The paper generates a geological model of a giant Middle East oil reservoir, the model constructed based on the field data of 161 wells. The main aim of the paper was to recognize the value of the reservoir to investigate the feasibility of working on the reservoir modeling prior to the final decision of the investment for further development of this oilfield. Well log, deviation survey, 2D/3D interpreted seismic structural maps, facies, and core test were utilized to construct the developed geological model based on comprehensive interpretation and correlation processes using the PETREL platform. The geological model mainly aims to estimate stock-tank oil initially in place of the reservoir. In addition, three scenarios were applie
... Show MoreThis research was aimed to determine the petrophysical properties (porosity, permeability and fluid saturation) of a reservoir. Petrophysical properties of the Shuiaba Formation at Y field are determined from the interpretation of open hole log data of six wells. Depending on these properties, it is possible to divide the Shuiaba Formation which has thickness of a proximately 180-195m, into three lithological units: A is upper unit (thickness about 8 to 15 m) involving of moderately dolomitized limestones; B is a middle unit (thickness about 52 to 56 m) which is composed of dolomitic limestone, and C is lower unit ( >110 m thick) which consists of shale-rich and dolomitic limestones. The results showed that the average formation water
... Show MoreBuilding a geological model is an essential and primary step for studying the reservoir’s hydrocarbon content and future performance. A three-dimensional geological model of the Asmari reservoir in Abu- Ghirab oil field including structure, stratigraphy, and reservoir petrophysical properties, has been constructed in the present work. As to underlying Formations, striking slip faults developed at the flank and interlayer normal. Abu Ghirab oilfields are located on the eastern anticlinal band, which has steadily plunged southward. 3D seismic interpretation results are utilized to build the fault model for 43 faults of the Asmari Formation in Abu Ghirab Oilfield. A geographic facies model with six different rock facies types
... Show MoreThe Zubair reservoir in the Abu-Amood field is considered a shaly sand reservoir in the south of Iraq. The geological model is created for identifying the facies, distributing the petrophysical properties and estimating the volume of hydrocarbon in place. When the data processing by Interactive Petrophysics (IP) software is completed and estimated the permeability reservoir by using the hydraulic unit method then, three main steps are applied to build the geological model, begins with creating a structural, facies and property models. five zones the reservoirs were divided (three reservoir units and two cap rocks) depending on the variation of petrophysical properties (porosity and permeability) that results from IP software interpr
... Show MoreAs the reservoir conditions are in continuous changing during its life, well production rateand its performance will change and it needs to re-model according to the current situationsand to keep the production rate as high as possible.Well productivity is affected by changing in reservoir pressure, water cut, tubing size andwellhead pressure. For electrical submersible pump (ESP), it will also affected by numberof stages and operating frequency.In general, the production rate increases when reservoir pressure increases and/or water cutdecreases. Also the flow rate increase when tubing size increases and/or wellhead pressuredecreases. For ESP well, production rate increases when number of stages is increasedand/or pump frequency is
... Show MoreTight reservoirs have attracted the interest of the oil industry in recent years according to its significant impact on the global oil product. Several challenges are present when producing from these reservoirs due to its low to extra low permeability and very narrow pore throat radius. Development strategy selection for these reservoirs such as horizontal well placement, hydraulic fracture design, well completion, and smart production program, wellbore stability all need accurate characterizations of geomechanical parameters for these reservoirs. Geomechanical properties, including uniaxial compressive strength (UCS), static Young’s modulus (Es), and Poisson’s ratio (υs), were measured experimentally using both static and dynamic met
... Show MoreMishrif Formation is the main reservoir in Amara Oil Field. It is divided into three units (MA, TZ1, and MB12). Geological model is important to build reservoir model that was built by Petrel -2009. FZI method was used to determine relationship between porosity and permeability for core data and permeability values for the uncored interval for Mishrif formation. A reservoir simulation model was adopted in this study using Eclipse 100. In this model, production history matching executed by production data for (AM1, AM4) wells since 2001 to 2015. Four different prediction cases have been suggested in the future performance of Mishrif reservoir for ten years extending from June 2015 to June 2025. The comparison has been mad
... Show MoreIncreasing hydrocarbon recovery from tight reservoirs is an essential goal of oil industry in the recent years. Building real dynamic simulation models and selecting and designing suitable development strategies for such reservoirs need basically to construct accurate structural static model construction. The uncertainties in building 3-D reservoir models are a real challenge for such micro to nano pore scale structure. Based on data from 24 wells distributed throughout the Sadi tight formation. An application of building a 3-D static model for a tight limestone oil reservoir in Iraq is presented in this study. The most common uncertainties confronted while building the model were illustrated. Such as accurate estimations of cut-off permeab
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