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Petrophysical Properties of Khasib Formation in East Baghdad Oil Field Southern Area
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Petrophysical properties evaluation from well log analysis has always been crucial for the identification and assessment of hydrocarbon bearing zones. East Baghdad field is located 10 km east of Baghdad city, where the southern area includes the two southern portions of the field, Khasib formation is the main reservoir of East Baghdad oil field.

In this paper, well log data of nine wells have been environmentally corrected, where the corrected data used to determine lithology, shale volume, porosity, and water saturation. Lithology identified by two methods; neutron-density and M-N matrix plots, while the shale volume estimated by single shale indicator and dual shale indicator, The porosity is calculated from the three common porosity logs; density log, neutron log, and sonic log, the water saturation is calculated by Indonesian model and Archie equation, and the results of the two methods were compared with the available core data to check the validity of the calculation.

The results show that the main lithology in the reservoir is limestone, shale volume ranged between 0.152 to 0.249, porosity between 0.147 to 0.220, and water saturation from 0.627 to 0.966, the high-water saturation indicate that the water quantity is the determining factor of the reservoir units.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 31 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Evaluating Petrophysical Properties of Sa'di Reservoir in Halfaya Oil Field
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The petrophysical characteristics of five wells drilled into the Sa'di Formation in the Halfaya oil field were evaluated using IP software to determine a reservoir and explore hydrocarbon reserve zones. The lithology was evaluated using the M-N cross-plot method. The diagram showed that the Sa'di Formation was mainly composed of calcite (represented by the limestone region) is the main mineral in the Sa′di Reservoir. Using a density-neutron cross plot to identify the lithology showed that the formation mainly consists of limestone with minor shale. Gamma-ray logs were employed to calculate the shale quantity in each well. The porosity at weak hole intervals was calculated using a sonic log and neutron-density log at the reservoir

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Scopus (1)
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Reservoir units of Mishrif Formation in Majnoon Oil field, Southern Iraq
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The reservoir units of Mishrif Formation in Majnoon oil field were studied by using available wireline logs (gamma ray, porosity and resistivity) and facies that derived from core and cutting samples for three wells including Mj-1, Mj-15, and Mj-20. The reservoir properties were determined and interpreted by using IP software. The results showed that unit D have the best reservoir properties due to high effective porosity, low water saturation and very low volume of shale. Furthermore, a large part of this unit was deposited in shoal environment. The other reservoir units are then graded in reservoir properties including units B, A, F & E respectively, except unit C, which is considered as a cap unit, because it consists of rest

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Scopus (13)
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Estimation of the Petrophysical Properties of the Lower Cretaceous Yamama (YC) Formation in Siba Field
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   In southern Iraq, the Yamama Formation has been a primary carbonate resource since the Lower Cretaceous era. This study covers Siba Field, which is located in southeastern Iraq. This paper will be devoted to a YC unit of study. The most crucial step in reservoir management is petrophysical characterization. The primary goal of this research is to assess the reservoir features and lithology of the Yamama (YC) Formation in the Siba region. Accessible excellent logs include sonic, density, neutron, gamma-ray, SP, and resistivity readings. The Interactive Petrophysics (IP4.4) program examined and estimated petrophysical features such as clay volume, porosity, and water saturation. The optimum approach was the neutron density and clay vo

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Estimation of Petrophysical Properties for Zubair Reservoir in Abu-Amood Oil Field
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The petrophysical analysis is significant to determine the parameters controlling the production wells and the reservoir quality. In this study, Using Interactive petrophysics software to analyze the petrophysical parameters of five wells penetrated the Zubair reservoir in the Abu-Amood field to evaluate a reservoir and search for hydrocarbon zones. The available logs data such as density, sonic, gamma ray, SP, neutron, and resistivity logs for wells AAm-1, AAm-2, AAm-3, AAm-4, and AAm-5 were used to determine the reservoir properties in Zubair reservoir. The density-neutron and neutron-sonic cross plots, which appear as lines with porosity scale ticks, are used to distinguish between the three main lithologies of sandstone, limesto

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Advanced Technique of Rock Typing Characterization of Mishrif Formation, Amara Oil Field in Southern Iraq
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Reservoir rock typing integrates geological, petrophysical, seismic, and reservoir data to identify zones with similar storage and flow capacities. Therefore, three different methods to determine the type of reservoir rocks in the Mushrif Formation of the Amara oil field. The first method represents cluster analysis, a statistical method that classifies data points based on effective porosity, clay volume, and sonic transient time from well logs or core samples. The second method is the electrical rock type, which classifies reservoir rocks based on electrical resistivity. The permeability of rock types varies due to differences in pore geometry, mineral composition, and fluid saturation. Resistivity data are usually obtained from w

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
A Predictive Model for Estimating Unconfined Compressive Strength from Petrophysical Properties in the Buzurgan Oilfield, Khasib Formation, Using Log Data
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Unconfined compressive strength (UCS) of rock is the most critical geomechanical property widely used as input parameters for designing fractures, analyzing wellbore stability, drilling programming and carrying out various petroleum engineering projects. The USC regulates rock deformation by measuring its strength and load-bearing capacity. The determination of UCS in the laboratory is a time-consuming and costly process. The current study aims to develop empirical equations to predict UCS using regression analysis by JMP software for the Khasib Formation in the Buzurgan oil fields, in southeastern Iraq using well-log data. The proposed equation accuracy was tested using the coefficient of determination (R²), the average absolute

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Second International Conference On Innovations In Software Architecture And Computational Systems (isacs 2022)
Permeability estimation of Yamama formation in a Southern Iraqi oil field, case study
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Permeability is one of the essential petrophysical properties of rocks, reflecting the rock's ability to pass fluids. It is considered the basis for building any model to predict well deliverability. Yamama formation carbonate rocks are distinguished by sedimentary cycles that separate formation into reservoir units and insulating layers, a very complex porous system caused by secondary porosity due to substitute and dissolution processes. Those factors create permeability variables and vary significantly. Three ways used for permeability calculation, the firstly was the classical method, which only related the permeability to the porosity, resulting in a weak relationship. Secondly, the flow zone indicator (FZI) was divided reservoir into

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Scopus (3)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Petrophysical Analysis Based on Well Logging Data for Tight Carbonate Reservoir: The SADI Formation Case in Halfaya Oil Field
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Carbonate reservoirs are an essential source of hydrocarbons worldwide, and their petrophysical properties play a crucial role in hydrocarbon production. Carbonate reservoirs' most critical petrophysical properties are porosity, permeability, and water saturation. A tight reservoir refers to a reservoir with low porosity and permeability, which means it is difficult for fluids to move from one side to another. This study's primary goal is to evaluate reservoir properties and lithological identification of the SADI Formation in the Halfaya oil field. It is considered one of Iraq's most significant oilfields, 35 km south of Amarah. The Sadi formation consists of four units: A, B1, B2, and B3. Sadi A was excluded as it was not filled with h

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Petrophysical Properties and Well Log Interpretations of Tertiary Reservoir in Khabaz Oil Field / Northern Iraq
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The aim of this study is interpretation well logs to determine Petrophysical properties of tertiary reservoir in Khabaz oil field using IP software (V.3.5). The study consisted of seven wells which distributed in Khabaz oilfield. Tertiary reservoir composed from mainly several reservoir units. These units are : Jeribe, Unit (A), Unit (A'), Unit (B), Unit (BE), Unit (E),the Unit (B) considers best reservoir unit because it has good Petrophysical properties (low water saturation and high porous media ) with high existence of hydrocarbon in this unit. Several well logging tools such as Neutron, Density, and Sonic log were used to identify total porosity, secondary porosity, and effective porosity in tertiary reservoir. For

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Development of East Baghdad Oil Field By Clusters of Horizontal Wells
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There are varieties of reasons lead for drilling horizontal wells rather than verticals. Increasing the recovery of oil, especially from thin or tight reservoir permeability is the most important parameter. East Baghdad oil field considered as a giant field with approximately more than 1billion barrel of a proved reserves accompanying recently to low production rate problems in many of the existing wells.    It is important to say that presence of of  horizontal wells in East Baghdad field especially by converting some of already drilled wells by re-entry drilling horizontal sections may provide one of best solutions for the primary development stage in East Baghdad field which may be followed by drilling new horizont

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