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Study in Kinetics of Saponification Reaction of Diethyl Adipate with Sodium Hydroxide Solution under Reactive Distillation
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This research presents a new study in kinetics under reactive distillation by using consecutive two – step reaction : the saponification reaction of diethyl adipate with sodium hydroxide solution . The distillation process takes the role of withdrawing the intermediate product (sodium monoethyladipate SMA) which otherwise converts to the final product of low purity.The effect of three parameters were studied through a design of experiments applying 23 factorial design. These parameters were : the mole ratio of DA to NaOH solution (0.1 and 1) , NaOH solution concentration (3 N and 8 N) , and batch time (1.5 hr. and 3.5 hr.) . The conversion of DA to sodium monoethyladipate(SMA)(intermediate product) was the effect of these parameters which was detected .The results showed that increasing mole ratio of DA to NaOHsolution increases the conversionto a maximum value within the range of study.The effect of NaOH solution concentration decreases the conversion to a specified value within the range of study . The effect of batch time on conversion was decreasing the conversion to a specified value within the range of study . The maximum attainable conversion within the studied range of parameters was  eighteen fold of thebase case.Reaction rate constant k and the order of reaction n of first reaction weredetrminedusing the differential method . The study attempted to determine n and k under the maximum conversion condition obtained in this system which corresponds to : feed mole ratio of diethyl adipateDA to NaOH solution of 0.3,NaOH solution concentration of3 Nandtime of1.5 hr.The study showed that the reaction order was 1.5and reaction rate constant was 0.8m3/kmol.s at a temperature of 100

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2020
Journal Name
Heat Transfer
A parametric study of a photovoltaic panel with cylindrical fins under still and moving air conditions in Iraq
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Spectrophotometric Determination of Sulfamethoxazole Based on Charge-Transfer Complexation with Sodium Nitroprusside
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   A simple, accurate and precise spectrophotometric method has been developed for the analysis of sulfamethoxazole (SMZ) in pure form and pharmaceutical preparation. The method involves a direct charge transfer complexation of sulfamethoxazole (SMZ) with sodium nitroprusside (SNP) in alkaline medium and the presence of hydroxyl amine hydrochloride. Variables affecting the formation of the formed orange colored complex were optimized following two approaches univariate and central composite experimental design (CCD) multivariate. Under optimum recommended conditions, the formed complex exhibits λmax at 512 nm and the method conforms Beer's law for SMZ concentration in the range of 5.0-150.0 (µg.mL-1) with molar absorptivi

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2017
Journal Name
Global Journal Of Pure And Applied Mathematics
Solution of Modified Kuznetsov Model with Mixed Therapy
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In this paper two modifications on Kuznetsov model namely on growth rate law and fractional cell kill term are given. Laplace Adomian decomposition method is used to get the solution (volume of the tumor) as a function of time .Stability analysis is applied. For lung cancer the tumor will continue in growing in spite of the treatment.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Theoretical Study and calculation The cold Reaction Rate of Deuteron Fusion In Nickel Metal Using Bose–Einstein Condensate Theory
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In this paper, we focused on the investigated and studied the cold fusion reaction rate for D-D using the theory of Bose-Einstein condensation and depending on the quantum mechanics consideration. The quantum theory was based on the concept of single conventional of deuterons in Nickel-metal due to Bose-Einstein condensation, it has supplied a consistent description and explained of the experimental data. The analysis theory model has capable of explaining the physical behaviour of deuteron induced nuclear reactions in Nickel metals upon the five-star matter, it's the most expected for a quantitative predicted of the physical theory. Based on the Bose-Einstein condensation theorem formulation, we calculation the cold fusion reaction rate fo

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Isotherms and Kinetics Study for Adsorption of Nitrogen from Air using Zeolite Li-LSX to Produce Medical Oxygen
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This research investigates the adsorption isotherm and adsorption kinetics of nitrogen from air using packed bed of Li-LSX zeolite to get medical oxygen. Experiments were carried out to estimate the produced oxygen purity under different operating conditions: input pressure of 0.5 – 2.5 bar, feed flow rate of air of 2 – 10 L.min-1 and packing height of 9-16 cm. The adsorption isotherm was studied at the best conditions of input pressure of 2.5 bar, the height of packing 16 cm, and flow rate 6 Lmin-1 at ambient temperature, at these conditions   the highest purity of oxygen by this system 73.15 vol % of outlet gas was produced. Langmuir isotherm was the best models representing the experimental data., and the m

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 25 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The inhibitive action of Reactive Red (RR31) dye against corrosion of carbon steel in 1M acetic acid solution has been studied using gravimetric method at temperature ranged (288-318)K. The antibacterial activity for the different concentrations of RR31 dye against different bacterial species was studied. The experimental data indicates that this dye acts as a potential inhibitor for carbon-steel in acetic acid medium and the protection efficiency increase with increasing (RR31) dye. The adsorption of (RR31) dye on the carbon steel surface was found to follow Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Thermodynamic data for the adsorption process such as Gibbs free energy change ∆Gads, enthalpy change ∆Hads, and entropy change ∆Sads were estima

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Water, Air, And Soil Pollution
Sunflower Husks Coated with Copper Oxide Nanoparticles for Reactive Blue 49 and Reactive Red 195 Removals: Adsorption Mechanisms, Thermodynamic, Kinetic, and Isotherm Studies
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The adsorption process of reactive blue 49 (RB49) dye and reactive red 195 (RR195) dye from an aqueous solutions was explored using a novel adsorbent produced from the sunflower husks encapsulated with copper oxide nanoparticle (CSFH). Primarily, the features of a CSFH, such as surface morphology, functional groups, and structure, were characterized. It was determined that coating the sunflower husks with copper oxide nanoparticles greatly improved the surface and structural properties related to the adsorption capacity. The adsorption process was successful, with a removal efficiency of 97% for RB49 and 98% for RR195 under optimal operating conditions, contact time of 180 min, pH of 7, agitation speed of 150 rpm, initial dye concentration

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Crossref (16)
Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Study on Kinetic and Optimization of Continuous Advanced Oxidative Decolorization of Brilliant Reactive Red Dye
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The azo dye brilliant reactive red K-2BP (λmax = 534 nm) is widely used for coloring textiles because of its low-cost and tolerance fastness properties. Wastewaters treatment that contains the dye by conventional ways is usually inadequate due to its resistance to biological and chemical degradation. During this study, the continuous reactor of an advanced oxidation method supported the use of H2O2/sunlight, H2O2/UV, H2O2/TiO2/sunlight, and H2O2/TiO2/UV for decolorization of brilliant reactive red dye from the effluent. The existence of an optimum pH, H2O2 concentration, TiO2 concentration, and d

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Peppermint Oil Extraction from Peppermint Leaves
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This study aimed to extraction of essential oil from peppermint leaves by using hydro distillation methods. In the peppermint oil extraction with hydro distillation method is studied the effect of the extraction temperature to the yield of peppermint oil. Besides it also studied the kinetics during the extraction process. Then, 2nd -order mechanism was adopted in the model of hydro distillation for estimation many parameters such as the initial extraction rate, capacity of extraction and the constant rat of extraction with various temperature. The same model was also used to estimate the activation energy. The results showed a spontaneous process, since the  Gibbs free energy had a value negative sign.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Diffusion kinetics of Furfural adsorption onto Activated Carbon
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A range of batch experiments were carried out for the estimation of the key process parameters in adsorption of Furfural from aqueous solution onto activated carbon in fixed-bed adsorber. A batch absorber model has been used to determine the external mass transfer coefficient (kf) which equal to 6.24*10-5 m/s and diffusion coefficient (Dp) which equal to 9.875*10-10 m2/s for the Furfural system. The Langmuir model gave the best fit for the data at constant temperature (30oC). The pore diffusion mathematical model using nonlinear isotherm provides a good description of the adsorption of Furfural onto activated carbon.

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