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Analysis of Acute Viral Hepatitis (A and E) in Iraq
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Hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver, has a number of infectious and non-infectious causes. Two of the viruses that cause hepatitis (hepatitis A and E) can be transmitted through water and food; hygiene is therefore important in their control. First, to assess the importance of HAV and HEV as a possible diagnosis for clinically diagnosed patients with acute viral hepatitis. Second, to assess the prevalence of hepatitis A and E in all provinces of Iraq and study its association with age, gender. This study consisted of two groups: The first group consisted of 2975 patients with a clinical diagnosis of acute viral hepatitis. The second group consisted of a total of 9610 persons, which were recruited by surveying a nationally representative random sample of households. A stratified random sample proportional to size of each of the 18 Iraqi governorates, both urban and rural areas was employed. Blood samples were taken from study subjects. The relative frequency of positive anti-HAV IgM antibodies was 41.0%, while anti- HEV IgM represented 19.4 % of patients with a clinical suspicion of acute viral hepatitis. The prevalence of hepatitis A-IgG antibodies in Iraqi population is 96.4% (95% confidence interval is 96-96.8%), while that of Hepatitis E-IgG antibodies was 20.3 % (95% confidence interval is 19.4-21.2%). The sero-prevalence showed a steady and significant increase with age for hepatitis E, while it showed an obvious increase between the first and second decade of life for HAV. No significant sex variation was observed for HAV, while males had a higher risk (by 15%) for HEV. The after war situation in Iraq is disastrous, due to the damage to water supply infrastructure and its contamination with sewage, Hepatitis A is hyper endemic in Iraq, while hepatitis E is endemic. Among patients with a clinical diagnosis of acute viral hepatitis, two fifths had serologic evidence of type A and another one fifth had type E viral hepatitis

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 20 2024
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Fast New Method for Estimation of Captopril in Pure and Pharmaceutical Preparation by Reaction with Ammonium Ce (IV) Sulfate in Acid Medium
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The determination of captopril (CAP) using a new continuous flow injection analysis (CFIA) method was given in this work CAP in its pure state and some of its pharmaceutical preparations. The technique can be described as simple, fast, sensitive, easy to operate, and low-cost. The CAP reacted with ammonium ceric(IV) sulfate (ACS)2(NH4 )2SO4Ce(SO4)2. 3 H2O in an acidic medium and the reaction led to the formation of a white, slightly yellowish precipitate. The formed precipitate was studied using Ayah 6S×1-ST-2D Solar cell-CFI Analyzer, a through the reflection of accident light on the surfaces of the precipitate particles at (0-1800), expressed as the response

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 11 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Enamel defect of primary and permanent teeth in relation to nutrients daily intake among Down's syndrome children in comparison to normal children
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Background: Any child with Down's syndrome does not develop in the same manner as normal child. Therefore, the child should not be viewed as being like everyone else. Developmental enamel defects in primary teeth have been found at least twice as frequently in disabled children as in control children. Down's syndrome consumed protein more than the recommended daily allowance compared to other disabled groups. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate developmental defects of enamel and their relations to nutrient intake among Down's syndrome children in comparison to normal children. Materials and Methods: A sample consisted of fifty institutionalized Down's syndrome children (study group) and 50 normal children (control group)

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Math Word Problems in Mathematics Books for the First Three Grads of the Basic Stage in Palestine (An analytical and Evaluative Study)
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This study aimed at revealing the degree of availability of standards of word problems in mathematics books for the first three grades of the basic stage in Palestine. For this purpose, the researcher prepared an analysis tool and a list of criteria consisting of two areas: linguistic formulation and mathematical content. Every area had seven items. The results of the study showed that the third-grade mathematics book has the highest degree of availability of the standards with 85.75%, and then came the second-grade mathematics book with 83.12%. Finally, the first-grade mathematics book came with 80.13%. In the light of the previous results, the researcher recommended to develop the language of word problems, to take into account their i

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Biotechnology
The Promising Anti-Tumor Impact of Newcastle Disease Virus Expressing IL-2 and P53 Genes in Many Cancer Cell Lines In vitro
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Abstract: Recombinant Newcastle disease virus (rNDV) has shown an anticancer effect in preclinical studies, but has never been tested in a lung cancer models. In this study we explored the anticancer activity of genetically modified NDV expressing IL-2-P53 (rClone30–IL-2-P53) in lung cancer model. We have cloned IL-2 and P53 genes and inserted them in the viral genome of New Castle Disease Virus to create a genetically modified rNDV- IL-2-P53 virus and tested the anti-tumor activity of the new virus in vitro on different types of cancer cell lines by MTT assay. TheIL-2 and P53 gene were successfully cloned and inserted into the viral genome by using a Mlu I and Sfi I endonucleases, viral vector was constructed correctly and successf

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 22 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Oral &dental Research
The Antibacterial Effect of Tea Tree Oil, Clove Oil and 3% Sodium Hypochlorite against Enterococcus faecalis in Endodontics: An in vitro Study
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Irrigation has significant role in endodontic treatment, many types of antimicrobial irrigation solutions have been used, but due to the ineffectiveness, safety concerns and side effects of this irrigation, the herbal alternatives for endodontic irrigants might be beneficial. Objectives This study compared the in vitro effectiveness of tea tree oil and clove oil as possible irrigants in endodontics against Enterococcus faecalis in comparison with 3% Sodium hypochlorite. Materials and Methods E. faecalis was isolated from patients in need for endodontic treatment; VITEK was employed for E. faecalis isolate conformation. Muller Hinton agar was prepared with 100μl of freshly prepared suspension of E.faecalis. Wells of 6mm diameter and 4mm dep

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 22 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Oral &dental Research
The Antibacterial Effect of Tea Tree Oil, Clove Oil and 3% Sodium Hypochlorite against Enterococcus faecalis in Endodontics: An in vitro Study
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Irrigation has significant role in endodontic treatment, many types of antimicrobial irrigation solutions have been used, but due to the ineffectiveness, safety concerns and side effects of this irrigation, the herbal alternatives for endodontic irrigants might be beneficial. Objectives This study compared the in vitro effectiveness of tea tree oil and clove oil as possible irrigants in endodontics against Enterococcus faecalis in comparison with 3% Sodium hypochlorite. Materials and Methods E. faecalis was isolated from patients in need for endodontic treatment; VITEK was employed for E. faecalis isolate conformation. Muller Hinton agar was prepared with 100μl of freshly prepared suspension of E.faecalis. Wells of 6mm diameter and 4mm dep

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 05 2023
Journal Name
Molecular Biology Reports
The relationship between OXT gene polymorphisms and reproductive hormones in pregnant and lactating Awassi Ewes
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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Positive Psychological Capital (PsyCap) (Conceptual Perspective in Core Basics and Requirements for building and Preparing)
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This research aim to exploring the positive psychological capital concept (PsyCap) which drawn from positive psychology and applying it at workplace. PsyCap emerged as extending for recent another types of capital, such as human capital and social capital. It has been defined as “an individual’s positive psychological state of development". The PsyCap consist of four core constructs (self- efficacy, optimism, hope, and resilience). Each of the four components has considerable theorizing and researching that can contribute to developing an integrative theoretical foundation for PsyCap. But their combined motivational effects will be broader and more impactful than any one of t

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 06 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Environmental dimensions and administrative mechanisms for the territory planning in Algeria, between theory and reality.
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     In front of the serious deterioration of the elements of the environment, new convictions arose the need to integrate into the global environmental concerns as being one and the issue of shared responsibility and the impact of this conviction, the evolution of the environment protection law in many countries, including Algeria. Due to the multiplicity of perceptions about the environmental result of multiple scientific disciplines, the legislative concept emerged to protect the environment, which includes prevention and rational management and conservation and restoration and repair.

    Environmental planning for the various governments and countries aims to avert disasters and achieve the

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Emotions conflict In Balzac’s novel The Father Goriot And Stendhal’s The Red and The Black
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Au XIXe siècle, avec l’excès de la passion, le roman français commence à avoir de nouvelles figures. Il tend à être un reflet de la pensée et de la passion. Stendhal et Balzac révèlent ainsi le conflit de l’âme et donnent à leur héros l’impression que tout est permis.

                Ces protagonistes doivent, d’une part, subir des fluctuations psychologiques, et d’autre part, ces héros doivent être capables de faire face aux rancunes et aux conflits destructeurs. Les personnages stendhaliens et balzaciens finissent par croire que leur combat ne portera pas ses fruits, parce que toute passion déséquilibrée mènera, soit à la fol

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