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Surface epidermis of leaf and indumentum for five species of the genus Galium in Iraq
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The current investigation included study of leaf surface epidermis beside indumentum for the species Galium aparine L., G. ceratopodum Boiss, G. setaceum Lam., G. spurium L., and G. tricornatum Dandy, the study showed that paracytic type of stomatal complex is the only type occur in leaf. The indumentum compose of eglandular hairs vary in their apices, length and occurrence of different part of plant body

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Survey of some Fish Species from Different Localities in Baghdad
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Abstract<p>This study is concerned with a survey of seven species belonging to seven genera under two families and two orders found in some different areas of the Tigris River, especially since these areas have not been surveyed for a long time, and an attempt to identify the existing species at the present time after the recent water scarcity of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and all water bodies interior of Iraq and the impact of this scarcity on the fish diversity found in some areas of the Tigris River in Baghdad.</p>
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Checklist of Aquatic Oligochaetes Species in Tigris–Euphrates River basin
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A total of 60 species of aquatic oligochaetes were identified in different sites within Tigris-Euphrates basin / Iraq, including River Tigris, River Euphrates, Southern marshes ( Al-Haweiza , Al-Hammar and Al-Chebaiesh ) , Shutt Al-Germa, and Shatt Al-Arab. In River Euphrates 39 species were identified, 40 species from River Tigris and 32 species from Shatt-Al-Arab and southern marshes.The identified species were classified as four species of Family Aeolosomatidae, 54 species of Naididae ( 31 Naidinae , 8 Pristininae and 15 Tubificid worms), one species of each of Lumbriculidae ( Lumbriculus variegates ) and Lumbricidae ( Eiseiella tetraedra). Among Aeolosomatidae , Aelosoma aquaternarium, A. Liedyi, A. variegatum and A. hemprichi

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Dec 20 2022
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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In the present investigation, 24 adult dipteran species with forensic importance belonging to 13 genera and 8 families that were collected from different localities of Iraq. The specimens were identified by different taxonomical keys; in addition the date and localities of collecting specimens were recorded.

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Theoretical Calculations For Sputtering Yield of Nickel Surface Hitted By Xenon Plasma Ions
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Extended calculations for sputtering yield through bombed Nickel – target by Xenon ions plasma are accomplished. The calculations include changing the input parameters: the energy of xenon ions plasma, the hit target angle of nickel target, thickness of the nickel target layer, and the slight change in the surface binding energy of Nickel. The program TRIM is used to accomplish these calculations. The results show that the sputtering yields directly dependent on these parameters. The change in angles of incidence plasma ions and energy leads to a significant change in the sputtering yields. On the other hand, the sputtering yields ore highly affected by changing target width and surface binding energy at fixed ion parameters.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Theoretical Studies of Sum Optical Properties for InAs (001) by Surface Differential Reflectivity
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The real and imaginary part of complex dielectric constant for InAs(001) by adsorption of oxsagen atoms has been calculated, using numerical analysis method (non-linear least square fitting). As a result a mathematical model built-up and the final result show a fairly good agreement with other genuine published works.

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2010
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Chukar partridge Alectoris chukar (Gray, 1830) is the only species of the 46 species of the genus Alectoris to be found in Iraq. At least there are fourteen subspecies of chukar were described from east Europe, the Middle East and west Asia, two of them were known to be found in Iraq, A.c. Kurdestanica (Meinertzhagen, 1923) from Alpine bio-geographical zone of altitude more than 2000m high, and A.c. werae Zarundny and Loudon, 1904, from the foothills of altitude not more than 400m. In between these two regions, there is another bio-geographical region known as the Irano-toranian zone 400-2000m high. Using morphological, ecological, behavioural, reproduction and hybridization criteria this study discove

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 21 2009
Journal Name
Arabian Journal Of Geosciences
Mineralogical, geochemical and geotechnical evaluation of Al-Swera soil used for the bricks industry in Iraq
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Open Engineering
Optimizing and coordinating the location of raw material suitable for cement manufacturing in Wasit Governorate, Iraq
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Abstract<p>The cement industry is considered one of the strategic industries, because it is directly related to construction work and cement is used as a hydraulic binder. However, it is a simple industry compared to major industries and depends on the availability of the necessary raw materials. This study focuses on optimizing and coordinating the location of raw materials needed for the cement manufacturing in Wasit Governorate in Iraq. Field works include detailed reconnaissance, topographic work, and description and sampling of 24 lithological sections that represent the carbonate deposits, which crop out in the area. The investigated area has the following specifications: The weighted aver</p> ... Show More
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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
((Requirements for raising the efficiency and development of rail transport in Iraq according to proposed scenarios))
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 The research concerned the study of the railway transport sector in selected countries that sought to raise the efficiency of the railway network and develop it, after realizing the importance of this vital sector, which is a link between it and the rest of the other economic sectors.

The research sought to explain the methods, methods and procedures adopted by these countries for the development of the railway sector, and to benefit from these experiments to improve the efficiency of the railway transport sector in Iraq.

The railway transport sector in Iraq suffers from the erosion of railway lines and mobile units such as locomotives, pas

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 21 2009
Journal Name
Arab J Geosci
Mineralogical, geochemical, and geotechnical evaluation of Al-Sowera soil for the building brick industry in Iraq
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The raw material soil of Al-Sowera factory quarry (quarry soil and mixture) used for building brick industry was tested mineralogically, geochemically and geotechnically. Mineral components of soil are characterized by Clay minerals (Palygoriskite and chlorite) and nonclay minerals like calcite, quratz, feldspar, gypsum and halite. The raw material is deficient in SiO2, Al2O3, K2O, Fe2O3 and MgO, while enriched in CaO. Loss on ignition and Na2O are in suitable level and appear to be concordant with the standard. Grain size analyses show that the decreasing sand and clay, and increasing silt ratio in both quarry soil and mixture caused decreasing in strength of brick during molding and after firing. The quarry soil is characterized by high p

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