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Automated Stand-alone Surgical Safety Evaluation for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (LC) using Convolutional Neural Network and Constrained Local Models (CNN-CLM)
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In this golden age of rapid development surgeons realized that AI could contribute to healthcare in all aspects, especially in surgery. The aim of the study will incorporate the use of Convolutional Neural Network and Constrained Local Models (CNN-CLM) which can make improvement for the assessment of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (LC) surgery not only bring opportunities for surgery but also bring challenges on the way forward by using the edge cutting technology. The problem with the current method of surgery is the lack of safety and specific complications and problems associated with safety in each laparoscopic cholecystectomy procedure. When CLM is utilize into CNN models, it is effective at predicting time series tasks like identifying the sequence of events in the Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (LC). This study will contribute to show the effectiveness of CNN-CLM approach on laparoscopic cholecystectomy, which will frequently focus on surgical computer vision analysis of surgical safety and related applications. The method of study is deep learning based CNN-CLM to better detect nominal safety as well as unsafe practices around the critical view of safety and AI-based grading scale. The general design flow of AI-recognition of surgical safety is firstly collecting safety surgical videos for frame segmenting and phase according to the image context by surgeon reviewer by CNN-CLM. For this advance research, the dataset is splatted into three main parts where 70% of which is used for training, 15% of which is used for testing and the rest for the cross validation, to achieve the accuracy up to 98.79% of this specific research.  For result part, different metrics of CNN-CLM to evaluate the performance of the proposed model of safety in surgery. The study uses one of the top three performing methods CNN-CLM for the evaluation yields and anatomical structures in laparoscopic cholecystectomy surgery.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 24 2021
Journal Name
Ieee Access
Smart IoT Network Based Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network With Element-Wise Prediction System
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An Intelligent Internet of Things network based on an Artificial Intelligent System, can substantially control and reduce the congestion effects in the network. In this paper, an artificial intelligent system is proposed for eliminating the congestion effects in traffic load in an Intelligent Internet of Things network based on a deep learning Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network with a modified Element-wise Attention Gate. The invisible layer of the modified Element-wise Attention Gate structure has self-feedback to increase its long short-term memory. The artificial intelligent system is implemented for next step ahead traffic estimation and clustering the network. In the proposed architecture, each sensing node is adaptive and able to

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Communications In Computer And Information Science
Automatic Identification of Ear Patterns Based on Convolutional Neural Network
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Biometrics represent the most practical method for swiftly and reliably verifying and identifying individuals based on their unique biological traits. This study addresses the increasing demand for dependable biometric identification systems by introducing an efficient approach to automatically recognize ear patterns using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Despite the widespread adoption of facial recognition technologies, the distinct features and consistency inherent in ear patterns provide a compelling alternative for biometric applications. Employing CNNs in our research automates the identification process, enhancing accuracy and adaptability across various ear shapes and orientations. The ear, being visible and easily captured in

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Early and late Biliary Complications of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in Acute Cholecystitis
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Background: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
has become the standard of care for the
elective management of cholelithiasis. Little
information exists, however, regarding the
appropriateness of this procedure in the setting
of acute symptomatology.
Objective: This study was designed to
evaluate the outcome of laparoscopic
cholecystectomy in acute and severe acute
cholecystitis based on early and late biliary
complications, their incidence and
management, and conversion rates to open
Methods: A prospective study done between
April 2007 and November 2010, in the
department of general surgery, medical city
teaching hospital, Baghdad. Includes patients
with acute cholecystitis admitted f

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Rigid trunk sewer deterioration prediction models using multiple discriminant and neural network models in Baghdad city, Iraq
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The deterioration of buried sewers during their lifetime can be affected by several factors leading to bad performance and can damage the infrastructure similar to other engineering structures. The Hydraulic deterioration of the buried sewers caused by sewer blockages while the structural deterioration caused by sewer collapses due to sewer specifications and the surrounding soil characteristics and the groundwater level. The main objective of this research is to develop deterioration models, which are used to predict changes in sewer condition that can provide assessment tools for determining the serviceability of sewer networks in Baghdad city. Two deterioration models were developed and tested using statistical software SPSS, the

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Rigid Trunk Sewer Deterioration Prediction Models using Multiple Discriminant and Neural Network Models in Baghdad City, Iraq
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Classification of Arabic Alphabets Using a Combination of a Convolutional Neural Network and the Morphological Gradient Method
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The field of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is the process of converting an image of text into a machine-readable text format. The classification of Arabic manuscripts in general is part of this field. In recent years, the processing of Arabian image databases by deep learning architectures has experienced a remarkable development. However, this remains insufficient to satisfy the enormous wealth of Arabic manuscripts. In this research, a deep learning architecture is used to address the issue of classifying Arabic letters written by hand. The method based on a convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture as a self-extractor and classifier. Considering the nature of the dataset images (binary images), the contours of the alphabet

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
AlexNet Convolutional Neural Network Architecture with Cosine and Hamming Similarity/Distance Measures for Fingerprint Biometric Matching
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In information security, fingerprint verification is one of the most common recent approaches for verifying human identity through a distinctive pattern. The verification process works by comparing a pair of fingerprint templates and identifying the similarity/matching among them. Several research studies have utilized different techniques for the matching process such as fuzzy vault and image filtering approaches. Yet, these approaches are still suffering from the imprecise articulation of the biometrics’ interesting patterns. The emergence of deep learning architectures such as the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) has been extensively used for image processing and object detection tasks and showed an outstanding performance compare

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Optimized Artificial Neural network models to time series
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        Artificial Neural networks (ANN) are powerful and effective tools in time-series applications. The first aim of this paper is to diagnose better and more efficient ANN models (Back Propagation, Radial Basis Function Neural networks (RBF), and Recurrent neural networks) in solving the linear and nonlinear time-series behavior. The second aim is dealing with finding accurate estimators as the convergence sometimes is stack in the local minima. It is one of the problems that can bias the test of the robustness of the ANN in time series forecasting. To determine the best or the optimal ANN models, forecast Skill (SS) employed to measure the efficiency of the performance of ANN models. The mean square error and

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Spatial Prediction of Monthly Precipitation in Sulaimani Governorate using Artificial Neural Network Models
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ANN modeling is used here to predict missing monthly precipitation data in one station of the eight weather stations network in Sulaimani Governorate. Eight models were developed, one for each station as for prediction. The accuracy of prediction obtain is excellent with correlation coefficients between the predicted and the measured values of monthly precipitation ranged from (90% to 97.2%). The eight ANN models are found after many trials for each station and those with the highest correlation coefficient were selected. All the ANN models are found to have a hyperbolic tangent and identity activation functions for the hidden and output layers respectively, with learning rate of (0.4) and momentum term of (0.9), but with different data

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Observation and Analysis the role of Convolutional Neural Network towards Lung Cancer Prediction
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Lung cancer is one of the most serious and prevalent diseases, causing many deaths each year. Though CT scan images are mostly used in the diagnosis of cancer, the assessment of scans is an error-prone and time-consuming task. Machine learning and AI-based models can identify and classify types of lung cancer quite accurately, which helps in the early-stage detection of lung cancer that can increase the survival rate. In this paper, Convolutional Neural Network is used to classify Adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and normal case CT scan images from the Chest CT Scan Images Dataset using different combinations of hidden layers and parameters in CNN models. The proposed model was trained on 1000 CT Scan Images of cancerous and non-c

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