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Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Identify Individuals through Palm Image Recognition

Artificial intelligence (AI) is entering many fields of life nowadays. One of these fields is biometric authentication. Palm print recognition is considered a fundamental aspect of biometric identification systems due to the inherent stability, reliability, and uniqueness of palm print features, coupled with their non-invasive nature. In this paper, we develop an approach to identify individuals from palm print image recognition using Orange software in which a hybrid of AI methods: Deep Learning (DL) and traditional Machine Learning (ML) methods are used to enhance the overall performance metrics. The system comprises of three stages: pre-processing, feature extraction, and feature classification or matching. The SqueezeNet deep learning model was utilized to resize images and feature extraction. Finally, different ML classifiers have been tested for recognition based on the extracted features. The effectiveness of each classifier was assessed using various performance metrics. The results show that the proposed system works well, and all the methods achieved good results; however, the best results obtained were for the Support Vector Machine (SVM) with a linear kernel.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Monitoring of south Iraq marshes using classification and change detection techniques

Digital change detection is the process that helps in determining the changes associated with land use and land cover properties with reference to geo-registered multi temporal remote sensing data. In this research change detection techniques have been employed to detect the changes in marshes in south of Iraq for two period the first one from 1973 to 1984 and the other from 1973 to 2014 three satellite images had been captured by land sat in different period. Preprocessing such as geo-registered, rectification and mosaic process have been done to prepare the satellite images for monitoring process. supervised classification techniques such maximum likelihood classification has been used to classify the studied area, change detection aft

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 28 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Oli and Gas Explorations via Satellite Remote Sensing Techniques for AL_Nasiriya

     This study investigates data set as satellite images of type multispectral Landsat-7, which are observed for AL_Nasiriya city, it is located in southern of Iraq, and situated along the banks of the Euphrates River. These raw data are thermal bands of satellite images, they are taken as thermal images. These images are processed and examined using ENVI 5.3 program. Consequently, the emitted Hydrocarbon is extracted, and the black body algorithm is employed. As well as, the raster calculations are performed using ArcGIS, where gas and oil features are sorted. The results are estimate and determine the oil and gas fields in the city. This study uncovers, and estimates several unexplored oil and gas fields. Whereas,

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Energy Consumption Prediction of Smart Buildings by Using Machine Learning Techniques

     This paper presents an IoT smart building platform with fog and cloud computing capable of performing near real-time predictive analytics in fog nodes. The researchers explained thoroughly the internet of things in smart buildings, the big data analytics, and the fog and cloud computing technologies. They then presented the smart platform, its requirements, and its components. The datasets on which the analytics will be run will be displayed. The linear regression and the support vector regression data mining techniques are presented. Those two machine learning models are implemented with the appropriate techniques, starting by cleaning and preparing the data visualization and uncovering hidden information about the behavior of

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Hybrid Techniques with Support Vector Machine for Improving Artifact Ultrasound Images

     The most common artifacts in ultrasound (US) imaging are reverberation and comet-tail. These are multiple reflection echoing the interface that causing them, and result in ghost echoes in the ultrasound image. A method to reduce these unwanted artifacts using a Otsu thresholding to find region of interest (reflection echoes) and output applied to median filter to remove noise. The developed method significantly reduced the magnitude of the reverberation and comet-tail artifacts. Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm is most suitable for hyperplane differentiate. For that, we use image enhancement, extraction of feature, region of interest, Otsu thresholding, and finally classification image datasets to normal or abnormal image.

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Contemporary Medical Sciences
Breast Cancer Decisive Parameters for Iraqi Women via Data Mining Techniques

Objective This research investigates Breast Cancer real data for Iraqi women, these data are acquired manually from several Iraqi Hospitals of early detection for Breast Cancer. Data mining techniques are used to discover the hidden knowledge, unexpected patterns, and new rules from the dataset, which implies a large number of attributes. Methods Data mining techniques manipulate the redundant or simply irrelevant attributes to discover interesting patterns. However, the dataset is processed via Weka (The Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis) platform. The OneR technique is used as a machine learning classifier to evaluate the attribute worthy according to the class value. Results The evaluation is performed using

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Assessment of Water Clarity within Dokan Lake Using Remote Sensing Techniques

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 06 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Calculating Techniques for The Contrast of Images Which Have Different Illuminations

      The distortion, which occurs to the image often affects the existing amount of information, weakens its sharpness, decreases its contrast, thus leads to overlapping details of the various regions, and decreases image resolution. Test images are used to determine the image quality and ability of different visual systems, as we depended in our study on test image, half black and half white. Contrast was studied in the petition so as to propose several new methods for different contrasts in the edge of images where the results of technical differences would identify contrast image under different lighting conditions.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Alexandria Engineering Journal
A review of free piston engine control literature—Taxonomy and techniques

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 04 2021
Journal Name
Nanotechnology and the Most Important Characterization Techniques for Nanomaterial's: A Review

Due to the importance of nanotechnology because of its features and applications in various fields, it has become the focus of attention of the world and researchers. In this study, the concept of nanotechnology and nanomaterials was identified, the most important methods of preparing them, as well as the preparation techniques and the most important devices used in their characterization.

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Publication Date
Tue May 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Review of Assured Data Deletion Security Techniques in Cloud Storage

      Cloud computing is an interesting technology that allows customers to have convenient, on-demand network connectivity based on their needs with minimal maintenance and contact between cloud providers. The issue of security has arisen as a serious concern, particularly in the case of cloud computing, where data is stored and accessible via the Internet from a third-party storage system. It is critical to ensure that data is only accessible to the appropriate individuals and that it is not stored in third-party locations. Because third-party services frequently make backup copies of uploaded data for security reasons, removing the data the owner submits does not guarantee the removal of the data from the cloud. Cloud data storag

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