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The Mechanisms of AC-conductivity for Ge0.4Te0.6 Thin Films

The Ge0.4Te0.6 alloy has been prepared. Thin films of Ge0.4Te0.6 has been prepared via a thermal evaporation method with 4000A thickness, and rate of deposition (4.2) A/sec at pressure 2x10-6 Torr. The A.C electrical conductivity of a-Ge0.4Te0.6 thin films has been studied as a function of frequency for annealing temperature within the range (423-623) K, the deduced exponent s values, was found to decrease with increasing of annealing temperature through the frequency of the range (102-106) Hz. It was found that, the correlated barrier hopping (CBH) is the dominant conduction mechanism. Values of dielectric constant ε1 and dielectric loss ε2 were found to decrease with frequency and increase with temperature. The activation energies have been calculated for the annealed thin films.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Denotation of Stanza and couplet between the two sonnets

The stanza in the sonnet has been defined as a set of poetic lines followed after proem
and be the same meter as that of proem in complete stanza, but in rhyme scheme different
from that meter. The couplet is defined as set of poetic lines that followed the stanza and be as
the same meter as that of stanza, but with different rhyme scheme. This definition is approved
by all specialized in field of Andalus literature and it was also proven to them that this
construction emptied of indications. This meter has endeavored to prove that that there were a
difference in denotation for meaning between the stanza and couplet. Thus, the sonneteers
have outweighed the sonnet of the blind "Tutaili" to their sonnets as they felt

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Words worth and the Intention of AL. Sayyab Discourse

Words worth and the Intention of AL. Sayyab Discourse

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 10 2017
Journal Name
Form and function in the design of intellectual toys

Playing is the only common language among children in every place and time, to the fact that what distinguishes the children is their quest to play and fun way innate, not acquired, which is expressed with the child really is one of the rights. And play a key entrance to the growth of the child mentally, intellectually and cognitively and not for the child emotionally and socially just. In the play the child begins to identify and classify objects and learn concepts and circulate among themselves on a linguistic basis. Activity here and play a major role in leading the linguistic development of the child in the composition has the communication skills.

The Games (especially intellectual ones) Whatever the cause of the development

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 19 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Rules and steps The design of university research projects

Research is a study conducted by a researcher or a group of researchers to uncover ambiguity, complete a knowledge, or define a relationship, Solve a problem, or answer a question by carefully investigating the comprehensive and in-depth examination of the evidence and evidence related to this knowledge, revealing a relationship, or solving a problem, or answering a question, to be a systematic, In evidence and evidence that reveal facts and general rules, relationships or solutions, in addition to providing knowledge Human rights are verifiable, tested and confirmed. The university research (graduate research, master's thesis, doctoral dissertation) is the most important type of research, and it is supposed to be the best one, since it

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 21 2023
Journal Name
Communications In Mathematical Biology And Neuroscience
New techniques to estimate the solution of autonomous system

This research aims to solve the nonlinear model formulated in a system of differential equations with an initial value problem (IVP) represented in COVID-19 mathematical epidemiology model as an application using new approach: Approximate Shrunken are proposed to solve such model under investigation, which combines classic numerical method and numerical simulation techniques in an effective statistical form which is shrunken estimation formula. Two numerical simulation methods are used firstly to solve this model: Mean Monte Carlo Runge-Kutta and Mean Latin Hypercube Runge-Kutta Methods. Then two approximate simulation methods are proposed to solve the current study. The results of the proposed approximate shrunken methods and the numerical

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Differential Item Functioning at the scal of mental health

At the last years, the interesting of measurement spicilists was increased to study differential item functioning (DIF) wich is reflect the difference of propability true response for test item from subgroups which have equal level of ability . The aims of this research are, inform the DIFat Namers’scale(2009) for mental health to prepare students and detect items that have DIF. Sample research contants (540) students, we use Mantel- Haenzel chi-square to detect DIF. The results are point to there are (26) items have DIF according to gender which are delated form the scale after that.


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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
Industrial Engineering & Management Systems
Economic Analysis of the Financial Literacy Effects in G20

ABSTRACT this paper extends the literature on the elements and effect of financial literacy by investigating the elements of financial literacy and the impact of financial literacy on financial inclusion and savings. This research confirms the results of researches of other economies but exposes some dissimilarities as well. The principal factors of financial literacy are discovered to be government efficiency, educational level, income, economic performance and infrastructure. Both education levels and financial literacy are found to be meaningfully and positively linked to financial inclusion and savings in G20 economies

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Forensic Accounting in Detecting Financial Fraud

A Forensic Accounting is represent science that deals with the application of knowledge in the areas of accounting, finance, tax and audit for the analysis, investigation, inquiry, inspection and testing issues in the civil law and criminal law in an attempt to reach the truth through which enable the Forensic Accountant to provide his Expert opinion , forensic accounting plays a major role by providing a range of important services in the field of investigation for fraud and litigation support, As one of the most important legal and accounting functions is to investigate allegations of alleged by the related parties, especially those allegations related to the existence of fraud, since the goal of judicial accountant will depend

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
Digest Journal Of Nanomaterials And Biostructures
The structural properties of Y1-XLaXBa4Cu7O15+ δ superconductor compound

The eff ect of partial substitution for lanthanum (La) on the structural properties of the compound Y1-xLaxBa4Cu7O15+δ were studied. The variation of (x) are x=0.1, 0.2 and 0.3, which was synthesized by solid state reaction method. The mixed powder was pressed with pressure (7 ton / cm2) as a disc (1.5 cm) diameter and a thickness of (0.25 to 0.3 cm). The samples were sintering by 120 °C / hour with a changing rate from room temperature to 850 ° C through 72 hours. XRD analysis using to calculate crystal size, strain and degree of crystallinity. It was found all samples have orthorhombic structure and change of structure with increasing lanthanum concentration. It was shown that the change lanthanum concentrations of all our samp

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Investigation of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in the Rubidium Vapor

We have studied theoretically the response of atomic three- level cascade scheme
of rubidium vapor to a strong laser under conditions in which electromagnetically
induced transparency would be induced on a weak probe beam. We show that the
medium that is an opaque to a probe laser can, by applying both lasers
simultaneously, be made transparent.

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