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Analysis of Acute Viral Hepatitis (A and E) in Iraq
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Hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver, has a number of infectious and non-infectious causes. Two of the viruses that cause hepatitis (hepatitis A and E) can be transmitted through water and food; hygiene is therefore important in their control. First, to assess the importance of HAV and HEV as a possible diagnosis for clinically diagnosed patients with acute viral hepatitis. Second, to assess the prevalence of hepatitis A and E in all provinces of Iraq and study its association with age, gender. This study consisted of two groups: The first group consisted of 2975 patients with a clinical diagnosis of acute viral hepatitis. The second group consisted of a total of 9610 persons, which were recruited by surveying a nationally representative random sample of households. A stratified random sample proportional to size of each of the 18 Iraqi governorates, both urban and rural areas was employed. Blood samples were taken from study subjects. The relative frequency of positive anti-HAV IgM antibodies was 41.0%, while anti- HEV IgM represented 19.4 % of patients with a clinical suspicion of acute viral hepatitis. The prevalence of hepatitis A-IgG antibodies in Iraqi population is 96.4% (95% confidence interval is 96-96.8%), while that of Hepatitis E-IgG antibodies was 20.3 % (95% confidence interval is 19.4-21.2%). The sero-prevalence showed a steady and significant increase with age for hepatitis E, while it showed an obvious increase between the first and second decade of life for HAV. No significant sex variation was observed for HAV, while males had a higher risk (by 15%) for HEV. The after war situation in Iraq is disastrous, due to the damage to water supply infrastructure and its contamination with sewage, Hepatitis A is hyper endemic in Iraq, while hepatitis E is endemic. Among patients with a clinical diagnosis of acute viral hepatitis, two fifths had serologic evidence of type A and another one fifth had type E viral hepatitis

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 25 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
A new Cumulative Damage Model for Fatigue Life Prediction under Shot Peening Treatment
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In this paper, fatigue damage accumulation were studied using many methods i.e.Corton-Dalon (CD),Corton-Dalon-Marsh(CDM), new non-linear model and experimental method. The prediction of fatigue lifetimes based on the two classical methods, Corton-Dalon (CD)andCorton-Dalon-Marsh (CDM), are uneconomic and non-conservative respectively. However satisfactory predictions were obtained by applying the proposed non-linear model (present model) for medium carbon steel compared with experimental work. Many shortcomings of the two classical methods are related to their inability to take into account the surface treatment effect as shot peening. It is clear that the new model shows that a much better and cons

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Traitement Du Signal
Optimizing Acoustic Feature Selection for Estimating Speaker Traits: A Novel Threshold-Based Approach
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 05 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Review Article: Green Synthesis by using Different Plants to preparation Oxide Nanoparticles
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Green nanotechnology is a thrilling and rising place of technology and generation that braces the ideas of inexperienced chemistry with ability advantages for sustainability, protection, and the general protection from the race human. The inexperienced chemistry method introduces a proper technique for the production, processing, and alertness of much less dangerous chemical substances to lessen threats to human fitness and the environment. The technique calls for in- intensity expertise of the uncooked materials, particularly in phrases in their creation into nanomaterials and the resultant bioactivities that pose very few dangerous outcomes for people and the environment. In the twenty-first century, nanotechnology has become a systematic

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 14 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Panic Attacks Over COVID 19 : A Survey Study on An Iraqi University Sample
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The present paper attempts to detect the level of (COVID-19) pandemic panic attacks among university students, according to gender and stage variables.

To achieve this objective, the present paper adopts the scale set up by (Fathallah et al., 2021), which has been applied electronically to a previous cross-cultural sample consisting of (2285) participants from Arab countries, including Iraq. The scale includes, in its final form, (69) optional items distributed on (6) dimensions:  physical symptoms (13) items, psychological and emotional symptoms (12) items, cognitive and mental symptoms (11) items, social symptoms (8) items, general symptoms (13) items and daily living practices (12) items

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Iecon 2017 - 43rd Annual Conference Of The Ieee Industrial Electronics Society
Optimal second order integral sliding mode control for a flexible joint robot manipulator
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The flexible joint robot manipulators provide various benefits, but also present many control challenges such as nonlinearities, strong coupling, vibration, etc. This paper proposes optimal second order integral sliding mode control (OSOISMC) for a single link flexible joint manipulator to achieve robust and smooth performance. Firstly, the integral sliding mode control is designed, which consists of a linear quadratic regulator (LQR) as a nominal control, and switching control. This control guarantees the system robustness for the entire process. Then, a nonsingularterminal sliding surface is added to give a second order integral sliding mode control (SOISMC), which reduces chartering effect and gives the finite time convergence as well. S

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 10 2018
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In Book: Challenges In Mechanics Of Time-dependent Materials, Volume 2edition: 1stchapter: 11
A Case Study to Evaluate Live Load Distributions for Pre-stressed RC Bridge
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Publication Date
Fri Nov 30 2018
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Estimating the PVT Properties for Crude Oil from a Southern Iraqi Oil Field
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 15 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Sensors
A Modern Approach towards an Industry 4.0 Model: From Driving Technologies to Management
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Every so often, a confluence of novel technologies emerges that radically transforms every aspect of the industry, the global economy, and finally, the way we live. These sharp leaps of human ingenuity are known as industrial revolutions, and we are currently in the midst of the fourth such revolution, coined Industry 4.0 by the World Economic Forum. Building on their guideline set of technologies that encompass Industry 4.0, we present a full set of pillar technologies on which Industry 4.0 project portfolio management rests as well as the foundation technologies that support these pillars. A complete model of an Industry 4.0 factory which relies on these pillar technologies is presented. The full set of pillars encompasses cyberph

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Modified Symmetric Key Fully Homomorphic Encryption Scheme Based on Read-Muller Code
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Homomorphic encryption became popular and powerful cryptographic primitive for various cloud computing applications. In the recent decades several developments has been made. Few schemes based on coding theory have been proposed but none of them support unlimited operations with security.   We propose a modified Reed-Muller Code based symmetric key fully homomorphic encryption to improve its security by using message expansion technique. Message expansion with prepended random fixed length string provides one-to-many mapping between message and codeword, thus one-to many mapping between plaintext and ciphertext. The proposed scheme supports both (MOD 2) additive and multiplication operations unlimitedly.   We make an effort to prove

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Bulletin Of Electrical Engineering And Informatics
A missing data imputation method based on salp swarm algorithm for diabetes disease
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Most of the medical datasets suffer from missing data, due to the expense of some tests or human faults while recording these tests. This issue affects the performance of the machine learning models because the values of some features will be missing. Therefore, there is a need for a specific type of methods for imputing these missing data. In this research, the salp swarm algorithm (SSA) is used for generating and imputing the missing values in the pain in my ass (also known Pima) Indian diabetes disease (PIDD) dataset, the proposed algorithm is called (ISSA). The obtained results showed that the classification performance of three different classifiers which are support vector machine (SVM), K-nearest neighbour (KNN), and Naïve B

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