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Phenyl Thiourea as Corrosion Inhibitor for Mild Steel in Strong Hydrochloric Acid
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The inhibitive action of Phenyl Thiourea (PTU) on the corrosion of mild steel in strong Hydrochloric acid, HCl, has been investigated by weight loss and potentiostatic polarization. The effect of PTU concentration, HCl concentration, and temperature on corrosion rate of mild steel were verified using 2 levels factorial design and surface response analysis through weight loss approach, while the electrochemical measurements were used to study the behavior of mild steel in 5-7N HCl at temperatures 30, 40 and 50 °C, in absence and presence of PTU. It was verified that all variables and their interaction were statistically significant. The adsorption of (PTU) is found to obey the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The effect of temperature on the adsorption process showed that the adsorption process is exothermic, spontaneous and represents mixed chemical and physical adsorption for PTU on the metal surface.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 03 2018
Journal Name
Dramatic Utilization of Close-up in Horror Movies
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A cinematic shot is the basis of the film, regardless of the size, angle, or motion of this shot. However, the size of the footage and the process of showing or hiding the scene or cinematic personality has a certain speciality   related to the nature of cinematic treatment and the type of the movie especially those characterized by the employment of the close-ups to induce   ambiguity or spread the mental image of the dramatic events and this relationship between the close-up and horror films is what prompted the researcher to identify the title of the search as follows:


Dramatic utilization of Close-Up in Horror Movies

The research is divided as follows:

The methodological fram

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 03 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Media,culture And Communication
Examination of Hostility in Critical Media Discourse Analysis
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This paper provides a review of scholarly research on the depiction of hostility in critical media discourse analysis. The study is intended to analyze how hostility is differently portrayed and manifested in media discourse. The review begins by defining the multifaceted concept of hostility, encompassing cognitive, emotive, and behavioral dimensions. It then outlines the systematic process used to identify, gather and purposely select 30 relevant articles to hostility in media discourse. The method involves selecting 100 initial articles and gradually refining them to 30 articles that specifically address the themes of racism, anger, hate speech, prejudice, and aggression. These articles are sourced from diverse academic journals

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of concurrent engineering in cost optimization
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     The research aims to study and analysis of concurrent engineering (CE) and cost optimization (CO), and the use of concurrent engineering inputs to outputs to improve the cost, and the statement of the role of concurrent engineering in improving the quality of the product, and achieve savings in the design and manufacturing time and assembly and reduce costs, as well as employing some models to determine how much the savings in time, including the model (Lexmark) model (Pert) to determine the savings in design time for manufacturing and assembly time.

To achieve the search objectives, the General Company for Electrical and Electronic Industries \ Refrigerated Engine

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Sports Marketing in Customer Value
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Sports marketing is one of the most important areas to attract capital and the most important economic activities at the present time and the sports field is one of the most important areas that can be used in marketing products and services and the need for sports marketing in Iraq is shown to increase the benefits and returns of sports clubs due to a lack of material resource and weakness In the available capabilities presented to it. The research problem was the lack of sufficient knowledge of the role of sports marketing in the value of the customer by members of the administrative body of Iraqi sports clubs. The research aims to know the role of sports marketing in the value of the customer in the Iraqi Premier League clubs.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
the circulation of power in Iraq after 2003
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The deliberation and exchanged of power is a matter of political importance For the Iraqi political system after 2003, The deliberation of power and its democratic transition and electoral integrity Is a good indicator of political stability and progress In the Iraqi parliamentary political system , The transfer of authority in terms of adopting the deliberative approach represents a structural and institutional dimension of the political process , it led the power to become Authority of the Foundation Exercised in accordance with the Constitution and the law not real power , And lead to the recognition of the existence of an official parliamentary opposition and its right to take political power later through the ballot box Makes the pr

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2016
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Intent in the Holy Quran (meanings and connotations)
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The most honorable of science was what was related to the book of God, the Almighty, the Constitution of this nation and the way of its guidance and method of advancement there is no life except for him and safety only by its application and it is no secret to the competent studies of the importance of the subjective studies in the Koranic studies to address issues of great importance enlighten the path of the nation and revive From here comes the importance of the topic covered by the research, which is "Intent in the Holy Quran meanings and semantics", and this topic features features that made it worthy of writing, including the importance of clarifying theories of Qur'anic character of a systematic nature, such as the theory of inten

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Analysis of Stuck Pipe Incidents in Khabaz Field
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There are many events which causes nonproductive time (NPT) in the drilling industry. The mostly effective in this NPT is pipe sticking event. A considerable amount of time and resources can be spent in efforts to free a stuck pipe. In addition, Unsuccessful fishing operations results in costly alternatives including side-tracking. The drilling in Khabaz oil field poses many operational challenges among of them stuck pipe , lost circulation, flow of salt water during drilling, and hole caving. Stuck pipe can be considered the quite difficult problem in Khabaz oil field due to associated incidents which lead to NPT activities.Well Khabaz -34 was selected to study the problem of stuck pipe in this field. An analysis of stuck pipe even

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
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Melodic and Rhythmic Construction of Monologues in Iraq
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The research studies the melodic and rhythmic characteristics of monologue, in addition to how it was transferred from the Arab homeland to Iraq and   reviewed its most prominent performers, as well as a review     of the monologue types and their propagation in the Arab homeland such as comical, dramatic, and political and guidance monologues. 

The methodological framework included: the problem of the research, the importance of the research and the objective of the research which is to uncover the melodic and rhythmic structure of the monologue in Iraq.   The limits of the research included the objective limit tackling the  art of monologue and the spatial limit which is Baghdad

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 02 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Fuzzy control of mobile robot in slippery environment
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The problem of independent motion control of mobile robot (МR) in conditions when unforeseen changes of conditions of interaction of wheels with a surface are considered. An example of such changes can be sudden entrance МR a slippery surface. The deployment of an autonomous unmanned ground vehicle for field applications provides the means by which the risk to personnel can be minimized and operational capabilities improved. In rough terrain, it is critical for mobile robots to maintain good wheel traction. Wheel slip could cause the rover to lose control and become trapped. This paper describes the application of fuzzy control to a feedback system within slippery environment. The study is conducted on an example of М

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Haughtiness and the Humility in Al Koran
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What the research come to:
1- The presentation of the image of the proud person in this
mortal life appeared in several styles such as (conversation)
arousing the insert once and convincing in other time,
(confirmation) in all its types، (argument) scolding with the
gradual progress of time of the discourse .Interview and
parallelism are two of these styles with the presences of the
repetition style especially in the topics that has a reference to
the theme of (pride) being implied not directly stated. The
Koran discourse varied in its reference to the theme of pride
according to the context which is mentioned directly
(eighteen times) which formed one third of the number of

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