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Treating Wet Oil in Amara Oil Field Using Nanomaterial (SiO2) With Different Types of De emulsifiers

One of the most important problems in the oil production process and when its continuous flow, is emulsified oil (w/o emulsion), which in turn causes many problems, from the production line to the extended pipelines that are then transported to the oil refining process. It was observed that the nanomaterial (SiO2) supported the separation process by adding it to the emulsion sample and showed a high separation rate with the demulsifiers (RB6000) and (sebamax) where the percentage of separation was greater than (90 and 80 )%  respectively, and less than that when dealing with (Sodium dodecyl sulfate and Diethylene glycol), the percentage of separation was (60% and 50%) respectively.

   The high proportion of (NaCl + distilled water) raises the probability of the separation efficiency as the separation was (88.5,79)% and (65.5, 55) %  for (RB6000, SebaMax)respectively with (SiO2) at 70 °C, while the results of separation were (77,85)% and (65,40)  for (RB6000, Seba Max) respectively with (SiO2) at 50 °C after 120 minutes, where the (w/o ratio) was (9:1) for the high separation results and (7:3) for the lower separation results, at a speed of (12000rpm), and with a salt concentration of (1500) ppm, and less of these results at lower volumetric and temporal conditions. The (NaCl) salt deals with the wall films separating the droplets and reduces their viscosity [1].

   As for the pH factor, it is at the value (2 and 3) represent a stable emulsion that is difficult to separate easily, but with the passage of raising the pH away from the acidic medium and near to the basic direction, a significant increase in the separation process was observed compared with the acidic medium at lower values, after 120 minutes the separation seemed to be good efficient, reaching (60 and 70) % respectively, while at the same time the emulsion reached a more efficient separation level with a pH of (  8 and 7) equal to (80 and 87.3)  %, at 50 °C with SebaMax demulsifier in presence of (SiO2), and with the same pH values, an increase was observed in the separation with the increase in temperature to (70 °C), then it returns to be a reverse emulsifier when the value exceeds (10) to (11, 12, 13).

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 05 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Building Pathology And Adaptation
Adaptation re-use of traditional cafés in Erbil, Iraq

This paper aims to shed light on adaptive reuse in traditional architecture (TA) in Erbil, Iraq.


An inductive approach and qualitative method were used in this study. The inductive research approach was used because there was no clear image of adaptive reuse in traditional cafés (TCs) in Erbil. Besides, there are no studies of TCs in Erbil particularly. Thus, there is a lack of knowledge about what adaptations took place in TCs in Erbil. The qualitative method extracted themes and issues from case studies of four TCs in Erbil citadel'

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 02 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Deep Learning of Diabetic Retinopathy Classification in Fundus Images

Diabetic retinopathy is an eye disease in diabetic patients due to damage to the small blood vessels in the retina due to high and low blood sugar levels. Accurate detection and classification of Diabetic Retinopathy is an important task in computer-aided diagnosis, especially when planning for diabetic retinopathy surgery. Therefore, this study aims to design an automated model based on deep learning, which helps ophthalmologists detect and classify diabetic retinopathy severity through fundus images. In this work, a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) with transfer learning and fine tunes has been proposed by using pre-trained networks known as Residual Network-50 (ResNet-50). The overall framework of the proposed

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Anatomical features of Fraxinus ornus L. growing in Iraq

Fraxinus ornus L. is considered as a special species that is frequently planted as a decorative tree in most of the country. The cross-sections of the root and stem are circular in shape and in the secondary growth stage, the vascular tissue in the root and stem consists of secondary xylem in radial rows and the type of vessels in the xylem are ring pours wood. Epidermal cells of leaves undulate on the upper and lower side, hairs are uniseriate and unicellular and the stomata appeared in the abaxial surface only is anomocytic type. The vertical-section of blade leaf includes upper epidermis and lower epidermis followed by the palisade layer and spongy layers. The cross-section of petiole horseshoe shape and the vascular bundles are cover

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 11 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Mythical Reference in the Poetry of Nabil Yassin

The Mythical Reference in the Poetry of Nabil Yassin

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Water Pollution And Management Practices
Existence of Antibiotics in Wastewater as a Pollution Indicator

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
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الدراسات اللغوية والترجمية
Lexico ӓsemantic groupings of words in lexical language subsystem

Words in a language do not exist in isolation but in close connection with each other ,teaming up in one way or another known to the Russian semasiology M. M. Pokrovsky , one of the first to realize the systematic nature of the lexicon, wrote about the second half of the nineteenth century : „the Words and their meanings do not live separate from each other life, but are joined together in our minds), regardless of our consciousness to different groups , and the basis for grouping is the similarity or direct contrast in the main value.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)

    The present work provides a list of all amphibians and reptiles recorded from Iraq up to 2014. It includes 115 species (105 species of reptiles and 10 species of amphibians) dating back to 25 families (20 families of reptiles and 5 families of amphibians). Conservation status of each species was mentioned.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Manegment of the medical waste in the kindy hospital

The problem of medical waste over the past tow decades has emerged as one of the most important issues.

Which have negative effects on health and the environment ,and as a result specialists looked into the field.

Public health and research issues . This phenomenon in all its dimensions and efforts made For their containment through the development of health and environmental controls for the disposal of such wastes.

In a safe manner starting form the source of these wastes and the various health organizations are  finished The final treatment ,and this is why the producers of hazardous medical waste.        &nb

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Nanosuspensions of Selexipag: Formulation, Characterization, and in vitro Evaluation

Selexipag is an orally selective long-acting prostacyclin receptor agonist, which indicated for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension. It is practically insoluble in water ( class II, according to BCS). This work aims to prepare and optimized Selexipag nanosuspensions to achieve an enhancement in the in vitro dissolution rate. The solvent antisolvent precipitation method was used for the production of nanosuspension, and the effect of formulation parameters (stabilizer type, drug: stabilizer ratio, and use of co-stabilizer) and process parameter (stirring speed) on the particle size and polydispersity index were studied. SLPNS prepared with Soluplus® as amain stabilizer (F15) showed the smallest particle size 47nm wi

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Surgery Open
Incidence of differentiated thyroid carcinoma in multinodular goiter patients

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