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In vitro efficacy of different concentrations of lupeol on old world Leishmania donovani

Leishmaniosis is a tropical neglected parasitic disease that is endemic in many countries, including Middle East, with no existing effective vaccines. The bite of female sand-fly transmits the causative agent, Leishmania spp., to humans. High toxicity, resistance and treatment failure of the available chemotherapy against visceral leishmaniosis demands the investigation of new anti-leishmanial compounds. Lupeol is a form of triterpene isolated from several medicinal plants and possesses an antimicrobial property. In this study, cytotoxic effect of lupeol was screened against the mammalian amastigotes form and insect promastigote form of Leishmania donovani, following three cycles of incubation at different concentrations by MTT assay. Results revealed the in vitro anti-leishmanial effect of lupeol on both forms of the parasite where significant decline in promastigotes and amastigotes growth was observed. This was conducted along three times of follow up (24, 48, 72) hours, in comparison to the classical sodium stibogluconate treatment. Cell viability was calculated and the minimum IC50 was detected after 48 hours for amastigotes and 24 hours for promastigotes, 12.125 µM, 102.78 µM, respectively. Given the severity of visceral leishmaniosis and the toxicity of conventional chemotherapies, the anti-leishmanial activity of lupeol suggested a promising compound for additional clinical trials

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Role of Design And Decoration in Enriching Children’s Clothes

As the child is growing up, he goes through different phases which will be accompanied by physical and psychological changes. These changes set the basis for processes of designing and making children's clothes which in turn give its required benefits and meet the physiological, psychological and community needs. That will help provide the child with healthy physical and psychological growth.
The aim of this research is to recognize the decoration of clothes by colors and drawings and its role in clothes' richness and children's education. The research limits are objective, The limits are for female (3-5) years old. The research was done in teaching kindergarten in the college of education for women in 2016. The researchers found many

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 05 2024
Journal Name
Reading in the Scenery of the performance and its developments

The importance of this research in studying the actor life existence on the stage through the performance art;where as all the literary theatrical dimensions didn't ignore the importance of the actor's performance.
So, it is shed a light on the nature of the scenery in the actor's performance and what its representations in the temporary directions ……..
The research set off from the imitation as a human instinct to the performance of the actor in post-modernity theater; so the researcher found that there is a question must be answered which is :Is the actor live a regression state in his theatrical performance ,or that the performance of the actor connect with collective conscience of human being which is repeated in certain

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Study of Desertification using Remote Sensing Imagery in South Iraq

Recently The problem of desertification and vegetation cover degradation become an  environmental  global  challenge. This problem could be summarized as  as the land cover changes. In this paper, the area of Al- Muthana in the south of Iraq will be consider as one of Semi-arid lands. For this purpose, the Ladsat-8 images can be used with 15 m in spatial resolution. In order to over Achieve the work, many important ground truth data must be collected such as, rain precipitation, temperature distribution over the seasons, the DEM of the region, and the soil texture characteristics. The extracted  data  from this project are  tables, 2-D figures, and GIS maps represent the distributions of vegetation area

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
EX-SITU Characterization of Luffa aegyptaica in Lagos State, Nigeria

Luffa aegyptiaca is a plant of multi-purpose importance whose usefulness cuts across virtually all areas of life. This study has characterized L. aegyptiaca in Lagos state and determined the mineral, proximate, phytochemical as well as the heavy metal accumulation potential. Samples were collected from the 20 Local Government Areas (LGAs) in Lagos state at 2 samples per location.   Genetic similarity and intra-specific variation in 40 samples of L. aegyptiaca were determined using 3 Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers which yielded a total of 42 markers of which 25 was polymorphic. The maximum number of bands (14) was produced by OPC4 while the minimum (7) were produced by OPAF20. Percenta

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 04 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Development of Embryo Gas Bladder in mosquito fish Gambusia affinis

2 - 5,5 cm mosquito fishes (Gambusia affinis) were collected from brooks of Baghdad university . This study aimed to identify the histological structure and embryonic development of the gas bladder . The results revealed that the gas bladder of the adult fish consists of single chamber, paraphysoclistous , and its wall consist of three layers. The primordium of the gas bladder appears in 2,5 mm fish embryo as an evagination from the right side of endoderm of foreguts wall. This primordium consists of two thecae, inner, is simple columnar epithelium and outer originates from undifferentiated mesoderm. Simultaneously with the appearance of gas gland in the ventral side of the sac in 4 mm embryo, morphological and histological chan

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Bioaccmulation of Some Heavy Metals in Aquatic Plant Myriophyllum verticilatum

The present study was invistigated to show the bioaccumulation of some heavy metals (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn) by use Aquatic plant Myriophyllum verticilatum growing in Euphrates river between Spring 2004 to Winter 2005, and these heavy maters was studied in Dissolved and particulat phase of water and exchangable and residual phase of sediment. Heavy metals accumulated according the system water-sediment-aquatic plant, and recorded bioaccumulation factor 1.010, 0.005, 0.009, 0.011, 0.012, 0.010, 0.010, 0.010, 0.011, respectively.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 20 2018
Journal Name
Calendar curriculum material history of civilization in the design department

The curriculum is considered one of the most important corners for the educational process, it participates in achieving the educational equilibrium between its elements.

The curriculum of (History of the Art) in the college of Art Education / dept. of plastic art education and ceramic as the other curriculums and due to the subject of history of the art develop the knowledge, taste and experiment for art studier also this subject has a direct relation with practical educational activities like colors and growth the knowledge of the student in field of contents and symbols and evidences of meaning in old , medium and contemporary arts, due to the fact that this curriculum has been applied since long time more than four years, and

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 26 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Histological Changes in the Duodenum of Mice Treated with Cobalt

The present study was conducted using 16 adult male Swiss albino mice (weighing 40-50g). They were equally divided into four experimental groups. The first group was only given tap water as control during experimentation period (40 days). Group II, group III and group IV of mice were daily given a subcutaneous injection of cobalt as cobalt chloride (CoCl2) at a dose of 20mg, 40mg, and 60mg /Kg body weight respectively. The examination of the histological sections of the second experimental group of mice (low dose group) showed no particular changes in the columnar epithelial cells of the duodenum of mice. The examination of the histological sections of the third experimental group of mice (moderate dose group) showed abundant degenerativ

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 26 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Microfacies Analysis of Mishrif Formation in Gharraf Oil Field

Six main microfacies are identified which are Lime Mudstone, Bioclastic Wackeston, Bioclastic Packstone-Wackestone, Bioclastic Wackestone- Mudestone, Pelagic Mudstone–Wackestone, Bioclastic Packstone -Grainston Microfacies in addition to their associated depositional environment. The diagenesis process have affected the Mishrif rocks and played a role in deteriorating reservoir porosity in well Ga-2 and enhancing it in well Ga1,3.These processes include: cementation, micritization, recrystallization,dissolution,compaction pressure solution and dolomitization.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Accounting reading in foreign operations and translation of financial statements

Recent decades have witnessed tremendous economic development that has led to the spread of international companies (multinational companies) and its activity has expanded to cover many countries of the world, with intense competition among countries to attract more international investments, which has led to the emergence of some controversial accounting issues in many Relevant areas, including accounting for transactions in foreign currencies, translation of financial statements for companies and foreign branches, as this issue is an important and sensitive topic because many of its aspects are controversial and not yet resolved, especially with regard to the variation in standards and Relevant accounting practices from one country to

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