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Study the Feasibility of Alumina for the Adsorption of Metal Ions from Water
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The present work describes the adsorption of Ba2+ and Mg2+ions from aqueous solutions by activated alumina in single and binary system using batch adsorption. The effect of different parameters such as amount of alumina, concentration of metal ions, pH of solution, contact time and agitation speed on the adsorption process was studied. The optimum adsorbent dosage was found to be 0.5 g and 1.5 g for removal of Ba2+ and Mg2+, respectively. The optimum pH, contact time and agitation speed, were found to be pH 6, 2h and 300 rpm, respectively, for removal of both metal ions. The equilibrium data were analyzed by Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models and the data fitted well to both isotherm modes as indicated by higher correlation of determination R2> 0.87 in both single and binary systems. Pore diffusion model for batch adsorption was used to predict the concentration decay curve for adsorption of Ba2+ and Mg2+ onto activated alumina. There was a good agreement between the experimental data and the predicted decay curves using pore diffusion model.

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 21 2023
Journal Name
Communications In Mathematical Biology And Neuroscience
Delay in eco-epidemiological prey-predator model with predation fear and hunting cooperation
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It is recognized that organisms live and interact in groups, exposing them to various elements like disease, fear, hunting cooperation, and others. As a result, in this paper, we adopted the construction of a mathematical model that describes the interaction of the prey with the predator when there is an infectious disease, as well as the predator community's characteristic of cooperation in hunting, which generates great fear in the prey community. Furthermore, the presence of an incubation period for the disease provides a delay in disease transmission from diseased predators to healthy predators. This research aims to examine the proposed mathematical model's solution behavior to better understand these elements' impact on an eco-epidemi

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences (pen)
Bitcoin Prediction with a hybrid model
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In recent years, Bitcoin has become the most widely used blockchain platform in business and finance. The goal of this work is to find a viable prediction model that incorporates and perhaps improves on a combination of available models. Among the techniques utilized in this paper are exponential smoothing, ARIMA, artificial neural networks (ANNs) models, and prediction combination models. The study's most obvious discovery is that artificial intelligence models improve the results of compound prediction models. The second key discovery was that a strong combination forecasting model that responds to the multiple fluctuations that occur in the bitcoin time series and Error improvement should be used. Based on the results, the prediction acc

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Scopus (8)
Publication Date
Wed May 08 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Science
How does media coverage affect a COVID-19 pandemic model with direct and indirect transmission?
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In this paper, a compartmental differential epidemic model of COVID-19 pandemic transmission is constructed and analyzed that accounts for the effects of media coverage. The model can be categorized into eight distinct divisions: susceptible individuals, exposed individuals, quarantine class, infected individuals, isolated class, infectious material in the environment, media coverage, and recovered individuals. The qualitative analysis of the model indicates that the disease-free equilibrium point is asymptotically stable when the basic reproduction number R0 is less than one. Conversely, the endemic equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable when R0 is bigger than one. In addition, a sensitivity analysis is conducted to determine which

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Qin Seal Script Character Recognition with Fuzzy and Incomplete Information
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The dependable and efficient identification of Qin seal script characters is pivotal in the discovery, preservation, and inheritance of the distinctive cultural values embodied by these artifacts. This paper uses image histograms of oriented gradients (HOG) features and an SVM model to discuss a character recognition model for identifying partial and blurred Qin seal script characters. The model achieves accurate recognition on a small, imbalanced dataset. Firstly, a dataset of Qin seal script image samples is established, and Gaussian filtering is employed to remove image noise. Subsequently, the gamma transformation algorithm adjusts the image brightness and enhances the contrast between font structures and image backgrounds. After a s

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 14 2014
Journal Name
Desalination And Water Treatment
Copper biosorption using local Iraqi natural agents
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Industrial effluents loaded with heavy metals are a cause of hazards to the humans and other forms of life. Conventional approaches, such as electroplating, ion exchange, and membrane processes, are used for removal of copper, cadmium, and lead and are often cost prohibitive with low efficiency at low metal ion concentration. Biosorption can be considered as an option which has been proven as more efficient and economical for removing the mentioned metal ions. Biosorbents used are fungi, yeasts, oil palm shells, coir pith carbon, peanut husks, and olive pulp. Recently, low cost and natural products have also been researched as biosorbent. This paper presents an attempt of the potential use of Iraqi date pits and Al-Khriet (i.e. substances l

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Crossref (6)
Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Applying Nuclear Slidell Model To Calculate Energy Levels Ti42-44
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   In this work , we applied the nuclear shell model by using Modified Surface Delta Interaction ( MSDI ) to study the nuclear structure for Ti42-44 nuclei from the calculation of the energy level values and its total angular momentum .      After comperation with the experiment values which found to be rather in good agreement and determined the total angular momentum values of energy levels which are not assigned experimently , as soon as , we certify some values that were not certained experimently .  

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Investigation Desulfurization Method Using Air and Zinc Oxide/Activated Carbon Composite
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In present work examined the oxidation desulfurization in batch system for model fuels with 2250 ppm sulfur content using air as the oxidant and ZnO/AC composite prepared by thermal co-precipitation method. Different factors were studied such as composite loading 1, 1.5 and 2.5 g, temperature 25 oC, 30 oC and 40 oC and reaction time 30, 45 and 60 minutes. The optimum condition is obtained by using Tauguchi experiential design for oxidation desulfurization of model fuel. the highest percent sulfur removal is about 33 at optimum conditions. The kinetic and effect of internal mass transfer were studied for oxidation desulfurization of model fuel, also an empirical kinetic model was calculated for model fuels

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Iraqi stock market structure analysis based on minimum spanning tree
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tock markets changed up and down during time. Some companies’ affect others due to dependency on each other . In this work, the network model of the stock market is discribed as a complete weighted graph. This paper aims to investigate the Iraqi stock markets using graph theory tools. The vertices of this graph correspond to the Iraqi markets companies, and the weights of the edges are set ulrametric distance of minimum spanning tree.

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Materials Today: Proceedings
Bimetallic (Fe/Zn-ZIF-8) crystals: Fabrication and adsorptive removal activity
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This work presents an investigation on the fabrication and characterization of Fe doped zeolitic imidazolate framework (ZIF-8) of 1:1 M ratio of Zn:Fe (Fe/Zn-ZIF-8) and adsorption performances of acquired materials. The synthesized Zn-ZIF-8, Fe-ZIF-8, and Fe/Zn-ZIF-8 materials were characterized for the phase structure, morphology, elemental analysis and surface area by using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM), Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX), and BET surface area, respectively. The results revealed the adsorption capacity was enhanced by incorporation of Fe into ZIF-8 structure. The CR dye adsorption capacities were 287, 219, and 412 mg/g for Zn-ZIF-8, Fe-ZIF-8, and Fe/Zn-ZIF-8 adsorbers, respectivel

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
مقارنة بعض الطرائق الجزائية في تحليل انموذج المؤشر الواحد شبه المعلمي مع تطبيق عملي
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In this research been to use some of the semi-parametric methods the based on the different function penalty as well as the methods proposed by the researcher  because these methods work to estimate and variable selection of significant at once for single index model including (SCAD-NPLS method , the first proposal SCAD-MAVE method , the second proposal  ALASSO-MAVE method ) .As it has been using a method simulation time to compare between the semi-parametric estimation method studied , and various simulation experiments to identify the best method based on the comparison criteria (mean squares error(MSE) and average  mean squares error (AMSE)).

And the use

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