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The cluster analysis of most important citrus trees in some governorates of Iraq for the year 2019
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Citrus fruits are one of the consumer agricultural products of the Iraqi citizen. It is rich in vitamins and usedin many food industries as well as medicines. Classifying the amount of production of citrus treesaccording to the producing governorates has been done to find a map that shows the production of citrustrees according to Iraqi governorates. A cluster analysis method was used according to the hierarchicalmethod. The results showed that Najaf and Qadisiyah are the most similar in citrus production, whileSaladin and Najaf were the two governorates with the furthest distance in proximity matrix. Diyalagovernorate was clustered in the first cluster within two, three, four or five of the clusters for classifyingIraqi governorates covered by the research into three groups according to the production of citrus includingthe first group with the provinces of Najaf, Qadisiyah, Babil and Karbala, while annexation of the secondcluster provinces includes Diyala and Wasit. The third cluster has included the provinces of Baghdad andSaladin. The lowest distance has been between the governorates of Najaf and Qadisiyah as compared withthe longest distance between the governorates of Saladin and Najaf

Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2021
Journal Name
Archives Of Razi Institute
Effect of Leishmania major infection on the expression of TGF beta in murine
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Leishmania major is a protozoan parasite that causes cutaneous Leishmaniasis disease in human beings and animals. The disease is prevalent in tropical and semitropical countries and has great health importance. The present study aimed to identify the histological changes in the organs infected with L. major and to provide a sophisticated diagnostic method for infection through detecting TGF-β cytokine by immunohistochemistry technique(IHC) from October 2020 to January 2021. A total of 40 samples of paraffin blocks were used for different organs including skin, spleen, liver, kidney, and heart of male and female BALB/c mice, aged 6-8 weeks, which were previously infected subcutaneously with L. major promastigotes at a dose of 1×107 promast

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 03 2013
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Role of Tibialis Posterior Tendon Transfer in Correction of Foot Drop Deformity
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Backgr ound: The transfer of the tibialis posterior tendon to the anterior aspect of the ankle not only replaces the function of the paralyzed muscles, but also removes the deforming force on the medial aspect of the foot. Objecti ves: In this study, we evaluated patients who underwent tibialis posterior tendon transfer for the treatment of foot drop, and comparison through interosseous membrane route versus anterior to lower tibia route of tibialis posterior tendon transfer, with evaluation of the results according to carayon criteria Methods: Nine patients with foot drop secondary to different causes treated with tibialis posterior tendon transfer from January 2011 to January 2012 were followed up for a mean of 12 months in Al Kindy Teach

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 29 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Innovation, Creativity And Change
A Pragma-Linguistic Study of Deontic Modals in the Language of International Contracts.
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Deontic modality expresses what is necessary or possible according to the norms of morality and laws of community. It is a cover term for those cases where modal auxiliaries used to express notions like ''obligation'', ''prohibition'' and, ''permission''. Deontic modals are basically performatives, having the ''so-be-it'' component of directives in that the speaker directs the behavior of the addressee to get things done. The present study identifies the use of deontic models in international contracts to prove that there are major pragmatic strategies employed in writing them. To achieve the aim of the study, a modified model of Danet’s (1980) and Trosborg’s (1995) in accordance to Searle (1969) is used to analyze 16 texts selected fro

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Solid State Communications
Influence of In-dopant on the optoelectronic properties of thermal evaporated CuAlTe2 films
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In the current study, CuAl0.7In0.3Te2 thin films with 400 nm thickness were deposited on glass substrates using thermal evaporation technique. The films were annealed at various annealing temperatures of (473,573,673 and 773) K. Furthermore, the films were characterized by X-ray Diffraction spectroscopy (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and Ultra violet-visible (UV–vis). XRD patterns confirm that the films exhibit chalcopyrite structure and the predominant diffraction peak is oriented at (112). The grain size and surface roughness of the annealed films have been reported. Optical properties for the synthesized films including, absorbance, transmittance, dielectric constant, and refr

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Publication Date
Tue May 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Influence of Production and Destruction of O Isotopes in Red Giant Stars
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Thermonuclear reaction rates are calculated for three oxygen isotopes 14,15,16O in CNO cycles reactions occurring in red giant stars. These reactions are:, , , , and . Reaction rates have been calculated using Matlab codes, and related comparisons were made with NACRE II and Reaclib libraries, and the ratios of production to the destruction of 15,16O isotopes were found. Present reaction rate results were close to most of the selected reactions, and in some cases larger with a factor of 1-3. 15,16O production to destruction ratios indicated a special tendency to saturate at temperatures higher than ~ 2 GK, and these ratios were in general larger than 1 indicating an excess of producing such isotopes in re

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Environmental assessment of land use in the city of Samawah using spatial techniques
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Abstract<p>The city of Samawah is one of the most important cities which emerged in the poverty area within the poverty map produced by the Ministry of Planning, despite being an important provincial centre. Although it has great development potentials, it was neglected for more than 50 years,. This dereliction has caused a series of negative accumulations at the urban levels (environmental, social and economic). Therefore, the basic idea of this research is to detect part of these challenges that are preventing growth and development of the city. The methodology of the research is to extrapolate the reality with the analysis of the results, data and environmental impact assessment of the projec</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
The Homomorphism of a cubic set of a semigroup in a KU-algebra
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Abstract<p>The study of homomorphisms in cubic sets is considered one of the important concepts that transfer algebraic properties between different structures, so we study a homomorphism of a cubic set of a semigroup in a KU-algebra and defined the product of two cubic sets in this structure. Firstly, we define the image and the inverse image of a cubic set in a KU-semigroup and achieve some results in this notion. Secondly, the Cartesian product of cubic subsets in a KU-semigroup is discussed and some important characteristics are proved.</p>
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Publication Date
Tue Jun 11 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Conservative Treatment of Tuberculosis of the Spine in Patients with no Neurological Deficits
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Background: Patients who have both neurological impairment and kyphotic deformity can be treated medically, and this treatment can be achieved with anti-tuberculous drugs alone.

Objective: To evaluate conservative medical management of patients with tuberculosis of the spine (Pott disease). The prognostic significance of various clinical, radiological, and long-term follow-up findings in these patients was also evaluated.

Methods: Between January 2009 and January 2018 data were collected prospectively at The Neurosciences Hospital/ Baghdad/ Iraq in 44 patients with Pott disease in the thoracic and lumbar spine. These patients had no major neurological deficits or

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 16 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
The Effect of Woods' Strategy on Achieving of Second Grade Students in Physics
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: The aim of this research is to investigate the impact of Woods ' strategy in collecting second graders average for physics. To achieve the objective researcher coined the following hypothesis: there was no statistically significant difference at a level (0.05) between the average grades of the experimental group students studying physics as Woods and strategy between the average control group students who are studying the same article in the regular way. Test collection. Search sample amounted to (83) students and (42) students for the experimental group, and (41) students for the control group. Students were subjected to test experiment is composed of (30) after the completion of the experiment. And use appropriate statistical methods re

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Role of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) in Achieving Regional Security
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The organizational structure of relations between states is among the main features that distinguished the twentieth century as the era of international organization, especially after the increase in the number of political units after World War II in which regionalism was crystallized as a phenomenon. It is not modern, as there are many blocs such as the European Union that have developed in it, the idea of ​​regional bloc is prominent, especially in Europe, as it emerged after a controversy revolved around what was called globalism in the face of Globalism vs. Regionalism. Regional, as the proponents of the global orientation saw the establishment of a global organization that includes all countries, as the best way to achieve inte

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