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Reinforcement Steel Corrosion Reduction by Using Fly Ash from South Baghdad Power Plant
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Corrosion- induced damage in reinforced concrete structure such as bridges, parking garages, and buildings, and the related cost for maintaining them in a serviceable condition, is a source of major concern for the owners of these structures.
Fly ash produced from south Baghdad power plant with different concentrations (20, 25 and 30) % by weight from the cement ratio were used as a corrosion inhibitor as a weight ratio from the cement content.
The concrete batch ratio under study was (1:1.5:3) cement, sand and gravel respectively which is used in Iraq. All the raw materials used were locally manufactured.
Concrete slabs (250x250x70) mm dimensions were casted, using Poly-wood molds. Two steel bars were embedded in the central position of each slab at the mid- height (about 35 mm), with a space of 100 mm between each other.
A 16 concrete slabs were prepared (0, 20, 25 and 30) wt. % of fly ash. The specimens were partially immersed in 3.5 wt. % NaCl solution in order to predict the corrosion.
Half-cell potential test technique was used to estimate the corrosion rate which is occurred in the steel bar due to the migration of chloride ions through the concrete, depending on the ASTM C876-08.
The result shows that the potential values of steel in concrete were shifts to the positive direction with increasing the percentage of fly ash, because the reduction of porosity by the addition of fly ash which fill the pores and inhibit the chloride ions to reach to steel.
The results also show that the further increase of fly ash (30%) the possibility of carbonation is increased which result in reduction its alkalinity, thereby permitting corrosion of embedded steel.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Experimental Study on Carbon Steel Corrosion and its Inhibition Using Sodium Benzoate Under Different Operating Conditions
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Corrosion experiments were carried out to investigate the effect of several operating parameters on the corrosion rate and corrosion potential of carbon steel in turbulent flow conditions in the absence and presence of sodium benzoate inhibitor using electrochemical polarization technique. These parameters were rotational velocity (0 - 1.57 m/s), temperature (30oC – 50oC), and time. The effect of these parameters on the corrosion rate and inhibition efficiency were investigated and discussed. It was found that the corrosion rate represented by limiting current increases considerably with increasing velocity and temperature and that it decreased with time due to the formation of corrosion product layer. The corrosion potential shifted t

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 31 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Reduction of Sulfur Compounds from Petroleum Fraction Using Oxidation-Adsorption Technique
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Oxidation of sulfur compounds in fuel followed by an adsorption process were studied using two modes of operation, batch mode and continuous mode (fixed bed). In batch experiment oxidation process of kerosene with sulfur content 2360 ppm was achieved to study the effect of amount of hydrogen peroxide(2.5, 4, 6 and 10) ml at different temperature(40, 60 and 70)°C. Also the effect of amount acetic acid was studied  at the optimal conditions of the oxidation step(4ml H2O2 and 60 °C).Besides, the role of acetic acid different temperatures(40, 60, 70) °C and 4ml H2O2, effect of reaction time(5, 30, 60, 120, 300) minutes at temperatures(40,60) °C, 4ml H2O2 and 1 mlHAC)&

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 20 2022
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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The current study is a taxonomic account of three gastrotrich species that belong to Chaetonotidae (Phylum Gastrotricha) namely Ichthydium auritum Brunson, 1950 Lepidodermella squamata (Dujardin, 1841) and Chaetonotus anomalus Brunson, 1950. These species are registered as a new record from Iraq and were collected from several locations along the main outfall drain (MOD) in south of Baghdad, from January to December 2020. The species described in this article were found to be related to Hydrilla and Ceratophyllum and prefer environments rich in detritus and decomposing organic matter. The worms preferred water that is salty, hard, alkaline, and had good oxygen content.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Adsorption of Flagyl on Prepared Ash from Rice Husk
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In recent years, it has been evident that searching for alternative methods with low-price and eco-friendly features that produce high-quality adsorbents is in high demand. In the present work, Rice husk from Iraqi rice named (Amber) had been used as the primary source to produce rice husk ash (RHA) for the removal of the antibiotic metronidazole (Flagyl) from water. After optimum drying of rice husk, rice husk ash (RHA) was obtained at 600 °C using an electric oven. RHA has been investigated for properties using X-ray diffraction (XRD), porosity, and surface area (SA). The experimental work adsorption data were optimized to evaluate Langmuir and Freundlich constants. The thermodynamic parameters likely a change in Gipp's energy (ΔG),

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Crossref (5)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Corrosion Behavior of Copper and Carbon Steel in Acidic Media
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The corrosion behavior of copper and carbon steel in 1M concentration of hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sulphuric acid (H2SO4) has been studied. The corrosion inhibition of copper and carbon steel in 1M concentration of hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sulphuric acid (H2SO4) by Ciprofloxacin has been investigated. Specimens were exposed in the acidic media for 7 hours and corrosion rates evaluated by using the weight loss method. The effect of temperature (from 283 ºK to 333 ºK), pH (from 1to 6), inhibitor concentration (10-4 to 10-2) has been studied. It was observed that sulphuric acid environment was most corrosive to the metals because of its oxidizing nature, followed by hydrochloric acid. The rate of metal dissolution increased with incre

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Behavior of Low Carbon Steel Weldments
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This research involves studying the mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of “low carbon steel” (0.077wt% C) before and after welding using Arc, MIG and TIG welding. The mechanical properties include testing of microhardness, tensile strength, the results indicate that microhardness of TIG, MIG welding is more than arc welding, while tensile strength in arc welding more than TIG and MIG.

The corrosion behavior of low carbon weldments was performed by potentiostat at scan rate 3mV.sec-1 in 3.5% NaCl to show the polarization resistance and calculate the corrosion rate from data of linear polarization by “Tafel extrapolation method”. The results indicate that the TIG welding increase the corrosion current d

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Reduction of Negative Effects For Moisture Tention of the Corn Plant by Spraying with Proline acid and Abscisic Acid.
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    This experiment was conducted in field of Agricultured Department Baquba/Diyala province in spring season 2011 to study the water stress by using foliar application concentrations of each Proline acid and Abscisic acid on proline content , ABA  content , chlorophyll content, protein conten and water content in leaves of Maize( cultivar, Buhooth 106).  The layout of the experiments was Split-  split plot design as RCBD with three replicates. The three concentrations   of spraying Proline acid levels ( 0 , 150 , 200 mg Proline .l-1 ) Three Abscisic acid levels ( 0 , 15 , 20 mgABA.l-1. ) and three periods of irrigation after(25, 50, 75%) of available water . Folair fertilizer were applied at three

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Modelling and Optimization of Corrosion Inhibition of Mild Steel in Phosphoric Acid by Red Pomegranate Peels Aqueous Extract
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Taguchi experimental design (TED) is applied to find the optimum effectiveness of aqueous Red Pomegranate Peel (RPP) extract as a green inhibitor for the corrosion of mild steel in 2M H3PO4 solution. The Taguchi methodology has been used to study the effects of changing, temperature, RPP concentration and contact period, at three levels. Weight-loss measurements were designed by construction a L9 orthogonal arrangement of experiments.   Results of the efficiencies of inhibition were embraced for the signal to noise proportion & investigation of variance (ANOVA).  The results were further processed with a MINITAB-17 software package to find the optimal condition

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 01 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Evaluation of polyurethane and polyurethane /polyvinyl chloride blend coatings on steel as corrosion protection using EIS technique
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This paper was aimed to evaluate the polyurethane (PU) and polyurethane/polyvinyl chloride (90 wt. % / 10 wt. %) as organic coating of carbon steel substrate against marine environment (3.5 wt.% NaCl aqueous solution) as a severe corrosion environment . The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and fitting impedance data by ZsimpWin 3.22 software were used to estimate the physical barrier of the samples for different exposure times. Different equivalent electrical circuits were proposed for the physical barrier at different immersion times to get appropriate fitting .Both PU and PU/PVC coatings showed excellent corrosion protection ability for steel .The PU/PVC coating showed better protection and stability than PU coating against

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2014
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Viscosity Reduction of Sharqi Baghdad Heavy Crude Oil Using Different Polar Hydrocarbons, Oxygenated Solvents
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This work studied the facilitation of the transportation of Sharqi Baghdad heavy crude oil characterized with high viscosity 51.6 cSt at 40 °C, low API 18.8, and high asphaltenes content 7.1 wt.%, by reducing its viscosity from break down asphaltene agglomerates using different types of hydrocarbon and oxygenated polar solvents such as toluene, methanol, mix xylenes, and reformate. The best results are obtained by using methanol because it owns a high efficiency to reduce viscosity of crude oil to 21.1 cSt at 40 °C. Toluene, xylenes and reformate decreased viscosity to 25.3, 27.5 and 28,4 cSt at 40 °C, respectively. Asphaltenes content decreased to 4.2 wt. % by using toluene at 110 °C. And best improvement in API of the heavy crude o

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