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The cluster analysis of most important citrus trees in some governorates of Iraq for the year 2019

Citrus fruits are one of the consumer agricultural products of the Iraqi citizen. It is rich in vitamins and usedin many food industries as well as medicines. Classifying the amount of production of citrus treesaccording to the producing governorates has been done to find a map that shows the production of citrustrees according to Iraqi governorates. A cluster analysis method was used according to the hierarchicalmethod. The results showed that Najaf and Qadisiyah are the most similar in citrus production, whileSaladin and Najaf were the two governorates with the furthest distance in proximity matrix. Diyalagovernorate was clustered in the first cluster within two, three, four or five of the clusters for classifyingIraqi governorates covered by the research into three groups according to the production of citrus includingthe first group with the provinces of Najaf, Qadisiyah, Babil and Karbala, while annexation of the secondcluster provinces includes Diyala and Wasit. The third cluster has included the provinces of Baghdad andSaladin. The lowest distance has been between the governorates of Najaf and Qadisiyah as compared withthe longest distance between the governorates of Saladin and Najaf

Publication Date
Tue Mar 18 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The impact of proposed approach for flexibility and agility in learning some basic skills on the table land movements in the artistic gymnastics

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 24 2018
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)

    A survey of fish species in the Iraqi marine waters was carried out for the period from November 2014 to March 2018. The list included 214 species representing 75 families.


     The family Carangidae dominated the marine fishes in Iraq, which was represented by 24 species, followed by Haemulidae with 11 species, and then Serranidae and Sparidae with nine species for each, while 34 families contained a single species only.

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2024
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Automation of the Healthcare System in Iraq

In the last few years, following the relative stability of the political, economic, and security environments, Iraq has embarked on a transformation towards an ambitious program of automation across various sectors. However, this automation program faces numerous challenges, including significant investments in technology and training, addressing social impacts, and combating widespread illiteracy

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2002
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
The development of Islamic periodicals in Iraq

Islamic periodicals are defined as: publications issued periodically, and containing articles, research, or studies that convey Islamic thought and culture. Islamic periodicals have a prominent place among other types of sources of documentary and non-documentary Islamic information, because they are characterized by the speed of their issuance and the modernity and diversity of their Islamic information. This study aims to explain the reality of Islamic periodicals published in Iraq, graphically analyze their bibliographic characteristics and emphasize the importance of their issuance, as well as give a historical overview of the issuance and publication of Islamic periodicals in the Arab world and the world, while presenting examples of I

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Geographical Changes in the Marshes of Iraq

Iraq has a range of small and large marshes, which can be divided into two groups, a group of marshes feeding water from the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, and a group of marshes fed by the seasonal valleys coming from the desert plateau and the aljazera plateau.

The marshes have go through major changes, some of them turning into industrial lakes to store the flood waters of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Others have been dried up and turned into agricultural land. Others have dried up and the water has been returned to them in less quantities than before.

The purpose of this research is to but light on the changes that have occurred in these marshes, with the mention of marshes turned into industrial lakes or agricultur

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Publication Date
Wed May 04 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Sport Sciences
The Effect of Competitive Learning Strategy in Developing Mental visualization of some Basic Skills in Basketball for Students

IRA Dawood, JOURNAL OF SPORT SCIENCES, 2016 - Cited by 3

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Degree of Practicing of the Sixth Primary Social Studies’ Teachers in Iraq for the Principles of Active Learning from their Point of view

This study aimed to explore The Degree of Practicing of the Sixth Primary Social Studies’ Teachers in Iraq for the Principles of Active Learning from their Point of view

The study society consisted of 230 male and femalesocial studiesteachers’ subjects for the sixth primary grade in Al-Anbar General Directorate of Education. 160 of them were selected to represent the sample of the study with a percent of (70%) from the original society. To achieve the aims of the study, the researchers prepared a questionnaire consisting of (43) items which represented the active learning principles. The validity and stability of the tool were verified. The researchers used the descriptive approach to suit the objectives of this study. &

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 05 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Basic Science
Loss in the Translation of Colour Euphemstic Expressions in the Qur’an: A Pragmatic Analysis

Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of crude alcoholic extracted for the Seeds and Leaves of Apium graveolens Var dulce. In the level of some female hormones in albino Mice.

The quantitative determination of the estrogen E2, Progestron P4 & follicle stimulating hormones FSH in the serums of Albino mice used in the experiments & treated by crude alcoholic extracted 95% of the seeds & leaves of Apium graveolens was a significant increase in the concentration of estrogen of different kinds of the extracted in comparison with the values of the coefficient of the control group, that is the study recorded a significant increase of the concentration of estrogen; it was the highest in the mice which was administrated by the methanolic extracted 95%, then it was less in the mouse which was administrated by the ethanolic extracted., and it was the least in the mice which were administrated by the crude ethanolic-methano

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Ecology
Horizontal variability of some soil properties in wasit governorate by using time series analysis

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