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Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Lead Pb2+ and Cd2+ Retention from a Single Salt Using a Hollow Fiber PES Membrane

The present work reports the performance of three types of polyethersulfone (PES) membrane in the removal of highly polluting and toxic lead Pb2+ and cadmium Cd2+ ions from a single salt. This study investigated the effect of operating variables, including pH, types of PES membrane, and feed concentration, on the separation process. The transport parameters and mass transfer coefficient (k) of the membranes were estimated using the combined film theory-solution-diffusion (CFSD), combined film theory-Spiegler-Kedem (CFSK), and combined film theory-finely-porous (CFFP) membrane transport models. Various parameters were used to estimate the enrichment factors, concentration polarization modulus, and Péclet number. The pH values significantly affected the permeation flux of the Pb2+ solution but only had a slight effect on the Cd2+ solution. However, Cd2+ rejection was highly improved by increasing the pH value. The rejection of the PES membranes increased greatly as the heavy metal concentration rose, while the heavy metal concentration moderately affected the permeation flux. The maximum rejection of Pb2+ in a single-salt solution was 99%, 97.5%, and 98% for a feed solution containing 10 mg Pb/L at pH 6, 6.2, and 5.7, for PES1, PES2, and PES3, respectively. The maximum rejection of Cd2+ in single-salt solutions was 78%, 50.2%, and 44% for a feed solution containing 10 mg Cd/L at pH 6.5, 6.2, and 6.5, for PES1, PES2, and PES3, respectively. The analysis of the experimental data using the CFSD, CFSK, and CFFP models showed a good agreement between the theoretical and experimental results. The effective membrane thickness and active skin layer thickness were evaluated using the CFFP model, indicating that the Péclet number is important for determining the mechanism of separation by diffusion.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 30 2022
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Heat Transfer
Theoretical and experimental investigation of a heat pipe heat exchanger for energy recovery of exhaust air

Heat pipes and two‐phase thermosyphon systems are passive heat transfer systems that employ a two‐phase cycle of a working fluid within a completely sealed system. Consequently, heat exchangers based on heat pipes have low thermal resistance and high effective thermal conductivity, which can reach up to the order of (105 W/(m K)). In energy recovery systems where the two streams should be unmixed, such as airconditioning systems of biological laboratories and operating rooms in hospitals, heat pipe heat exchangers (HPHEs) are recommended. In this study, an experimental and theoretical study was carried out on the thermal performance of an air‐to‐air HPHE filled with two refrigerants as working fluids, R22 and R407c. The heat pipe he

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Sensors And Actuators B: Chemical
Fabrication and Characterizations of a Novel Etched-tapered Single Mode Optical Fiber Ammonia Sensors Integrating PANI/GNF Nanocomposite

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 31 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Electrochemical Science And Technology
Preparation and Characterization of Electrodeposited Cadmium and Lead thin Films from a Diluted Chloride Solution

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Bio-inspired Computing – Theories And Applications
Image Segmentation Using Membrane Computing: A Literature Survey

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 20 2024
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Engineering Reports
A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Inverted Wings Modifications on the Stability and Aerodynamic Performance of a Sedan Car at Cornering
ABSTRACT<p>This research examines the impact of cornering on the aerodynamic forces and stability of a Nissan Versa (Almera) passenger sedan car by introducing novel modifications. These modifications included single inverted wings with end plates as a front spoiler, double‐element inverted wings with end plates as a rear spoiler, and incorporating the ground as a diffuser under the car trunk. The goal is to enhance the performance and stability of conventional passenger cars. To ensure the accuracy of the numerical data, the study utilized multiple methodologies to model the turbulence model, ultimately selecting the most suitable option. This involved comparing numerical data with wind tunnel experimental d</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Optics And Applications
Modeling and Analysis of a Miniaturized Ring Modulator Using Silicon-Polymer-Metal Hybrid Plasmonic Phase Shifter. Part I: Theoretical Framework

This paper presents comprehensive analysis and investigation for 1550nm and 1310nm ring optical modulators employing an electro-optic polymer infiltrated silicon-plasmonic hybrid phase shifter. The paper falls into two parts which introduce a theoretical modeling framework and performance assessment of these advanced modulators, respectively. In this part, analytical expressions are derived to characterize the coupling effect in the hybrid phase shifter, transmission function of the modulator, and modulator performance parameters. The results can be used as a guideline to design compact and wideband optical modulators using plasmonic technology

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Calibration of a New Concrete Damage Plasticity Theoretical Model Based on Experimental Parameters

The introduction of concrete damage plasticity material models has significantly improved the accuracy with which the concrete structural elements can be predicted in terms of their structural response. Research into this method's accuracy in analyzing complex concrete forms has been limited. A damage model combined with a plasticity model, based on continuum damage mechanics, is recommended for effectively predicting and simulating concrete behaviour. The damage parameters, such as compressive and tensile damages, can be defined to simulate concrete behavior in a damaged-plasticity model accurately. This research aims to propose an analytical model for assessing concrete compressive damage based on stiffness deterioration. The prop

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Investigations on the Strength and Serviceability of Biaxial Hollow Concrete Slabs

Biaxial hollow slab is a reinforced concrete slab system with a grid of internal spherical voids included to reduce the self-weight. This paper presents an experimental study of behavior of one-way prestressed concrete bubbled slabs. Twelve full-scale one-way concrete slabs of (3000mm) length with rectangular cross-sectional area of (460mm) width and (150mm) depth. Different parameters like type of specimen (solid or bubbled slabs), type of reinforcement (normal or prestress), range of PPR and diameter of plastic spheres (100 or 120mm) are considered. Due to the using of prestressing force in bubbled slabs (with ratio of plastic sphere diameter D to slab thickness H, D/H=0.67), the specimens showed an increase in ultimat

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Refractive Index Scaling in Hollow Core Photonic Crystal Fiber

In this paper, simulation study of the frequency shift of photonic bandgaps due to refractive index scaling using liquids filled hollow-core photonic crystal fibers is presented. Different liquids (distilled water, n-hexane, methanol, ethanol and acetone) are used to fill the cladding of 2 types of hollow core photonic crystal fibers (HC19-1060, HC7-1060). These liquids are used to change the effective index scaling and index contrast of the cladding. The effect of increasing temperature of the liquid (20-100 0C for water and 20-70 0C for other liquids ) infiltrated hollow core fiber on the bandgap width and transmission properties has been computed. The maximum photonic bandgap width at 0.0243 has appeared with filling HC7-1060 PCF with

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Toward a theoretical model of the terrorist personality and differentiation from psychopathic personality

The current theoretical research targeted to construct a model of terrorist personality and its differentiation from psychopathic personality . Several assumptions or theories of perspectives of psychopathic personality have been compared with the terrorist personality studies that concerned . The suggested theoretical  model is interrupting the terrorist personality . The conclusions , discussions are mentioned. Finally, recommendation is suggested .

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