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Structural Design According to Constructal Theory in Architecture
Abstract<p>Constructal theory plays a major role in the conceptual design stage of the structural system in architecture. It provides a conceptual framework for predicting the form depending on natural systems to model those systems geometrically according to the constructal law that works in two directions: the first is towards predicting the general form of the structural system, and the second is the physical application of the law in the process of detailed design of the parts of the system. The aim of this paper is to determine the mechanism adopted in the structural design according to the constructal theory, assuming that the structural design according to the constructal theory achieves high structural efficiency. The paper depends in its theoretical framework on the clarification of the concepts of constructal theory, the mechanism of constructal law work, and then the verification of its compliance with the applicable rules to achieve high efficiency. The paper concludes a set of indicators that can be adopted in assessing the level of structural efficiency - at the level of form and material - of architecturally designed structures according to the constructal theory. The research concluded that constructal theory contributes significantly to research on the origins of living systems, and to employ them in the process of creating the architectural form on one hand, and enhancing the structural efficiency of the structural performance on the other hand.</p>
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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Mechanical Properties Investigation of Composite Material Under Different Parameters Variations

         The main objective of this research is to design and select a composite plate to be used in fabricating wing skins of light unman air vehicle (UAV). The mechanical properties, weight and cost are the basis criteria of this selection. The fiber volume fraction, fillers and type of fiber with three levels for each were considered to optimize the composite plate selection. Finite element method was used to investigate the stress distribution on the wing at cruise flight condition in addition to estimate the maximum stress. An experiments plan has been designed to get the data on the basis of Taguchi technique. The most effective parameters at the process to be find out by employing L9

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 15 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effect of Optiglaze Coating on the Staphylococcus aurous and Porosity of Heat Cured Acrylic Material

Background: Polishing technique for acrylic resin material have great effect on properties of acrylic material and bacterial colonization such as staphylococcus aurous, which are responsible for many acrylic prosthetic infections such as the commonly ocular infections. Ineffective polishing technique could affect roughness and subsequently porosity of acrylic materials.So, a new effective method for polishing acrylic was used depending on the use of optiglaze coating material. So, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of optiglaze polishing on porosity of acrylic resin material and staphylococcus aurous activity in comparison to conventional polishing technique. 

Materials and methods: Specimen(n=120) were prepared :20 spe

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
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Designing an E-marketing Website for Sustainable Fashion: صيته بنت محمد المطيري .....بشاير يوسف التويجري .....روان يوسف العلي....شهد عبد الحكيم المقرن

The importance of websites appears as a modern tool that helps people connect with each other and exchange information rapidly. An increase number of new websites have been created in public or private spheres, which benefit individuals and society as a whole. This research aims to design a website specialized in marketing sustainable fashion that meets the needs of the Saudi market. It followed a descriptive and analytical approach. A survey has been conducted on a random sample of e-marketing users. The sample number is 101 users. The study resulted in: Determining the effectiveness of e-marketing, studying consumer purchasing tendencies, and designing a website for sustainable fashion based on the survey’s results. The study recomme

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 26 2023
Journal Name
Wasit Journal Of Pure Sciences
Pure Graph of a Commutative Ring

A new definition of a graph called Pure graph of a ring denote Pur(R) was presented , where the vertices of the graph represent the elements of R such that there is an edge between the two vertices ???? and ???? if and only if ????=???????? ???????? ????=????????, denoted by pur(R) . In this work we studied some new properties of pur(R) finally we defined the complement of pur(R) and studied some of it is properties

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 16 2022
Journal Name
Arab Journal For Plant Protection
Effects of Pseudomonas fluorescens, Bacillus thuringiensis tenebrionis Isolates and Biologically Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles on Cellulase Enzyme Activity in Workers' Digestive System of the Termite Microcerotermes diversus Silv

Kamel, S.H., R.F. Al-Jassani and H.A. Al-Shammari. 2022. Effects of Pseudomonas fluorescens, Bacillus thuringiensis tenebrionis Isolates and Biologically Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles on Cellulase Enzyme Activity in Workers' Digestive System of the Termite Microcerotermes diversus Silv. Arab Journal of Plant Protection, 40(4): 315-324. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different bacterial isolates of P. fluorescens and B. t. tenebrionis and silver nanoparticles on the activity of the cellulase enzyme in termites' middle digestive system and its role in glucose release by treating cellulose media with bacterial strains and nanoparticles. Ultraviolet spectroscopy re

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 03 2024
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The reality of the organizational brilliance of physical Educators in the college of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Baghdad from female students point of view

Achieving goals effectively reflects the success of the institution. However, unless this indicator is coupled with efficiency when achieving goals, the institution will be equal in its achievements, and distinction will remain unachieved. Perhaps the role of the teaching staff in pushing the institution or college towards brilliance focuses on their ability to motivate people on the one hand and their interest in achieving brilliance for the institution. On the other hand, the importance of the research lies in the institution’s reaching a prominent position through the brilliance and creativity of teaching and achieving competition between institutions that make it more brilliance. The study seeks to achieve the goal of the real

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 09 2021
Journal Name
Review Of International Geographical Education ( Rigeo )
Social Entrepreneurship and Women Empowerment in The Light of The Corona Pandemic": A Field Study from The Point of View of a Sample of Iraqi Women Entrepreneurs

This research aims to clarify the conceptual framework of social entrepreneurship shows the importance of the development of social entrepreneurship according to the contextual aspects and the social value achieved from these works. It also identifies the degree of level of a sample of women entrepreneurs in Iraq for the extent of the relationship between social entrepreneurship and women's empowerment. It also explains the impact of entrepreneurial work in empowering women and the extent to which there are individual differences between the average scores of the sample members’ estimation of the level of social entrepreneurship according to social status, age group, educational qualification, and specialization according to the s

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Full Text Book Of Minar Congress8

The herein research was carried out in order to identified the presence of bacteria in cervix and uterine lumen in Iraqi cattle during the different estrus phase with focusing on Protus and E coli. Estrus phases were determined by the structures which found on ovary (follicular growth for pro-estrus, mature growing follicle for estrus, hemorrhagic corpus luteam for meta-estrus and active corpus luteam for di-eatrus). Forty cervical swabs (ten for each estrus phase) and forty uterine swabs (ten for each estrus phase) were taken from macroscopically healthy reproductive animals after slaughtering and cultivated on nutrient agar and blood agar, the bacterial isolation were identified with biochemical teats. The present study found that

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 08 2025
Journal Name
Revista Iberoamericana De Psicología Del Ejercicio Y El Deporte, Issn 1886-8576, Vol. 16, Nº. 3, 2021
The effect of a rehabilitation program using a tens device for the treatment of pain and impaired mobility of the wrist and limbs joint in basketball players

Autorías: Hadeer Idan Ghanim, Ishraq Mahmood. Localización: Revista iberoamericana de psicología del ejercicio y el deporte. Nº. 3, 2021. Artículo de Revista en Dialnet.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Investigating the Optimal Duration of the Sun Exposure for Adequate Cutaneous Synthesis of Vitamin D3 in Baghdad City: Depending on Fitzpatrick Skin Classification for Different Skin Types

     Vitamin D3 deficiency is regarded as a public health issue in Iraq, particularly during the winter. Sun exposure is the main source of vitamin D3, where the surface ultraviolet (UV) radiation plays an important role in human health. The amount of time that must be spent in the sun each day was determined for the amount of exposed skin, for all skin types, with and without sunscreen under clear sky conditions in the city of Baghdad (Long 44.375, Lat 33.375). UV index data was obtained by TEMIS satellite during the year 2021. From data analysis, we found that most days during the year were within the high level of ultraviolet radiation values ​​in the city of Baghdad, and most of them were during the summer, where the person n

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