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Calculation of the Magnetic Dipole and Electric Quadrupole Moments of some Sodium Isotopes using Shell Model with Skyrme Interaction
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         In the present work, the magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments for some sodium isotopes have been calculated using the shell model, considering the effect of the two-body effective interactions and the single-particle potentials. These isotopes are; 21Na (3/2+), 23Na (3/2+), 25Na (5/2+), 26Na (3+), 27Na (5/2+), 28Na (1+) and, 29Na (3/2+). The one-body transition density matrix elements (OBDM) have been calculated using the (USDA, USDB, HBUMSD and W) two-body effective interactions carried out in the sd-shell model space. The sd shell model space consists of the active 2s1/2, 1d5/2, and1d1/2 valence orbits above the inert 16O nucleus core, which remains closed. Skyrme interaction was implemented to generate the single-particle matrix elements with Hartree-Fock approximation and compared with those of harmonic oscillator and Wood-Saxon potentials. From the outcome of our investigation, it is possible to conclude that the shell model calculations with Skyrme-type interaction give a reasonable description for most of the selected Na isotopes. No significant difference was noticed for the magnetic dipole moments and electric quadrupole moments with experimental data, where all signs for the experimental data are reproduced correctly.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The tax planning and its effect on the investment: On sample of Iraqi Contribution Company
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The importance of the current study  lies in the  importance of the  Tax policy that  being considered one of the most important tools working on fulfilling  the  social,  financial  and economic  goals  and improving  the investment environment  in the country  to become  having the ability to  activate the  national economy. The current study  has  referred  that  (  Has  the  tax planning  practiced by  the Iraqi  contribution  companies  led to increase  the  far-term tax  outcome through  getting  benefit of   the monetary  funds  and expansion in&nbs

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 09 2019
Journal Name
Преподаватель ХХi век | مجلة الاستاذ في القرن الواحد و العشرين
Arabic borrowings in the Russian language and features of their actualization in the modern period
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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Morphological, histochemical and histological study of the ileum in the Iraqi Black Partridge (Francolinus francolinus)
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Abstract<p>Objective: This project aimed to study the morphological description and histological structure of ileum in Iraqi black partridge (<italic>Francolinus francolinus</italic>). Methods: To conduct this investigation, 20 healthy Iraqi black partridge were collected from local suppliers. Birds were euthanized, dissected and then specimens were processed for histological and histochemical staining techniques. Results: A morphological study showed that the ileum appears as a short narrow tubular structure. It extends from the wide end of the jejunum and ends in the Ileo-caecal junction region. Histologically, the wall ileum consists of four tunica mucosa, submucosa, muscularis and </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2022
Journal Name
Sport Tk-revista Euroamericana De Ciencias Del Deporte
Visual spatial attention and its impact on the accuracy of the diagonal spike in volleyball
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The primary aim of this research was to study visual spatial attention and its impact on the accuracy of the diagonal spike in volleyball. A total of 20 volleyball players of Baghdad participated in this study. The sample was homogeneous in terms of height, weight and age of the players. The tests used in the present study were: 1) Visual Spatial Attention Test. 2) Volleyball Spike Test. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher concluded that visual spatial attention has a significant impact on the accuracy of the diagonal spike in volleyball.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 11 2017
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The Theory of knowledge And Their Repercussions On the Journalistic Image In Electronic Designs Websites
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represent websites link support of human communicate and cohesion of cultures different depending on their languages and their environments around, it was the evolution of one of the most important means of communication of services for electronic networks, the Internet active role in containing the world Bbodqh science and knowledge to Taatlaqah cultures from which derives its intellectual and cognitive cupboards continuity and as a link language for each those environmental Altdadat, linguistic, religious, political, economic . We all know that these electronic means difficult promise ring intellectual and mental connectivity for the masses polarized without being of the image as an element Kravekaa supporter of the electronic media an

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Prevent administrative and financial corruption behaviors by activating the functions of the organizational immunity system
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The current research aims at testing the relationship between organizational immunity and preventing administrative and financial corruption (AFC) in Iraq. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences program (R& SPSS) was used to analyse the associated questionnaire data. The research problem has examined how to activate the functions of the organizational immune system to enable it to face organizational risks, attempt to prevent administrative and financial corruption, and access the mechanisms by which to develop organizational immunity. A sample of 161 individuals was taken who worked in the Directorate General of Education, Karbala. Also, it was concluded to a lack of memory function for organizational immunity. In a

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 13 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Life Cycle and Larval Development of Neoechinorhynchus iraqensis (Acanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae) in the Intermediate Host
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For the first time, the life cycle of Neoechinorhynchus iraqensis, a parasite of Liza abu and other freshwater fishes in Iraq and its larval development in the intermediate host, the copepod Cyclops hyalinus was given. Hatching took place in the intestine of the copepod host within 10 minutes of exposure to the infective eggs. Motile acanthor penetrated the wall of the intestine within 2-4 hr. after exposure and was found free in the hemocoel where it metamorphoses through the acanthella stage. Acanthella stage revealed changes in the entoblast where the anterior section gave rise to brain, proboscis and proboscis receptacle. The posterior section differentiation gave rise to the genital system. By  12 days, development in the copep

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Knowledge Management and Developing Human Resources in the Secretariat of the Central Library- Baghdad University
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Knowledge management contribute to the overall private university libraries to develop libraries for the purpose of creating human and technological resources by investing research and development, as well as education and training for life.
This study followed the methodology of the descriptive and historical pillars of knowledge management for the years 1990 to the present day in 2017, depending on statistical figures obtained by the researchers from the General Secretariat of the Central Library at the University of Baghdad, and the Human Resources Division, which specialized human resources training after 2004 (and before those years from 1982 until 2002, where the continuing education was committee of the fixed committees are wor

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Publication Date
Wed May 13 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Urban creep on the green areas and its environmental effects on the city of Baghdad
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he planning process is generally aimed at developing the city and making it meet the needs of different citizens. The green areas constitute one of the basic needs of the city and with the rapid and unusual growth in the size of cities, especially in the third world countries, which is often embodied in capitals. Which was achieved as a result of many reasons, including political, economic and social and even enshrined through some of the decisions that were issued and the city of Baghdad, but a clear example of these cities. The city and the environment are inseparable terms. The city is where people spend their lives and their daily experiences, and the environment is the center in w

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Scientific Research In Business Management And Economics
The profitability index and its role in evaluating the performance of specialized banks in Iraq.
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Central banks around the world typically use various financial indicators to evaluate performance. In Iraq, the indicators used by central banks to evaluate the performance of banks are of great importance to ensure that the banks operating within the Iraqi banking system comply with the regulatory and legal requirements issued by the Central Bank of Iraq or the Ministry of Finance. Given the need to study the profitability indicator to ensure its ability to evaluate the performance of specialized banks in Iraq, these banks carry out their banking activities and businesses through capital funded by the government. The use of profitability indicators in evaluating the performance of specialized banks provides information about the profitabil

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