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Removal of Vanadium and Nickel Ions from Iraqi Atmospheric Residue by Using Solvent Extraction Method
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Iraqi crude Atmospheric residual fraction supplied from al-Dura refinery was treated to remove metals contaminants by solvent extraction method, with various hydrocarbon solvents and concentrations. The extraction method using three different type solvent (n-hexane, n-heptane, and light naphtha) were found to be effective for removal of oil-soluble metals from heavy atmospheric residual fraction. Different solvents with using three different hydrocarbon solvents (n-hexane, n-heptane, and light naphtha) .different variables were studied solvent/oil ratios (4/1, 8/1, 10/1, 12/1, and 15/1), different intervals of perceptual (15, 30-60, 90 and 120 min) and different temperature (30, 45, 60 and 90 °C) were used. The metals removal percent were found depending on the yield of asphaltene. The solvent-oil ratio had important effects on the amount of metal removal. The metals removal was increased at increasing temperatures from 30 to 90 0C increases the metal ion precipitated. The highest Ni precipitated was 79.23 ppm using heptane at 90 0C while for V the highest value was 64.51 ppm using also heptane at 90 0C, while the mixing time decreased metals removal. With increasing asphalt yield, the removal of metal was more selective. Among the solvents used in the extraction treatment method, the highest Ni precipitated was 76 ppm using hexane at 150 ml solvent and showed the most promising results. Increasing mixing time increases metals removal for V, the highest value was 65.51 ppm using either heptane or light naphtha.

   The highest Ni precipitated was 78 ppm using heptane at 120 min while for V the highest value was 67 ppm using either heptane or light naphtha after 120 min.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
University students, the dialectic of unemployment and labor
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This research for university students dialectic unemployment and work, focusing on
serious discussion, accurate and provide opinions between specialists and those interested in
the university youth issues and identify them in the light of the dialectical relationship
between unemployment and work for the purpose interpreted accurate and access to reality
without coverage and linked to the movement of the changing society now and the situation
that is happening in Iraq, where the loss of the safety and the weakness of the determinants of
economic well-being and the decline of public and social health and the unemployment rate
security in the heart of - programs - and blocs parties that Tgtill public opinion in any

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
ascetic And the pleasures of the worldly life
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Because asceticism has a great impact on educating the human soul properly, according to what was mentioned in the Book and the Sunnah of the Prophet, and keeping it away from vices and what is devolving into it, and this world and its adornments keep the Muslim away from virtues and work with them in order to reach the Hereafter in which is the eternal bliss that God, peace be upon him, has prepared for the obedient. The two pious obedient ones. And because of the impact of this topic on the Islamic community and adorn it with good qualities. Likewise, I saw many Muslims who do not prefer the life of this world over the hereafter, and they began to fight over the world and enjoy its adornments, and they took pride in money, building, an

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Pharma Technology
Synthesis and Characterization of Some New Pyrazole Derivatives‏
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This work contain many steps starting from esterification of isophthalic acid to yield diester compound [I] which was converted to their acid hydrazide [II], then the later compound reacted with ethylacetoacetate to yield pyrazol-5-one compound [III]. Afterword added acetyl chloride to give the compound [IV], the reaction of this compound with theiosemicarbazide led to produce a new carbothioamide compound [V], which was reacted with ethyl chloro acetate to yield the thioxoimidazolidin compound [VI]. The condensation reactions of this compound with different substituted aldehyde give new alkene derivatives [VII] ad. The synthesized compounds were characterized by melting points, FT-IR, 1H-NMR and Mass spectroscopy.

Publication Date
Wed May 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
A Spectroscopic and structural study of FeCoSb alloy
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Fe, Co and Sb nanopowders were fruitfully prepared by electrical wire explosion method in Double distilled and de-ionized water (DDDW) media. The formation of iron, cobalt and antimony (FeCoSb) alloy nanopowder was monitored by X-ray diffraction. The x-ray diffraction pattern indicates that there are iron, cobalt and antimony peaks. Optical properties of this alloy nanoparticles were characterized by UV-Visible absorption spectra. The absorption peak position is shifted to the lower wavelengths when the current increases. That means the mean size of the nanoparticles controlled by changing the magnitude of the current. The surface morphological analysis is carried out by employing Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Particles with varies

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Publication Date
Tue May 12 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research
Synthesis and Biological Activity of New Imidazaldinone Derivatives
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A research include of synthesized five member ring, which has been synthesized by condensation of 2-(1-(4- hydroxyphenyl) ethylidene)hydrazine-1-carbothioamide[I] with α-chloro ethylacetate in sodium acetate (fused) to form ethyl 2-(4-(1-((4-oxo-2-thioxopyrrolidin-3-ylidene)hydrazono) ethyl)phenoxy)acetate [II]. After that reacted [II]with hydrazine hydrate to resulting compound [III]. Compound [III] was refluxed with 4-aminobenzoicacid in excess of phosphorus oxy chloride give compound [IV],the later compound [IV] interact with acetyl acetone or ethylacetoacetate give to pyrazole and pyrazoline derivatives[V],[VI]. While when reacted with different aromatic aldehydes and one ketone consistence Schiff base derivatives [VII]a-e . The FTIR a

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 02 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research
Synthesis, characterization and Study Bioactivity of Silver Nanocomposites
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Mar 12 2017
Journal Name
the director and the technique of theatrical extemporization
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Extemporization is the ability of the actor to reflect his internal being. It gives a sort of confidence and an ability to show the personal countenance of the role away from tension and rigidity. By extemporization, it is possible to deal with and criticize the real living life so it is an intellectual, emotional, sensual, and perceptive process connected with the psychological energy and the emotional memory and all this goes under the control of the director and his instigations and instructions depending on what the text involves of intellectual, social and psychological motivators so it primarily depends on talent, chance and discussion. The research involves four chapters; the first contains the problem

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2001
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Liquid-Liquid Equilibria of N-Methylpyrrolidone and Hydrocarbon
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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Pharma Technology
Synthesis and Characterization of Some New Pyrazole Derivatives
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This work contain many steps starting from esterification of isophthalic acid to yield diester compound [I] which was converted to their acid hydrazide [II], then the later compound reacted with ethylacetoacetate to yield pyrazol-5-one compound [III]. Afterword added acetyl chloride to give the compound [IV], thereaction of this compound with theiosemicarbazide ledto produce a new carbothioamide compound [V], Which was reacted with ethyl chloro acetate to yield thethioxoimidazolidin compound [VI]. The condensation reaction of this compound with different substituted aldehyde give new alkene derivatives[VII]a-d. The synthesized compounds were characterized by melting points , FT-IR ,1H-NMR and Mass spectroscopy .

Publication Date
Sun Nov 20 2016
Journal Name
مجلة كلية التربية الاساسية
The secret of Repentance and Confession in Christianity
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The reason for studying (The secret of Repentance and Confession in Christianity) goes back to the deep roots of repentance in all religions, specially the three revealed religions, and those who adhere to them. The human psych by nature is incessantly demanding sins and the wrong deeds. It is in need of repentance which God has opened for them. Almighty God is happy when his creatures repent and refrain from sinning. This is the reason for success in life and the hereafter and the principle of the happiness. It is also a condition for the good course. Therefore, man should refrain from sinning and feel regret for committing sins forever.

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