erythrocytes Sedimentation Rate (ESR)

Erythrocytes aggregation is an important physiological phenomenon in the circulation of blood, and is a basic characteristic of normal blood that plays a major role in cardiovascular system especially in the microcirculation. Blood samples have been taken from (30) volunteers (15 male, and 15 female), their ages (20-30) years. The Erythrocytes Sedimentation Rate (ESR) for those subjects was measured at different Packed Cells Volume (PCV) (10%-25%), and also it was measured at different temperature (10oC-25oC). The results show that there was a highly significant decrease (P<0.01) in ESR when the PCV increase and a highly significant increase (P<0.01) in ESR when the temperatures increase. The conclusion from these results is that the ESR va

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical Study of Solar Chimney with Absorber at Different Locations

Heat transfer process and fluid flow in a solar chimney used for natural ventilation are investigated numerically in the present work. Solar chimney was tested by selecting different positions of absorber namely: at the back side, front side, and at the middle of the air gap. CFD analysis based on finite volume method is used to predict the thermal performance, and air flow in two dimensional solar chimney under unsteady state condition, to identify the effect of different parameters such as solar radiation. Results show that a solar chimney with absorber at the middle of the air gap gives better ventilation performance. A comparison between the numerical and previous experimental results shows fair agreement.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Study of Solar Still Under Influence of Various Conditions

In the present work, experimental tests was done to explain the effect of insulation and water level on the yield output. Linear basin, single slope solar still used to do this purpose. The test was done from May to August 2017 in Mosul City-Iraq (Latitude: Longitude: Elevation: 200 m, and  South-East face). Experimental results showed that the yield output of the still increased by 20.785% and 19.864% in case of using thermal insulation at 4cm and 5cm respectively, also the yield output decrease by 15.134% as the water level increase from 4 to 5cm, with the presence of insulation and 14.147% without it. It has been conclude that the insulation and water level play important role in the process of passive

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 13 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Preparation and studying of some properties of polymer composites reinforced with natural and artificial fibers

This work concerns the thermal and sound insulation as well as the mechanical properties of polymer matrix composite reinforced with glass fibers. These fibers may have dangerous effect during handling, for example the glass fibers might cause some damage to the eyes, lungs and even skin. For this reason the present work, investigates the behavior of polymer composite reinforced with natural fibers (Plant fibers) as replacement to glass fibers. Unsaturated Polyester resin was used as matrix material reinforced with two types of fibers, one of them is artificial (Glass fibers) and the other type is natural (Jute, Fronds Palm and Reed Fibers) by hand lay-up technique. All fibers are untreated with any chemical solvent. The Percentage of mi

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