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Development of a nanostructured double-layer coated tablet based on polyethylene glycol/gelatin as a platform for hydrophobic molecules delivery
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The aim of the current study was to develop a nanostructured double-layer for hydrophobic molecules delivery system. The developed double-layer consisted of polyethylene glycol-based polymeric (PEG) followed by gelatin sub coating of the core hydrophobic molecules containing sodium citrate. The polymeric composition ratio of PEG and the amount of the sub coating gelatin were optimized using the two-level fractional method. The nanoparticles were characterized using AFM and FT-IR techniques. The size of these nano capsules was in the range of 39-76 nm depending on drug loading concentration. The drug was effectively loaded into PEG-Gelatin nanoparticles (≈47%). The hydrophobic molecules-release characteristics in terms of controlled-release duration and dissolution efficiency were examined in various dissolution media, such as physiological pH (7.4) and simulated stomach fluid (3.4). Consequently, the optimized double-layer for hydrophobic molecules delivery system showed a gradual release of hydrophobic molecules in the and in physiological pH, indicating its novelty for using as a platform for hydrophobic molecules delivery.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Critical Success Factors in Construction Projects (Governmental Projects as a Case Study)
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The importance of the construction sector and its Great role in the provision of services and infrastructure, reduce poverty, improve living conditions and improve the economic situation in the country, impose attention to the way in which the projects implemented for its improvement and to get successful projects. The objective of this research was to determine the criteria for success as well as critical success and failure factors that have a significant impact on project success. A selected 75 engineer (department managers, project managers and engineers) are asked to fill  the questionnaire form, Sixty-seven valid questionnaire forms were analyzed statistically to get search results, which were as follows : Twe

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 25 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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This research was aimed to evaluate activity of Rosemary volatile oil and Nisin A in vivo and on B. cereus isolated from some canned meat products in vitro. The results showed that the activity of Rosemary volatile oil (2000 µg/ml) and Nisin A (350 µg\ml) attained to 27 and 19 mm inhibitory zone diameter respectively in well diffusion method. The viable plate count from samples of canned meat treated with effective concentration of Rosemary volatile oil and Nisin A were examined. The samples with Rosemary volatile oil was not showed any CFU/g after 9 days of preservation while sample with Nisin A and control observed 49 and 45 CFU/g respectively. In vivo experiment on mice, two weeks after oral dose of Rosemary volatile oil (2000

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
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The present work aims to study the efficiency of using aluminum refuse, which is available locally (after dissolving it in sodium hydroxide), with different coagulants like alum [Al2 (SO4)3.18H2O], Ferric chloride FeCl3 and polyaluminum chloride (PACl) to improve the quality of water. The results showed that using this coagulant in the flocculation process gave high results in the removal of turbidity as well as improving the quality of water by precipitating a great deal of ions causing hardness. From the experimental results of the Jar test, the optimum alum dosages are (25, 50 and 70 ppm), ferric chloride dosages are (15, 40 and 60 ppm) and polyaluminum chloride dosages were (10, 35 and 55 ppm) for initial water turbidity (100, 500 an

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Audre Lorde's Who Said It Was Simple Characterized as a Confessional Mode
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The research explores the confessional aspect in Audre Lorde's poem" Who Said It Was Simple ". Lorde depicts her personality under the stress of race, sex and sexuality. She discloses her own bitter experience concerning racism, sexism and sexuality in her poem to revive the retrospective truth of the Afro-Americans' life in the USA. This publicly manifestation of her personality and tribulation throughthe language ofpoetry has been regarded as the hallmark of confessional poetry.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The European Union and the Extremist Right Phenomenon: Brexit as a Model
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The European Unit has never been affected by a serious phenomena as the phenomena of the advancing of the far right parties. Though these parties vary in their impact in their original countries, they agree on one important issue which is the deconstruction of the European unit and limiting its supernational powers. These increasing popular parties aim at more national independence in decision making away from the decisions taken by Brussels. Moreover, they criticize the financial and administrative corruption accompanied many of the rescuing procedures directed for example towards countries like Greece and Spain during the international economic crisis. This failure nourishes many of the negative feelings against the European unit which

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Novelist character in the Iraqi press criticism – Fadhil Thamir as a model))
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The novel has recently received great attention from readers and before them writers, due to the role it is playing, and this indicates an important rule, which is whenever there is art or creativity, there must be a criticism of its own, and this criticism is certainly no less important than its owner, so we find There are critics who have their distinguished literary position in following up the narrative development, and trying to describe the transformation of its elements, including Professor Fadel Thamer, and whoever wants to approach an element of the novel as an explorer, he must stand on the visions of this critic about it, and this is what made us take the element (personality) Tracking the most important opinions of the critic

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Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Viscosity and Density of Chrom Alum in Aqueous Poly (Ethylene Glycol) Solution at Different Temperature
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   Density data of  alum chrom in water and in aqueous solution of poly (ethylene glycol) (1500) at different temperatures (288.15, 293.15, 298.15) k have been used to estimate the apparent molar volume (Vθ), limiting apparent molar volume (Vθ˚) experimental slope (Sv) and the second derivative of limiting partial molar volume [δ2 θ v° /δ T2] p .The viscosity data have been analyzed by means of Jones –Dole equation to obtain coefficient A, and  Jones – Dole coefficient B, Free activation  energy of activation per mole of solvent, Δμ10* solute, Δμ20* the activation enthalpy ΔH*,and entropy, ΔS*of activation of viscous flow. These results have been discussed

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Ovonic Research
Composite nanostructured growth of (CdS)0.75 (PbS)0.25/Si solar cell and its characterization
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By using vacuum evaporation, thin films of the (CdS)0.75-(PbS)0.25 alloy have been deposited to form a nanocrystalline composite. Investigations were made into the morphology, electrical, optical and I-V characteristics of (CdS)0.75-(PbS)0.25 films asdeposited and after annealing at various temperatures. According to AFM measurements, the values of grain sizes rise as annealing temperatures rise, showing that the films' crystallinity has been increased through heat treatment. In addition, heat treatment results in an increase in surface roughness values, suggesting rougher films that could be employed in more applications. The prepared films have direct energy band gaps, and these band gaps increase with the increase in the degrees

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 24 2023
Journal Name
Environmental Monitoring And Assessment
Rice husk coated with copper oxide nanoparticles for 17α-ethinylestradiol removal from an aqueous solution: adsorption mechanisms and kinetics
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The 17 α-ethinylestradiol (EE2) adsorption from aqueous solution was examined using a novel adsorbent made from rice husk powder coated with CuO nanoparticles (CRH). Advanced analyses of FTIR, XRD, SEM, and EDSwere used to identify the classification parameters of a CRH-like surface morphology, configuration, and functional groups. The rice husk was coated with CuO nanoparticles, allowing it to create large surface area materials with significantly improved textural qualities with regard to functional use and adsorption performance, according to a detailed characterization of the synthesized materials. The adsorption process was applied successfully with elimination effectiveness of 100% which can be kept up to 61.3%. The parameters of ads

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 08 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
PDF Lab-On-a-Chip an integrated microfluidic device sensitive low-Cost, and Rapid with a syringe pump for Analysis of Ibuprofen
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Abstract: Microfluidic devices present unique advantages for the development of efficient drug assay and screening. The microfluidic platforms might offer a more rapid and cost-effective alternative. Fluids are confined in devices that have a significant dimension on the micrometer scale. Due to this extreme confinement, the volumes used for drug assays are tiny (milliliters to femtoliters).

 In this research, a microfluidic chip consists of micro-channels carved on substrate materials built by using Acrylic (Polymethyl Methacrylate, PMMA) chip was designed using a Carbon Dioxide (CO2) laser machine. The CO2 parameters have influence on the width, depth, roughness of the chip. In order to have regular

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