In this study, phytoplankton density, chlorophyll-a, and selected physico- chemical parameters were investigated in Erbil wastewater channel. The surveys were carried out monthly from May 2003 to April 2004. Samplings were established on three sites from headwaters to the mouth. The results showed that pH was in alkaline side of neutrality, with significant differences (P<0.05) between sites 1 and 3. TSS concentration decreased from site 1 toward site 2 (mean value, 80.15 to 25.79 mg.l-1). A clear gradual increase in mineral content (TDS) observed from site one of the channel towards the mouthpart. Soluble reactive phosphate has a concentration maximum mean value reached 48.4 µg.l-1 which is recorded in site 2. A high positive relationship (P<0.01, r =0.449) obtained between phosphate concentration and phytoplankton density. The results of chlorophyll-a concentration were (mean values, 2.26, 3.88 and 2.42 µg.l-1 respectively), showed the positive relationship (P<0.05, r =0.012) with phytoplankton density. The PCA produced three significant main components which represented by more than 64.5% of the total variance, namely, nutrients related to algal productivity; disposal wastewater and storm water runoff, in which explained by 31.29, 19.68 and 13.55% respectively of the total variance of water quality in polluted channel.
Treated effluent wastewater is considered an alternative water resource which can provide an important contribution for using it in different purposes, so, the wastewater quality is very important for knowing its suitability for different uses before discharging it into fresh water ecosystems. The wastewater quality index (WWQI) may be considered as a useful and effective tool to assess wastewater quality by indicating one value representing the overall characteristic of the wastewater. It could be used to indicate the suitability of wastewater for different uses in water quality management and decision making. The present study was conducted to evaluate the Al-Diwaniyah sewage treatment plant (STP) effluent quality based on wastewa
... Show MoreThe multimetric Phytoplankton Index of Biological Integrity (P-IBI) was applied throughout Rostov on Don city (Russia) on 8 Locations in Don River from April – October 2019. The P-IBI is composed from seven metrics: Species Richness Index (SRI), Density of Phytoplankton and total biomass of phytoplankton and Relative Abundance (RA) for blue-green Algae, Green Algae, Bacillariophyceae and Euglenaphyceae Algae. The average P-IBI values fell within the range of (45.09-52.4). Therefore, water throughout the entire study area was characterized by the equally "poor" quality. Negative points of anthropogenic impact detected at the stations are: Above the city of Rostov-on-Don (1 km, higher duct Aksai) was 38.57 i
... Show MoreThe assessment of a river water’ quality is an essential procedure of monitor programs and is used to collect basic environmental data. The management of integrated water resources in a sustainable method is also necessary to allow future generations to meet their water needs. The main objective of this research is to assess the effect of the Diyala River on Tigris River water quality using Geographic Information System (GIS) technique. Water samples have been collected monthly from November 2017 to April 2018 from four selected locations in Tigris and Diyala Rivers using the grab sampling method. Fourteen parameters were studied which are Turbidity, pH, Dissolved Oxygen, Biological Oxygen Demand, Electrical Conductivi
... Show MoreA new bio-electrochemical system was proposed for simultaneous removal of organic matters and salinity from actual domestic wastewater and synthetically prepared saline water, respectively. The performance of a three-chambered microbial osmotic fuel cell (MOFC) provided with forward osmosis (FO) membrane and cation exchange membrane (CEM) was evaluated with respect to the chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal from wastewater, electricity generation, and desalination of saline water. The MOFC wasinoculated with activated sludge and fueled with actual domestic wastewater. Results revealed that maximum removal efficiency of COD from wastewater, TDS removal efficiency from saline water, power density, and current density were
... Show MoreErbil city is located in the northern Iraq with a population of over one million people. Due to water crises farmers usually use wastewater and well water for the agricultural production. In this study six stations were designed to sample waste water and three from well water to define waste water and ground water characteristics. In this study, Residual Na+ Carbonate, Mg++ hazard, salinity hazard, Kelley index, %sodium, total hardness, permeability index, potential salinity, sodium adsorption ratio, and Irrigation Water Quality Index (IWQI) were determined. The order of average cation concentrations in water was Mg2+> Ca2+ > Na+ > K+. While the proportion of main
... Show MoreProduced water is accompanied with the production of oil and gas especially at the fields producing by water drive or water injection. The quantity of these waters is expected to be more complicated problem with an increasing in water cut which is expected to be 3-8 barrels water/produced barrel oil.Produced water may contain many constituents based on what is present in the subsurface at a particular location. Produced water contains dissolved solids and hydrocarbons (dissolved and suspended) and oxygen depletion. The most common dissolved solid is salt with concentrations range between a few parts per thousand to hundreds parts per thousand. In addition to salt, many produced waters also contain high levels of heavy metals like zinc, bari
... Show MoreThe aim of this investigation was to study the impact of various reaction parameters on wastewater taken from Al-Wathba water treatment plant on Tigris River in south of Baghdad, Iraq with sodium hypochlorite solution. The parameters studied were sodium hypochlorite dose, contact time, initial fecal coliform bacteria concentration, temperature, and pH. In a batch reactor, different concentrations of sodium hypochlorite solution were used to disinfect 1L of water. The amount of hypochlorite ions in disinfected water was measured using an Iodimetry test for different reaction times, whereas the Most Probable Number (MPN) test was used to determine the concentration of coliform bacteria. Total Plate Count (TPC) was utilized in this study to
... Show MoreThe assessment of a river water’ quality is an essential procedure of monitor programs and isused to collect basic environmental data. The management of integrated water resources in asustainable method is also necessary to allow future generations to meet their water needs. Themain objective of this research is to assess the effect of the Diyala River on Tigris River waterquality using Geographic Information System (GIS) technique. Water samples have beencollected monthly from November 2017 to April 2018 from four selected locations in Tigris andDiyala Rivers using the grab sampling method. Fourteen parameters were studied which areTurbidity, pH, Dissolved Oxygen, Biological Oxygen Demand, Electrical Conductivity, TotalDissolved Solids,
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