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The Effect of Systemic Proteolytic Enzymes on Postoperative Inflammatory Response and Quality of Life after Surgical Extraction of Impacted Mandibular Third Molar
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Background: The surgical extraction of impacted third molar usually results in postoperative inflammation manifested as pain, facial swelling and trismus which may cause deterioration in the patient’s quality of life. Methods: This randomized controlled study included 56 patients indicated for surgical extraction of IMTM under local anesthesia. These patients were randomly assigned into two groups: a study group that included patients who received Tibrolin® postoperatively and a control group that did not. The predictor variable was whether to use SET or not. Pain measured by the pain numerical rating scale (NRS), facial swelling, and the degree of trismus were the outcome variables. The Arabic version of the Oral Health Impact Profile 5 (OHIP5-Ar) questionnaire was used to measure quality of life (QoL) on the day of surgery (day 1) and on days 3, 7, and 13. Results: The study group demonstrated significantly lower pain scores postoperatively on day 1 and a lesser degree of facial swelling on day 3 compared to the control group, while no significant differences were observed regarding the other time intervals. There were no significant differences in the degree of trismus or QoL between the two groups. Conclusions: Tibrolin® administration following the surgical extraction of IMTM might reduce post-operative complaints in patients with surgical extraction of IMTM.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 20 2018
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The Performance of the Actor (Sami Abdul-Hameed) in the Picturesque Theatre of the play Director (Salah AL-Kassab)
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The researches discusses the style of acting used by (Sami Abdul-Hameed) in one of the play director (Salah AL-Kassab) production whine he called; Picturesque.
The problem of this research is to discover the differences between the performance of (Sami Abdul-Hameed) in the Picturesque Theatre and the other theatre.
The goal of the research is to get to know the style of acting used in (king Lear) directed by (Salah AL-Kassab).
After defining the term (picturesque theatre), the researcher discusses the elements of the Visual theatre and the components of the stage picture according to (Alexander Dean) and he refers to those well-known director who had emphasized the Visual elements. Such as (Gordon Grieg) and (Franco Zeferrel

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Capability of The Iraqi Banking Sector of Commitment to Implementing the Act: (FATCA)Through The Specialized Computerized Program
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The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) basically targets US citizens’ accounts hold at foreign banks and financial institutions blush, seems and non-financial sector by the Act:( retirement plan companies, investment funds, hedge funds and family investment companies.)

The non Compliance of Foreign of financial institutions act will lead to financial looses and harm regarding reputation, especially for the countries that rely on foreign relations in their financial and banking activities, in addition to deducting 30 % of their total incomes and sales coming from the USA. These institutions can avoid it by entering into agreement with the Internal Revenue Service's to be foreign financial institutions complied with the a

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Publication Date
Sun May 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of economic development efforts in the structural imbalances of the Iraqi economy for the period (2007-2018)
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Sustainable development is launched through the interaction between the economy and natural resources and preserving them from exhaustion as well as the efficient management of natural and social resources and includes a diversified economic condition and thus is the focus of attention to the development of economic structures, which is intended to improve the level of human well-being by increasing its share in the necessary goods and services and their relationship With economic growth, which is the most important driver of economic transformation, because it reflects the ability of society and increasing its productive capabilities and investing in the optimal way Although the Iraqi economy is considered one of the diversified

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of Organizational Change in the Development of the Insurance Service: (applied study in The National Insurance Company)
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تشهد بیئة الأعمال المعاصرة جملة من التغیرات والتطورات التكنولوجیة وتزایداً في حدةالمنافسة، وأتساع الفجوة بین العاملین والإدارة ، وقدرة الإدارة على التمییز بین الموظفین، والمشاركة فيإتخاذ القرارات، الامر الذي یلقي على عاتق شركة التأمین إجراء التغییر التنظیمي لتحقیق تطور فيالخدمات التأمینیة التي تقدمها للجمهور من تنوع التغطیات التأمینیة )الوثائق( والسرعة في تسویةالتعویضات وغیرها من الانشطة التي تمارسه

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effectiveness of a proposed program to solve the problem of mixing Arabic letters similar to the voice of students in the second grade primary
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The purpose of this research is to demonstrate the effectiveness of a program to address the problem of mixing similar letters in the Arabic language for students in the second grade of primary and to achieve the goal of the research. The researcher followed the experimental method to suit the nature of this research and found that there are statistically significant differences between the tribal and remote tests, The effectiveness of the proposed educational program. At the end of the research, the researcher recommends several recommendations, the most important of which are: 1 - Training students to correct pronunciation of the outlets, especially in the first three stages of primary education (primary) and the use of direct training

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 16 2021
Journal Name
Turkish Journal Of Computer And Mathematics Education
Awareness of the concepts of the green economy among the student-teacher at the College of Education for Pure Sciences - Ibn al-Haytham in Iraq
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees21gr
The possibility of implementing smart mobility in the traditional city: Studying the possibility of establishing an intelligent transportation system in the city center of Kadhimiya
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The possibility of implementing smart mobility in the traditional city: Studying the possibility of establishing an intelligent transportation system in the city center of Kadhimiya

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of sports marketing in achieving the competitive superiority of the organization: a case study in a sample of the Iraqi Premier League clubs
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The organization of sporting activities at the local and international levels requires a lot of money, which has increased interest in marketing in the sports field, as it is one of the modern topics that represent the basic knowledge needed by the sports marketer and which represents one of the basic concepts to enhance the benefits and returns of sports clubs. The research problem was the weak awareness of the members of the administrative body of Iraqi sports clubs of the role of sports marketing in the dimensions of competitive superiority and not exploiting them in the optimal way that enables clubs to achieve competitive superiority. The research aims to know the role of sports marketing in competitive superi

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Publication Date
Tue May 09 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The research aims to determine the strength of the relationship between time management and work pressure and administrative leadership, where he was taken a sample of (47) of the administrative leadership at the Higher Institute of security and administrative development in the Ministry of Interior was used questionnaire as a key tool in collecting data and information and analyzed the answers to the sample surveyed by using Statistical program (spss) in the arithmetic mean of the calculation and test (t) and the correlation coefficient, the research found the most important results: the existence of significant moral positive relationship between both time management and work pressure and administrative leadership, the leadership of th

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The use of ionic pumping method for improving the performance of vacuum micro-electronic valves: The use of ionic pumping method for improving the performance of vacuum micro-electronic valves
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The use of electronic valves is commonly available. yet, the most
common is the techniques of communications as prod casting transmitter that
are used by these valves in addition to their use in communication tools as far
distance telephone, electronic measuring techniques , and others.
In this study, an attempt is endeavored for improving the efficiency of the
vacuum micro- valves(GI-19b) through activating their internal surfaces by the
use of ionic pumping which is used for treating valves which are out of order
(because of sedimentation some materials and oxide on its poles). The
existence of these materials and oxide increase the sum of current leakage
moving in between. The use of ionic pumpin

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