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Examining the Seasonal Correlations Among Different Ionospheric Indices During Solar Cycle Twenty-Four
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     The present work aimed to examine the nature and degree of the cross-correlations among three different ionospheric indices: these are Optimum Working Frequency (OWF), Highest Probable Frequency (HPF), and Best Usable Frequency (BUF). VOCAP and ASASPS models were adopted to determine the datasets of the selected ionospheric indices. The determination was made for different transceiver stations that provide certain HF connection links during the minimum and maximum years of solar cycle 24, 2009 and 2014, respectively. Matlab program was implemented to produce the geodesic parameters for the selected transceiver stations. The determination was made for different path lengths (500, 1000, 1500, and 2000) Km and bearings (0o, 45o, 90o ........ 315o). Different correlation methods were used to examine the best determination coefficient values between the tested parameters. A third-order polynomial equation was set as the best correlation method that gave a better description for the correlation among the tested parameters. The proposed mathematical correlation equations were used to predict the seasonal values of the (HPF, OWF and BUF) parameters. The proposed equations were verified by comparing their values with the observed datasets during the study years. Also, the predicted values were tested using different statistical methods, which gave good results for all tested cases.   يهدف العمل الحالي إلى دراسة طبيعة ودرجة الترابط بين ثلاثة مؤشرات آيونوسفيرية مختلفة وهي (HPF,OWF and BUF), تم استخدام نماذج VOCAP و ASASPS لحساب قيم البيانات للمؤشرات الآيونوسفيرية المختارة. اجريت الحسابات لمحطات الإرسال / الاستقبال المختلفة التي توفر روابط اتصال عالية التردد خلال سنوات الصغرى والعظمى للدورة الشمسية 24 (2009 و 2014) على التوالي. تم تنفيذ برنامج Matlab لايجاد قيم المعلمات الجيوديسية لمحطات الإرسال / الاستلام  لأطوال مسافات مختلفة (500، 1000، 1500 و 2000) كم واتجاهات مختلفة(0o, 45o, 90o ........ 315o). تم تطبيق طرق ارتباطية مختلفة لاختبار افضلها بين المعاملات المختبرة . تم اقتراح معادلات رياضية  متعددة الحدود (الدرجة الثالثة) كأفضل طريقة تصف القيم الارتباطية بين المعاملات المحددة لغرض الدراسة. تمكنت المعادلات المقترحة  من التنبؤ بالقيم الموسمية  للمؤشرات ((HPF و(OWF) و (BUF).و تم التحقق منها من خلال مقارنتها مع قيم المعلمات  المرصودة خلال سنوات الدراسة . كما تم اختبار القيم المتوقعة باستخدام طرق إحصائية مختلفة والتي قدمت نتائج جيدة لجميع الحالات المختبرة

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Fast neutrons Al-Hamdani utilization to solar cells performance
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Been in this gravel study the effect of Alchgag fast neutrons emitted by the source on the electrical properties of silicon solar cells monounsaturated crystal at a constant rate of neutron flow rate of a wide range of neutron flow speed ranges for periods of time ranging from 2-10 hours

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Manufacturing and Study the performance of Selective Surfaces that used in flat plate Solar Collectors
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In this research an experimental study has done for testing the thermal performance of selective surfaces used in solar collectors for substrate of iron, galvanized iron and aluminum which are commercially available. The coating process for the samples has done in two ways, the electroplating and the chemical spray pyrolysis. The results of the thermal performance test of these samples are comparing with the thermal performance of a sample without paint and other paint with black paint without shines commercially available. For the electroplated samples, the performance study has done for different immersion time in plating bath, the
distance between electrical poles, the current density, and area ratio of the sample plated area to

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 20 2024
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Determining of Efficiency For The N749 Dye contact with TiO2 In Dye Sensitized Solar Cell
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In this research, we investigate and evaluate the efficiency of a hetero junction N749-  device based on a simple donor-acceptor model for electron transfer. Electron transfer from a photo-excited N749 sensitized into a wide-band gap  is the basic charge separation in dye-sensitized solar cells, or "DSSCs". Due to the understanding of the current of the DSSCs functioning mechanism, the energy levels of the hetero junction N749-  device surrounded by DCM solvent as polar media must be continuum levels. The current-voltage (J-V) characteristics of the N749- device are calculated in two concentrations at room temperature (T=300 k) and 100   irradiation. The fill factor and efficiency of the device are found to be 0.134 and 6.990 for con

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 14 2018
Journal Name
Radiation Effects & Defects In Solids
Effect of gamma and beta radiation on I–V characterization of the solar cell panel
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Optoelectronic devices, widely used in high energy and nuclear physics applications, suffer severe radiation damage that leads to degradations in its efficiency. In this paper, the influence of gamma radiation (137Ce source) and beta radiation (90Sr source) on the photoelectric parameters of the Si solar cell, based on the I–V characterization at different irradiation exposer, has been studied. The penetrating radiation produces defects in the base material, may be activated during its lifetime, becoming traps for electron–hole pairs produced optically and, this will, decrease the efficiency of the solar cell. The main objective of the paper is to study and measure changes in the I–V characteristics of solar cells, such as efficienc

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Study of The Effect of Concentration on The Efficiency of The Sensitive N749-TiO<sub>2</sub> Solar Cell
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Abstract<p>In this research, we studied the effect of concentration carriers on the efficiency of the N749-TiO<sub>2</sub> heterogeneous solar cell based on quantum electron transfer theory using a donor-acceptor scenario. The photoelectric properties of the N749-TiO<sub>2</sub> interfaces in dye sensitized solar cells DSSCs are calculated using the J-V curves. For the (CH3)3COH solvent, the N749-TiO<sub>2</sub> heterogeneous solar cell shows that the concentration carrier together with the strength coupling are the main factors affecting the current density, fill factor and efficiency. The current density and current increase as the concentration increases and the </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Seasonal variation and correlation between the physical, chemical and microbiological parameters of Nile water in selected area in Egypt (Case study): physical, chemical and microbiological parameters of Nile water
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Fresh water resources in terms of water quality is a crucial issue worldwide. In Egypt, the Nile River is the main source of fresh water in the country and monitoring its water quality is a major task on governments and research levels. In the present case study, the physical, chemical and algal distribution in Nile River was monitored over two seasons (winter and summer) in 2019. The aims of the study were to check the seasonal variation among the different water parameters and also to check the correlations between those parameters. Water samples were collected from the Nile in Cairo governorate in EGYPT. The different physiochemical and microbiological properties in water samples were assessed. The studied parameters were included: te

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Associations Between Phonological Processing and Working Memory in Students with and without Reading disabilities in Basic Education Cycle One Schools in Muscat
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The study aimed to examine the phonological processing profile for students with and without reading disabilities in cycle 1 schools of basic education in the Governorate of Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. The study participants included 306 students, 165 students with reading disabilities and 141 students without reading disabilities. The Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing (CTOPP) and Working Memory Test (WMT) were administered to the participants. The results of the study showed that the mean score of students without reading disabilities was higher than that of students of reading disabilities in all measures of phonological processing, and that there are statistically significant differences on the  case of students in all

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Developing Undergraduate Students' Geography Learning Skills during Fieldwork and Their Attitude toward It: Developing Undergraduate Students' Geography Learning Skills during Fieldwork and Their Attitude toward It
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This study identified the developing of a range of students' geography learning skills and the change in their attitudes toward fieldwork as a consequence of leaning experiences that occurred within a field trip. The sample of the study consisted of (27) students within a special topic course enrolled in Geography Department at Umm Al-Qura University in Saudi Arabia in semester 2, 2018. A range of students' geography learning skills were measured by the skills questionnaire that consisted of 12 geography skills after completing field work. Changes in students' at

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 14 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Situation of Refugees and Displaced Women in Arab Countries during Conflicts According to the Perspective of the Arab Women's Organization
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The scope of the humanitarian tragedies in the Arab region has widened after the conflicts that erupted over the past years, exacerbation to include educational, cultural, and social dimensions, economic and moral aspects of the displaced families, especially after the emergence of terrorist organizations and sectarian conflicts which overthrew human and led to various political and demographic changes, forcing citizens to leave their homes, fleeing with their families from the danger of murder, terrorism, and violation to other safer areas inside or outside their countries. Women and children were the vast majority of the displaced who were subjected to great pressures, The host communities bore the pro

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 11 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Alternatives Scenarios for Transportation During The Morning and Evening Peaks (The Entrances of The Jadiriya Complex Study Case) "A Planning Vision"
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The research aims to develop alternatives to transportation at the entrance to the Educational City (University of Baghdad) during the morning and evening peaks, which result from of the traffic congestion at the entrances to the educational city (the University of Baghdad), and affects the emotional, functional, and social performance of the whole city, and leads to hotbeds of confluence and congestion at the entrances in the morning and evening peaks. This movement was measured on the ground for pedestrians and vehicles. Some criteria were adopted to determine the density of road length to the area and density of roads for the number of users and the rate of the area served by roads. The research reviews the experiences of some

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