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Reinforcement Steel Corrosion Reduction by Using Fly Ash from South Baghdad Power Plant
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Corrosion- induced damage in reinforced concrete structure such as bridges, parking garages, and buildings, and the related cost for maintaining them in a serviceable condition, is a source of major concern for the owners of these structures.
Fly ash produced from south Baghdad power plant with different concentrations (20, 25 and 30) % by weight from the cement ratio were used as a corrosion inhibitor as a weight ratio from the cement content.
The concrete batch ratio under study was (1:1.5:3) cement, sand and gravel respectively which is used in Iraq. All the raw materials used were locally manufactured.
Concrete slabs (250x250x70) mm dimensions were casted, using Poly-wood molds. Two steel bars were embedded in the central position of each slab at the mid- height (about 35 mm), with a space of 100 mm between each other.
A 16 concrete slabs were prepared (0, 20, 25 and 30) wt. % of fly ash. The specimens were partially immersed in 3.5 wt. % NaCl solution in order to predict the corrosion.
Half-cell potential test technique was used to estimate the corrosion rate which is occurred in the steel bar due to the migration of chloride ions through the concrete, depending on the ASTM C876-08.
The result shows that the potential values of steel in concrete were shifts to the positive direction with increasing the percentage of fly ash, because the reduction of porosity by the addition of fly ash which fill the pores and inhibit the chloride ions to reach to steel.
The results also show that the further increase of fly ash (30%) the possibility of carbonation is increased which result in reduction its alkalinity, thereby permitting corrosion of embedded steel.

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm with System Reduction and Restoration for Rapid and Reliable Power Flow Solution of Power Systems
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The paper presents a highly accurate power flow solution, reducing the possibility of ending at local minima, by using Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm (RCGA) with system reduction and restoration. The proposed method (RCGA) is modified to reduce the total computing time by reducing the system in size to that of the generator buses, which, for any realistic system, will be smaller in number, and the load buses are eliminated. Then solving the power flow problem for the generator buses only by real-coded GA to calculate the voltage phase angles, whereas the voltage magnitudes are specified resulted in reduced computation time for the solution. Then the system is restored by calculating the voltages of the load buses in terms

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Role of Filamentous Bacteria Streptomyces sp. in Reduction of Some Nutrients Concentrations in AL- Restomia Waste water Treatment Plant, Baghdad -Iraq
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The role of filamentous bacteria represented by Streptomycessp was studied as biological treatment for activated sludge AL- Restomia treatment unit in Baghdad city. The result shows reducing in phosphate concentration where apprise in started entrance the treatment unit 12.083 mg/L fast the unit stages reached to 8.426 mg /L where nitrate concentration apprises 3.59 mg/l and ending in 2.43 mg/L The concentration of ammonia apprises 1358 mg/L and reached to 140 mg/L. also the TDS concentration reduced from 1426 to 1203 mg/L where nutrient which represented (SO4, Mg, Ca, Na, K) reduced by range 30.883- 23.337 , 194- 121 , 440- 321 , 109.03- 101.53 and 16.85- 15.4mg/L respectively COD reduce from427.263- 82mg/L with absorbance0.018- 0.027

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Corrosion Inhibition of Carbon Steel in Hydrochloric Acid under Dynamic Conditions
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In this work, studying the effect of ethylenediamine as a corrosion inhibitor was investigated for carbon steel in aerated HCl solution in range of 0.1-1N under dynamic conditions, i.e., rotational velocity of 400–1200 rpm in the temperature range 35 – 65 ºC.  Weight loss method was employed in absence and presence of the inhibitor as an adsorption type in concentration range 1000 – 5000 ppm using rotating cylinder specimens. The experimental results showed that corrosion rate in absence and presence of inhibitor is increased with increasing temperature, rotational velocity and concentration of acid. It is decreased with increasing inhibitor concentration for the whole range of temperature, rotational velocity and concentrati

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 26 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Corrosion And Scale Inhibition
Synthesis of polysulfanilamide by electro polymerization and its corrosion protective properties on 316L stainless steel in 0.2 M HCl
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The electrochemical polymerization of the monomer sulfanilamide (SAM) in an aqueous solution at room temperature produces polysulfanilamide (PSAM). The Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was used to investigate the properties of the prepared polymer layer that generated on the stainless steel (St.S) surface (working electrode) and Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) was used to characterize the morphology, topology, and detailed surface structure of polymer layer that generated on the surface. The corrosion behavior of uncoated and coated St.S were evaluated by using the electrochemical polarization method in a 0.2 M HCl solution and a temperature range of 293–323 K, the anticorrosion action of the polymer coating on stainless steel

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Scopus (4)
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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Desalination And Water Treatment
Wastewater remediation using activated carbon derived from Alhagi plant
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This work focuses on the use of biologically produced activated carbon for improving the physi-co-chemical properties of water samples obtained from the Tigris River. An eco-friendly and low-cost activated carbon was prepared from the Alhagi plant using potassium hydroxide (KOH) as an impregnation agent. The prepared activated carbon was characterised using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy to determine the functional groups that exist on the raw material (Alhagi plant) and Alhagi activated carbon (AAC). Scanning electron microscope–energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscope was also used to investigate the surface shape and the elements that compose the powder. Brunauer–Emmett–Teller surface area analysis was used to evaluate the spe

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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
Effect of welding heat input on corrosion rate of sprinkler irrigation piping joints by tig welding used in South of Iraq
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Publication Date
Fri Oct 02 2009
Journal Name
Noise And Health
Expert system to predict effects of noise pollution on operators of power plant using neuro-fuzzy approach
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Ration power plants, to generate power, have become common worldwide. One such one is the steam power plant. In such plants, various moving parts of heavy machines generate a lot of noise. Operators are subjected to high levels of noise. High noise level exposure leads to psychological as well physiological problems; different kinds of ill effects. It results in deteriorated work efficiency, although the exact nature of work performance is still unknown. To predict work efficiency deterioration, neuro-fuzzy tools are being used in research. It has been established that a neuro-fuzzy computing system helps in identification and analysis of fuzzy models. The last decade has seen substantial growth in development of various neuro-fuzzy systems

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Scopus (2)
Crossref (1)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Reduction of Concentrating Poisonous Metallic Radicals from Industrial Wastewater by Forward and Reverse Osmosis
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The research aims to use a new technology for industrial water concentrating that contains poisonous metals and recovery quantities from pure water. Therefore, the technology investigated is the forward osmosis process (FO). It is a new process that use membranes available commercial and this process distinguishes by its low cost compared to other process. Sodium chloride (NaCl) was used as draw solution to extract water from poisonous metals solution. The driving force in the FO process is provided by a different in osmotic pressure (concentration) across the membrane between the draw and poisonous metals solution sides. Experimental work was divided into three parts. The first part includes operating the forward osmosis process using T

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Wed Apr 19 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Corrosion and Corrosion Inhibition of α-Brass by Thiourea
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The corrosion behavior and corrosion inhibition of α-brass (65.3% Cu, 34.4% Zn and others 0.3%) in 0.6 NaCl solution have been investigated using potentiostatic polarization technique, the main results obtained were expressed in terms of corrosion (Ec) and corrosion current (ic). The research was performed in neutral and slightly acidic media [pH=7 and pH=4] over the temperature range (288-318)K. It was found that the rate of corrosion increases with the increase of acidity and the increase of temperature. The rate of corrosion increased with the increase of temperature in conformity with Arrhenius equation. Values of activation energy (Ea*), pre-exponential factor (A) and entropy of activation (∆S*) have been derived f

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Reducing of Corrosion Rate in Boiler Tubes by Using Oxygen Scavengers
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The corrosion behavior of carbon steel at different temperatures 100,120,140 and 160 Cͦ under different pressures 7,10 and 13 bar in pure distilled water and after adding three types of oxygen scavengers Hydroquinone, Ascorbic acid and Monoethanolamine in different concentrations 40,60 and 80 ppm has been investigated using weight loss method. The carbon steel specimens were immersed in water containing 8.2 ppm dissolved oxygen (DO) by using autoclave. It was found that corrosion behavior of carbon steel was greatly influenced by temperature with high pressure. The corrosion rate decreases, when adding any one of oxygen scavengers. The best results were obtained at a concentration of 80 ppm of each scavenger. It was observed that 

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