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Pulse transmission time and amplitude of digital pulse wave determined by fingertip plethysmography as a surrogate marker of brachial artery flowmediated dilatation
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Objectives: To assess the changes in blood vessel stiffness and digital pulse wave amplitude because of flowmediateddilatation, and to explore how these two variables change when endothelial dysfunction isexperimentally induced.Method: The experimental study was conducted at the departments of physiology at the College of Medicine,Mustansiriyah University, and the College of Medicine, Al-Iraqia University, Baghdad, Iraq, from October 14, 2021, toMay 31, 2022, and comprised healthy young males who were subjected to the flow-mediated dilatation techniqueon the left brachial artery. Pulse transit time and the amplitude of the digital pulse wave were measured duringreactive hyperaemia for 2.5 minutes from the left middle finger using a piezoelectric pressure sensor and asimultaneous Lead I electrocardiogram. Endothelial dysfunction (ED) was induced by oscillatory and retrogradeshear rates. The correlation between variables was calculated in Excel running on the Windows operating system.Results: There were 10 second-year medical students with mean age 22±0 years and mean body mass index25.7±4.8kg/m2. During reactive hyperaemia, pulse transit time was significantly increased by 3-5% in both normalendothelium and experimentally induced endothelial dysfunction relative to the pre-occluded artery, and thedifference was not significant (p>0.05). Digital pulse wave amplitude increased significantly in normal endotheliumrelative to the pre-occluded artery (p<0.05), but not in experimentally-induced endothelial dysfunction (p>0.05).Conclusion: The pulse transit time and digital pulse wave amplitudes of the photo plethysmography signal may beused to detect changes in vessel wall diameter and tone throughout the reactive hyperaemia process. Digital pulsewave amplitude was better able to detect experimentally-induced endothelial dysfunction, as assessed by the flowmediateddilatation protocol, than pulse transit time.Key Words: Hyperemia, Brachial Artery, Dilatation, Plethysmography, Electrocardiography, Pulse Wave,Endothelium, Running

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 20 2018
Journal Name
Iaes International Journal Of Artificial Intelligence (ij-ai)
Optimization of Digital Histopathology Image Quality
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One of the biomedical image problems is the appearance of the bubbles in the slide that could occur when air passes through the slide during the preparation process. These bubbles may complicate the process of analysing the histopathological images. The objective of this study is to remove the bubble noise from the histopathology images, and then predict the tissues that underlie it using the fuzzy controller in cases of remote pathological diagnosis. Fuzzy logic uses the linguistic definition to recognize the relationship between the input and the activity, rather than using difficult numerical equation. Mainly there are five parts, starting with accepting the image, passing through removing the bubbles, and ending with predict the tissues

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 14 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Digital Governance of Moroccan School Establishments
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Digital technologies have come to shake up the traditional paradigm of learning, and to change the existing relationship of "know-teaching" to put in place a key concept of the time is "to accompany through digital tools Our intervention is part of a technical-pedagogical approach and will focus on an action research work in which we will try:
First, to present on line an accessible digital device that facilitates and organizes project planning and provides means to govern and control the quality of administrative acts.
Next, We will show the first results of the experimentation of this tool in our context of research represented by 355 directors of the secondary schools of the provincial delegation of Taza. Morocco, pointing out a

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Evaluation of Osteocalcin and Some Biochemical Marker in Diabetes Mellitus Iraqi Women's patients with Osteoporosis
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Diabetes mellitus is a set of metabolic diseases, the most prevalent of which is chronic hyperglycemia. The culprits include insulin synthesis, insulin action, or both. Osteoporosis is a progressive systemic skeletal disorder defined by decreased bone mass and micro architectural degeneration of bone tissue, resulting in increased bone fragility and fracture risk, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The degree of Nervosa damage determines how much a diabetic patient's body has been compromised. The current study's goal is an estimation: Age, BMI, FBS, HbA1C, D3, ALP, Ca, P, and Osteocalcin in Iraqi T2DM Women's patients with and without Osteoporosis. Three vitamins are required for Osteocalcin biosynthesis: vitamin K for Gla f

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Evaluation of Osteocalcin and Some Biochemical Marker in Diabetes Mellitus Iraqi Women's patients with Osteoporosis
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Diabetes mellitus is a set of metabolic diseases, the most prevalent of which is chronic hyperglycemia. The culprits include insulin synthesis, insulin action, or both. Osteoporosis is a progressive systemic skeletal disorder defined by decreased bone mass and micro architectural degeneration of bone tissue, resulting in increased bone fragility and fracture risk, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The degree of Nervosa damage determines how much a diabetic patient's body has been compromised. The current study's goal is an estimation: Age, BMI, FBS, HbA1C, D3,  ALP, Ca, P, and  Osteocalcin in Iraqi T2DM Women's patients with and without Osteoporosis. Three vitamins are required for Osteocalcin biosynthesis: vitamin K fo

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
“Small wave number and less of Reynolds number inflow analysis in peristaltic transportation of “Hyperbolic tangent fluid” in curved channels by employing the influence of radial magnetic force”
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Abstract<p>Through this article, we studied the peristaltic motion of “Hyperbolic Tangent” fluid in the geometry of curvature channel by using the analysis of large wavelength and less of Reynolds number. The matter has controlled mathematically by the partial differential equations of continuity, motion, heat transfer. In the study, we used the impact of radial magnetic force. The obtained coupled non-linear equations of above equations have solved by an approximation technical. Locked formula solutions of the stream function, axial velocity, heat function has evaluated. The influence of curvature is analysed and took it into account. The impact of sundry variables on the inflow features ha</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Preparation and Characterization of Y2O3, Sio2 Doped By Eu2O3 as Luminescent Ink
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   This article includes the preparation of luminescence materials from rare earth (Eu ) ion doping Yttrium Oxide (Y2O3) 70% and SiO2 25% and study the characteristics of phosphors for ultraviolet to visible conversion. The phosphor materials have been synthesized by two steps: Preparing the powder by solid state method using Y2O3, SiO2 and Eu2O3 with doping materials concentration (70%, 25% and 5%) respectively and different calcination temperature (1000, 1200 and 1400 oC).

   The second step is to prepare the colloid solution by dispersing the produced powder in a polyvinyl alcohol solution (4%) .


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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Partial Differential Equations In Applied Mathematics
Determination of time-dependent coefficient in time fractional heat equation
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Numerical Blow-up Time of a One-Dimensional Semilinear Parabolic Equation with a Gradient Term
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  This paper deals with numerical approximations of a one-dimensional semilinear parabolic equation with a gradient term. Firstly, we derive the semidiscrete problem of the considered problem and discuss its convergence and blow-up properties. Secondly, we propose both Euler explicit and implicit finite differences methods with a non-fixed time-stepping procedure to estimate the numerical blow-up time of the considered problem. Finally, two numerical experiments are given to illustrate the efficiency, accuracy, and numerical order of convergence of the proposed schemes.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 10 2020
Journal Name
Annals Of Tropical Medicine & Public Health
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The study showed that all extracts (aqueous, ethanolic and acetonic) of the leaves of Eucalyptus and Myrtus plants had a inhibitory effect on the growth of all types of yeasts studied, acetone extract recorded the highest inhibition of yeastat 100ppm concentration,The inhibition was 35mm, 34mm, 24mm and 20mm for Candida parapsilosis, Candida glabrata, Candida tropicalis and Candida albicans respectively, The experiments above showed the least significant differences at 0.05 level.The results ofE. Cammldulensis ethanolic tincture analysis has shown the presence of 44 biologically active substances. The main Eucalyptus leaves component was: 2-Bicyclo (2-2.1) heptanol (12.37%), Ledol (8.23%),1,2,4- Benzenetriol (8.45%) and that contain spathul

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Annals Of Tropical Medicine And Public Health
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