The current investigation included study of leaf surface epidermis beside indumentum for the species Galium aparine L., G. ceratopodum Boiss, G. setaceum Lam., G. spurium L., and G. tricornatum Dandy, the study showed that paracytic type of stomatal complex is the only type occur in leaf. The indumentum compose of eglandular hairs vary in their apices, length and occurrence of different part of plant body
The study included general survey of some districts of Iraq in order to determinate new distribution areas for 33 species of the genus salvia L. ,new collections obtained , new locations for many species recorded. Observed specimens in most Iraqi herbaria were studies and identified. ,the flowering period were also studied
The study included general survey of some districts of Iraq in order to determinate new distribution areas for 33 species of the genus salvia L. ,new collections obtained , new locations for many species recorded. Observed specimens in most Iraqi herbaria were studies and identified. ,the flowering period were also studied
Astragalus mesogitanus is a new recorded species for Iraqi flora, from Onobrychium genus section, was collected from Erbil district, all morphological features were described in details as well as some micromorphological character as the trichomes and were provided with dimensions and plates, section key was also updated which illustrated the importance of standard (corolla) trichomes in species identification. Keywords: Astragalus, Fabaceae, Iraq, New record, Onobrychium, Trichomes.
A total 474 argasid ticks removed from 617 hosts including bats, rodents, and birds were found belong to four species of the genus Argos. One of which A. reflexus is reported for the first time for Iraq. Some informations regarding the infestation rate, intensity and some biological data are provided.
The anatomical study of the epidermis leaflet for seven species and variety wild belonging to the genus Medicago L. species are: M. constricta Dur., M. coronata L., M. intertexta L., M. intertexta.var. ciliaris L., M. laciniata L., M. lupulina L., M. minima L. and M. sativa L. were studied, The search included epidermis characters and stomatal complexes addition to venation system in leaflets. It is revealed through the study, epidermis leaflet type Amphistomatic (the stomata spread on the upper and lower surface) as well as the presence of three types of stomatal complexes namely: Anisocytic (the guard cells surrounded by three unequal cell size), Anomocytic (not differential from subsidiary cells in epidermis) and Anomotetracytic (four ce
... Show MorePollen grains morphology have been studied for the wild species of the genus Erysimum L. which belong to Crucifereae family in Iraq. These species are E. filifolium Boiss. et Hausskn., E. oleifolium J. Gay, E. repandum L., E. eginense Hausskn. ex Bornm., E. aucheranum J. Gay, E. cheiranthoides L., E. alpestre Ky. ex Boiss., E. kurdicum Boiss. et Hausskn., E. tenellum DC., E. strophades Boiss., E. gladiiferum Boiss. et Hausskn., E. nasturtioides Boiss. et Hausskn. The study was performe by using light microscope . The study reveal that there was only one type of pollen grain named Tricoplate in all studied species . The study also demonstrated that there were differences among pollen grains morphology . The species E. kurdicum , E. alpestre
... Show MoreComparative morphological study has been treated for two species of the genus Chaenorhinum (D.C.) Richb., These species were: 1. Chaenorhinum calycinum 2. Chaenorhinum rubrifolium (Robill. & cast. Ex Lam. & DC.) Fourr. The genus belong to the family Scorphulariaceae. Morphological characters has been studies for: root, stem, leaves, flowers (calyx, corolla, androcium including filaments and anthers, gynocium including ovary, style and stigma), fruits and seeds also has been characterized. Key for there two species presented using some quantitative characters. Other characters like shape of fruits and seeds were used too, and they were of a useful taxonomic value
Comparative morphological study has been treated for two species of the genus Chaenorhinum (D.C.) Richb., These species were: 1. Chaenorhinum calycinum 2. Chaenorhinum rubrifolium (Robill. & cast. Ex Lam. & DC.) Fourr. The genus belong to the family Scorphulariaceae. Morphological characters has been studies for: root, stem, leaves, flowers (calyx, corolla, androcium including filaments and anthers, gynocium including ovary, style and stigma), fruits and seeds also has been characterized. Key for there two species presented using some quantitative characters. Other characters like shape of fruits and seeds were used too, and they were of a useful taxonomic value