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Pretreated Fishbone as Low Cost-Adsorbent for Cationic Dye Adsorption from Aqueous Solutions: Equilibrium, Optimization, Kinetic and Thermodynamic Study

The present study investigated the use of pretreated fish bone (PTFB) as a new surface, natural waste and low-cost adsorbent for the adsorption of Methyl green (MG, as model toxic basic dye) from aqueous solutions. The functional groups and surface morphology of the untreated fish bone (FB) and pretreated fish bone were characterized using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS),respectively. The effect of operating parameters including contact time, pH, adsorbent dose, temperature, and inorganic salt was evaluated. Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin adsorption isotherm models were studied and the results showed that the adsorption of basic dye followed Freundlich isotherm. Kinetic modeling of the data at different temperatures confirmed pseudo-second-order(P-2-O) model, along with calculated thermodynamic parameters depicted that the adsorption process is spontaneous and endothermic in nature. Diffusion studies suggested that intra-particle diffusion is not the singular rate- ontrolling factor. The results indicated that 92% of MG capable of being sequestered under optimum adsorption conditions: pH 10.64, adsorbent dose 0.1 g/L, and 60 min contact time. Finally, the results showed that the pretreated fish bone can be effectively used as a proper adsorbent for the adsorption of cationic dye from aqueous solutions.

Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Performance of Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland Systems in the Treatment of Al-Rustumia Municipal Wastewater using Continuous Loading Feed

This study aimed at comparing the performance of vertical, horizontal and hybrid subsurface flow systems in secondary treatment for the effluent wastewater from the primary basins at Al-Rustumia wastewater treatment plant, Baghdad, Iraq. The treatments were monitored for six weeks while the testsduration were from 4 to 12 September 2018 under continuous wastewater feeding for chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solid (TSS),ammonia-nitrogen(NH4-N) and phosphate (PO4-P) in comparison with FAO and USEPA standards for effluent discharge to evaluate the suitability of treated water for irrigation purposes. Among the systems planted with Phragmites Australia, the hybrid subsurface flow system which cons

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 18 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Effect of Oral Administration of Valerian Extract at Different Doses on Pharmacokinetic Parameters of Carbamazepine in Rabbits

Carbamazepine (CBZ) is a narrow therapeutic index drug used in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia and psychiatric disorders. Valerian (VAL) is a popular herbal product which should be prescribed to treat insomnia and anxiety. The study was designed to investigate the presence of significant pharmacokinetic (PK) interaction between Valerian (VAL) at different concentrations on Carbamazepine (CBZ) pharmacokinetic parameters in healthy male rabbits. In an in vivo, parallel-randomized controlled trial, the rabbits in three groups "first (control), second and third" were given oral doses of CBZ (50 mg/kg), for "second and third" groups (as test groups) rabbits were given (20 and 40 mg/kg/day) of the VAL respectively, as  suspensi

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 15 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Water And Health
Anthropocentric perspective on climate variability: the destination of antibiotics in the Tigris river is not restricted
ABSTRACT<p></p><p>This study aimed to detect antibiotics in water, particulate, plant, and sediment in the Tigris River within Baghdad City, in addition to their spatiotemporal variations, and related physicochemical parameters. Five sites were selected in the river. Three target antibiotics (tetracycline, gentamycin, and ciprofloxacin) were detected in water, particulate, plant, and sediment of the river at all selected sites. The results clearly showed that the concentrations of target antibiotics were sediment &gt; water &gt; plant &gt; particulate. Site 3 is considered as a risk site where high concentrations of all antibiotics during the wet and dry seasons wer</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Apr 25 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection

That the building of the national economy depends on the extent of the possibility of transition from the rent economy seeking to increase GDP (GDP1), and the tendency to manage projects with external sources of funding, or allow projects with foreign capital is a necessity. The strategic challenges faced by the economy in countries that have experience in investment projects have faced several factors internal and external for a period of time and not a few and the pressures and difficulties and failures have affected in one way or another on the development work in that country. On this basis, the stakeholders have a role to pay attention to the issue of the feasibility of the pattern of foreign investment in the investment environment

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
The substitutions of Strontium by yttrium and their effects on Bi<sub>2</sub>Sr<sub>2</sub>-<sub>x</sub>Y<sub>x</sub>Ca<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3</sub>O<sub>10</sub>+<sub>δ</sub> superconducting compound
Abstract<p>Superconducting compound Bi<sub>2</sub>Sr2-<sub>x</sub>Y<sub>x</sub>Ca<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3</sub>O<sub>10+δ</sub> were Synthesized by method of solid state reaction, at 1033 K for 160 hours temperature of the sintering at normal atmospheric pressure where substitutions Yttrium oxide with Strontium. When Y2O3 concentration (0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5). All specimens of Bi<sub>2</sub>Sr<sub>2</sub>Ca<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3</sub>O<sub>10+δ</sub> superconducting compounds were examined. The resistivity of electrical was checked by the four point probe technique, It was found th</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Effect of Nickel Substitution On Structural and Electrical Properties of Hg<sub>0.5</sub>Pb<sub>0.5</sub>Ba<sub>2</sub>Ca<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3-y</sub>Ni<sub>y</sub>O<sub>8+δ</sub> Superconductor Composite
Abstract<p>six specimens of the Hg<sub>0.5</sub>Pb<sub>0.5</sub>Ba<sub>2</sub>Ca<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3-y</sub> <italic>Ni<sub>y</sub> </italic>O<sub>8+δ</sub> (y=0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0) superconducting compound were prepared by solid state reaction method, with sintering temperature equal to 1123K for 24 hours. The electrical resistivity was examined by the four probe technique, It was found that all the specimens have metallic behavior and increasing the critical temperature with increasing nickel concentration. The optimum critical temperature T<sub>c</sub> was found equal </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Arpn Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences
Achieving a theoretical approximation characterize the stopping power of heavy ion in D-T plasma

The dependence of the energy losses or the stopping power for the ion contribution in D- T hot plasma fuels upon the corresponding energies and the related penetrating factorare arrive by using by a theoretical approximation models. In this work we reach a compatible agreement between our results and the corresponding experimental results.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 13 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Porous Silicon effect on the performance of CdS nanoparticles photodetector

Cadmium sulfide photodetector was fabricated. The CdS nano
powder has been prepared by a chemical method and deposited as a
thin film on both silicon and porous p- type silicon substrates by spin
coating technique. Structural, morphological, optical and electrical
properties of the prepared CdS nano powder are studied. The X-ray
analysis shows that the obtained powder is CdS with predominantly
hexagonal phase. The Hall measurements show that the nano powder
is n-type with carrier concentration of about (-5.4×1010) cm-3. The
response time of fabricated detector was measured by illuminating
the sample with visible radiation and its value was 5.25 msec. The
specific detectivity of the fabricated det

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr
Interaction of Alpha Particles with Breast Tissue

As modern radiotherapy technology advances, radiation dose and dose distribution have improved significantly. As part of a natural evolution, there has recently been renewed interest in therapy, particularly in the use of heavy charged particles, because these types of radiation serve theoretical advantages in all biological and physical aspects. The interactions of alpha particle with matter were studied and the stopping powers of alpha particle with Breast Tissue were calculated by using Beth-Bloch equation, Zeigler's formula and SRIM software, also the Range and Liner Energy Transfer (LET) and Breast Thickness As well as Dose and Dose equivalent for this particle were calculated by using Mat lab language for (0.01-200) MeV alpha ene

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis AgO Nanoparticles by Nd:Yag Laser with Different Pulse Energies

     One technique used to prepare nanoparticles material is Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquid (PLAL), Silver Oxide nanoparticles (AgO) were prepared by using  this technique, where silver target was submerged in ultra-pure water (UPW)  at room temperature after that Nd:Yag laser which characteristics by 1064 nm wavelength, Q-switched, and 6ns pulse duration was used to irradiated silver target. This preparation method was used to study the effects of laser irradiation on Nanoparticles synthesized by used varying laser pulse energy 1000 mJ, 500 mJ, and 100 mJ, with 500 pulses each time on the particle size. Nanoparticles are characterized using XRD, SEM, AFM, and UV-Visible spectroscopy. All the structural peaks determined by the XRD

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