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The Effect of Two Bonding Agents Generations On Microleakage Of Composite Resin Using Two Light Curing Systems.
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Aim: To evaluate the effect of two bonding systems and two curing systems on sealing ability of class V composite restorative materials. Materials and methods: This study was performed in vitro on 40 caries free upper first premolar teeth. The Standardized class V cavity preparation on buccal and lin- gual surfaces of each tooth was done. Then the teeth were randomly divided into two major groups each of twenty. 40 cavities were performed on these teeth and the first group7th generation bonding agent (i Bond) were applied according to the manufacturer instructions and single increment of univer- sal composite (XRV Herculite) from kerr were applied and twenty of the cavities were cured with con- ventional light cure device (astralis-5) and the other twenty cavities were cured with a LED. While the second group 5th generation (Excite bonding agent) applied according to the manufacturer instructions. And filled with universal composite (tetric).Twenty of the cavities light cured with conventional light cure device and the other twenty cavities cured with LED light cured device. Then the teeth were stored in normal physiological saline in an incubator at (37Co) half of each sub group (10 cavities) were stored for one day and the second half stored for one week. Then the teeth were thermo cycled for (200) cycles, after thermo cycling all teeth were immersed in a freshly prepared solution of 2% methylene blue for (24) hours at (37Co). Results: The results showed that there was no statistically significant difference between samples cured using conventional light curing system and those cured using LED light curing system. The type of bonding system and composite material used in this study had no sig- nificant effect on reducing microleakage. Samples aged for seven days produced significantly higher levels of microleakage than that for one day. Conclusions: All samples in this study showed microlea- kage with different levels. Microleakage increases as the age increases. Neither the types of light curing system nor the types of bonding were able to reduce microleakage.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Effect of Kaolinite on the Mechanical Properties, Thermal Properties, Flammability and Water Absorption Percentage of Poly (Vinyl Chloride) Composite
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PVC/Kaolinite composites were prepared by the melt intercalation method. Mechanical properties, thermal properties, flammability and water absorption percentage of prepared samples were tested. Mechanical characteristic such as tensile strength, elongation at break; hardness and impact strength (charpy type) were measured for all samples. It was found that the tensile strength and elongation at break of PVC composites decreased with increasing kaolinite loading. Also, the hardness of the composites increases with increase in filler content .The impact strength of the composites at the beginning increases at lower kaolinite loadings is due to the lack of kaolin adhesion to the matrix. However, at higher kaolin loadings. This severe agglom

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Measuring the Attribute Accuracy and Completeness for the OpenStreetMap Roads Networks for Two Regions in Iraq
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The OpenStreetMap (OSM) project aims to establish a free geospatial database for the entire world which is editable by international volunteers. The OSM database contains a wide range of different types of geographical data and characteristics, including highways, buildings, and land use regions. The varying scientific backgrounds of the volunteers can affect the quality of the spatial data that is produced and shared on the internet as an OSM dataset. This study aims to compare the completeness and attribute accuracy of the OSM road networks with the data supplied by a digitizing process for areas in the Baghdad and Thi-Qar governorates. The analyses are primarily based on calculating the portion of the commission (extr

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Measuring the Attribute Accuracy and Completeness for the OpenStreetMap Roads Networks for Two Regions in Iraq
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The OpenStreetMap (OSM) project aims to establish a free geospatial database for the entire world which is editable by international volunteers. The OSM database contains a wide range of different types of geographical data and characteristics, including highways, buildings, and land use regions. The varying scientific backgrounds of the volunteers can affect the quality of the spatial data that is produced and shared on the internet as an OSM dataset. This study aims to compare the completeness and attribute accuracy of the OSM road networks with the data supplied by a digitizing process for areas in the Baghdad and Thi-Qar governorates. The analyses are primarily based on calculating the portion of the commission (extra road) and

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The effects of maternal environmental tobacco smoke exposure on periodontal health and mother-infant bonding in relation to salivary cotinine level
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Background: Environmental tobacco smoking is produced by active smokers burning the tip of a cigarette and breathed by nonsmokers and measured by cotinine level. It has the potential to raise the risk of periodontal disease. One of the most frequent chronic diseases in adults is periodontal disease. The lower maternal-fetal attachment has been found to predict smoking status in previous studies, but no research has examined whether maternal-fetal attachment predicts environmental tobacco smoking. This study assessed the effects of maternal environmental tobacco smoke exposure on periodontal health and mother-infant bonding concerning salivary cotinine levels. Materials and methods: This is a comparative cross-sectional study comparing en

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu May 24 2018
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
The study effect of weight fraction on thermal and electrical conductivity for unsaturated polyester composite alone and hybrid
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In this research prepared two composite materials , the first prepared from unsaturated polyester resin (UP) , which is a matrix , and aluminum oxide (Al2O3) , and the second prepared from unsaturated polyester resin and aluminum oxide and copper oxide (CuO) , the two composites materials (Alone and Hybrid) of percentage weight (5,10,15)% . All samples were prepared by hand layup process, and study the electrical and thermal conductivity. The results showed decrease electrical conductivity from (10 - 2.39) ×10-15 for (Up+ Al2O3) and from (10 - 2.06)×10-15 for (Up+ Al2O3+ CuO) .But increase thermal conductivity from( 0.17 - 0.505) for (Up+ Al2O3) and from (0.17 - 0.489) for (Up+ Al2O3+ CuO).

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Scopus (11)
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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Effect of melatonin administration with different light colors on fertility traits and hatching of local chickens
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This study was conducted at the poultry farm of the Department of Animal Production/College of Agriculture/University of Baghdad/Abu Ghraib, on 252 birds (180 females and 72 males). This study aims to observe the effect of melatonin implantation and exposure to different light colors and their interaction on characteristics of fertility and hatching of local Iraqi chickens. The birds were divided into three sections (white, red and green) each section contains two lines, one of which has been planted melatonin under the skin of the neck of birds and the other has not been planted hormones. The results showed that melatonin implantation and exposure to different light colors did not significantly affect the hatching rate of fertilized eggs a

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Scopus (3)
Publication Date
Wed Mar 18 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
On Light Mapping and Certain Concepts by Using m_X N-Open Sets
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The aim of this paper is to present a weak form of -light functions by using -open set which is -light function, and to offer new concepts of disconnected spaces and totally disconnected spaces. The relation between them have been studied. Also, a new form of -totally disconnected and inversely -totally disconnected function have been defined, some examples and facts was submitted.

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Scopus (2)
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide Concentration on Properties of Black Silicon Fabricated by Two-Step Silver-Assisted Wet Chemical Etching for Photovoltaics
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Crystalline silicon (c-Si) has low optical absorption due to its high surface reflection of incident light. Nanotexturing of c-Si which produces black silicon (b-Si) offers a promising solution. In this work, effect of H2O2 concentrations towards surface morphological and optical properties of b-Si fabricated by two-step silver-assisted wet chemical etching (Ag-based two-step MACE) for potential photovoltaic (PV) applications is presented. The method involves a 30 s deposition of silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) in an aqueous solution of AgNO3:HF (5:6) and an optimized etching in HF:H2O2:DI H2O solution under 0.62 M, 1.85 M, 2.47 M, and 3.7 M concentrations of H2O<

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Assessing the Effect of Using Porcelanite on Compressive Strength of Roller Compacted Concrete
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Roller-Compacted Concrete (RCC) is a zero-slump concrete, with no forms, no reinforcing steel, no finishing and is wet enough to support compaction by vibratory rollers. Because the effectiveness of curing on properties and durability, the primary scope of this research is to study the effect of various curing methods (air curing, emulsified asphalt(flan coat) curing, 7 days water curing and permanent water curing) and different porcelanite (local material used as an Internal Curing agent) replacement percentages (volumetric replacement) of fine aggregate on some properties of RCC and to explore the possibility of introducing more practical RCC for road pavement with minimum requirement of curing. Cubes specimens were sawed from the slab

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
ORGANIZATIONAL VALUES AND ITS IMPACT ON STRATEGIC PERFORMANCE A field study a comparison between Two Universities of Baghdad & Al-Nahrain
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     The researcher seeks to shed light on the relationship analysis and the impact between organizational values in all its dimensions (Administration Management, Mission, relationship management, environmental management) and strategic performance (financial perspective, customer perspective, the perspective of internal processes, learning and development) in the presidency of Two Universities of Baghdad & Al-Nahrain, it has been formulating three hypotheses for this purpose.

      The main research problem has been the following question: Is there a relationship and the impact of bet

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