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Abstract. Full-waveform airborne laser scanning data has shown its potential to enhance available segmentation and classification approaches through the additional information it can provide. However, this additional information is unable to directly provide a valid physical representation of surface features due to many variables affecting the backscattered energy during travel between the sensor and the target. Effectively, this delivers a mis-match between signals from overlapping flightlines. Therefore direct use of this information is not recommended without the adoption of a comprehensive radiometric calibration strategy that accounts for all these effects. This paper presents a practical and reliable radiometric calibration routine by accounting for all the variables affecting the backscattered energy, including the essential factor of angle of incidence. A new robust incidence angle estimation approach has been developed which has proven capable of delivering a reliable estimation for the scattering direction of the individual echoes. The routine was tested and validated both visually and statistically over various land cover types with simple and challenging surface trends. This proved the validity of this approach to deliver the optimal match between overlapping flightlines after calibration, particularly by adopting a parameter which accounts for the angle of incidence effect.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 21 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal For Computer Science And Mathematics
Fuzzy C means Based Evaluation Algorithms For Cancer Gene Expression Data Clustering
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The influx of data in bioinformatics is primarily in the form of DNA, RNA, and protein sequences. This condition places a significant burden on scientists and computers. Some genomics studies depend on clustering techniques to group similarly expressed genes into one cluster. Clustering is a type of unsupervised learning that can be used to divide unknown cluster data into clusters. The k-means and fuzzy c-means (FCM) algorithms are examples of algorithms that can be used for clustering. Consequently, clustering is a common approach that divides an input space into several homogeneous zones; it can be achieved using a variety of algorithms. This study used three models to cluster a brain tumor dataset. The first model uses FCM, whic

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Advances On Computational Intelligence In Energy
A Theoretical Framework for Big Data Analytics Based on Computational Intelligent Algorithms with the Potential to Reduce Energy Consumption
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Within the framework of big data, energy issues are highly significant. Despite the significance of energy, theoretical studies focusing primarily on the issue of energy within big data analytics in relation to computational intelligent algorithms are scarce. The purpose of this study is to explore the theoretical aspects of energy issues in big data analytics in relation to computational intelligent algorithms since this is critical in exploring the emperica aspects of big data. In this chapter, we present a theoretical study of energy issues related to applications of computational intelligent algorithms in big data analytics. This work highlights that big data analytics using computational intelligent algorithms generates a very high amo

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Petrophysical Analysis Based on Well Logging Data for Tight Carbonate Reservoir: The SADI Formation Case in Halfaya Oil Field
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Carbonate reservoirs are an essential source of hydrocarbons worldwide, and their petrophysical properties play a crucial role in hydrocarbon production. Carbonate reservoirs' most critical petrophysical properties are porosity, permeability, and water saturation. A tight reservoir refers to a reservoir with low porosity and permeability, which means it is difficult for fluids to move from one side to another. This study's primary goal is to evaluate reservoir properties and lithological identification of the SADI Formation in the Halfaya oil field. It is considered one of Iraq's most significant oilfields, 35 km south of Amarah. The Sadi formation consists of four units: A, B1, B2, and B3. Sadi A was excluded as it was not filled with h

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Some Estimation Methods for Mixed-Random Panel Data Regression Models with Serially Correlated Errors with Application
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This research includes the study of dual data models with mixed random parameters, which contain two types of parameters, the first is random and the other is fixed. For the random parameter, it is obtained as a result of differences in the marginal tendencies of the cross sections, and for the fixed parameter, it is obtained as a result of differences in fixed limits, and random errors for each section. Accidental bearing the characteristic of heterogeneity of variance in addition to the presence of serial correlation of the first degree, and the main objective in this research is the use of efficient methods commensurate with the paired data in the case of small samples, and to achieve this goal, the feasible general least squa

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 13 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Numerical Simulation of the Collector Angle Effect on the Performance of the Solar Chimney Power Plant
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Sloped solar chimney system is a solar chimney power plant with a sloped collector. Practically, the sloped collector can function as a chimney, then the chimney height can be reduced and the construction cost would be reduced.The continuity, Naver-stockes, energy and radiation transfer equations have been solved and carried out by Fluent software. The governing equations are solved for incompressible, 3-D, steady, turbulent standard model with Boussiuesq approximation  to develop for the sloped solar chimney system in this study and evaluate the performance of solar chimney power plant  in Baghdad city of Iraq numerically by Fluent (14) software with orking conditions such as solar radiation intensity (30

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 12 2022
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
Prestressing Effects on Full Scale Deep Beams with Large Web Openings¨: An Experimental and Numerical Study
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Most studies on deep beams have been made with reinforced concrete deep beams, only a few studies investigate the response of prestressed deep beams, while, to the best of our knowledge, there is not a study that investigates the response of full scale (T-section) prestressed deep beams with large web openings. An experimental and numerical study was conducted in order to investigate the shear strength of ordinary reinforced and partially prestressed full scale (T-section) deep beams that contain large web openings in order to investigate the prestressing existence effects on the deep beam responses and to better understand the effects of prestressing locations and opening depth to beam depth ratio on the deep beam performance and b

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Urinary tract infection incidence in college students
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Result of studying (61) urine samples collected from students department of Biology in the College of Education-Tikrit University and the people who hold signs and symptoms of urinary tract infections with those who do not have any signs or symptoms through a questionnaire has been with the collection of samples, and the total cases were infected (39 ) cases, a rate (63.9%) distributed (28) cases a female (68.2%) and male (11) cases event rate (55%), while the distribution of positive cases among age groups have emerged group (20-22 years) is the highest rate (56%) females. The results of urine cultures accompany the presence of different types of bacteria sick and E.coli bacteria is the highest ratios positive also it is the most comm

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Wuhaib, K.m. , Hadi, B.h. , Hassan, W.a. Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences, 2016, 47(5), Pp. 1151–1165
Some genetic parameter in maize using full diallel crosses
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
On Shrunken Estimation of Generalized Exponential Distribution
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This paper deal with the estimation of the shape parameter (a) of Generalized Exponential (GE) distribution when the scale parameter (l) is known via preliminary test single stage shrinkage estimator (SSSE) when a prior knowledge (a0) a vailable about the shape parameter as initial value due past experiences as well as suitable region (R) for testing this prior knowledge.

The Expression for the Bias, Mean squared error [MSE] and Relative Efficiency [R.Eff(×)] for the proposed estimator are derived. Numerical results about beha

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
An An Accurate Estimation of Shear Wave Velocity Using Well Logging Data for Khasib Carbonate Reservoir - Amara Oil Field
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Shear and compressional wave velocities, coupled with other petrophysical data, are vital in determining the dynamic modules magnitude in geomechanical studies and hydrocarbon reservoir characterization. But, due to field practices and high running cost, shear wave velocity may not available in all wells. In this paper, a statistical multivariate regression method is presented to predict the shear wave velocity for Khasib formation - Amara oil fields located in South- East of Iraq using well log compressional wave velocity, neutron porosity and density. The accuracy of the proposed correlation have been compared to other correlations. The results show that, the presented model provides accurate

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