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Segmentation moon images using different segmentation methods and isolate the lunar craters

Segmentation is the process of partition digital images into different parts depending on texture, color, or intensity, and can be used in different fields in order to segment and isolate the area to be partitioned. In this work images of the Moon obtained through observations in Astronomy and space dep. College of science university of Baghdad by ( Toward space telescopes and widespread used of a CCD camera) . Different segmentation methods were used to segment lunar craters. Different celestial objects cause craters when they crash into the surface of the Moon like asteroids and meteorites. Thousands of craters appears on the Moon's surface with ranges in size from meter to many kilometers, it provide insights into the age and geology of a Moon's surface. Therefore, it is important to study them and determine their characteristics. So, several segmentations methods were used in this study these are: K-Means, Single Feed Forward Neural Network (SFFNN), and hybrid segmentation methods. K-Means method applied with different number of clusters (k), that were used to segment Moon images and isolate lunar craters, where k=1,2,3, and 4 were used. But, all of them did not identify the boundary of craters, only K=3 gave useful results. SFFNN was also used in this work, it trained by a novel method, where weights have been replaced by masks, that create depending on the images features and targets. Thirteen lunar craters were used, ten of them utilized in training process and the last three images were used to test the performance of network. But also this method did not segment lunar images and identify the boundaries of lunar craters clearly. So, in attempt to overcome this problem, the new hybrid method was proposed, that combine the concepts of KMeans and SFFNN methods. The main advantages of the proposed hybrid method is that it does not require much data in the training process as it is known in other networks, where the K-Means cluster segmentation method gave a shortcut to correlating masks with images, which led to giving perfect results in a short time. Then, results show the proposed hybrid segmentation method was succeed to segment lunar crater and identify the craters boundaries clearly.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Hybrid Coefficient Decimation- Interpolation Based Reconfigurable Low Complexity Filter Bank for Cognitive Radio

Non uniform channelization is a crucial task in cognitive radio receivers for obtaining separate channels from the digitized wideband input signal at different intervals of time. The two main requirements in the channelizer are reconfigurability and low complexity. In this paper, a reconfigurable architecture based on a combination of Improved Coefficient Decimation Method (ICDM) and Coefficient Interpolation Method (CIM) is proposed. The proposed Hybrid Coefficient Decimation-Interpolation Method (HCDIM) based filter bank (FB) is able to realize the same number of channels realized using (ICDM) but with a maximum decimation factor divided by the interpolation factor (L), which leads to less deterioration in stop band at

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Agricultural And Statistical Sciences

Survival analysis is widely applied to data that described by the length of time until the occurrence of an event under interest such as death or other important events. The purpose of this paper is to use the dynamic methodology which provides a flexible method, especially in the analysis of discrete survival time, to estimate the effect of covariate variables through time in the survival analysis on dialysis patients with kidney failure until death occurs. Where the estimations process is completely based on the Bayes approach by using two estimation methods: the maximum A Posterior (MAP) involved with Iteratively Weighted Kalman Filter Smoothing (IWKFS) and in combination with the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm. While the other

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 30 2024
Journal Name
International Review Of Electrical Engineering (iree)
Enhancing Efficiency in Distribution Power Networks by Power Factor Controlling of Renewable Energy Generators: a Case Study of Iraqi Wasit Network

Integrating Renewable Energy (RE) into Distribution Power Networks (DPNs) is a choice for efficient and sustainable electricity. Controlling the power factor of these sources is one of the techniques employed to manage the power loss of the grid. Capacitor banks have been employed to control phantom power, improving voltage and reducing power losses for several decades. The voltage sag and the significant power losses in the Iraqi DPN make it good evidence to be a case study proving the efficiency enhancement by adjusting the RE power factor. Therefore, this paper studies a part of the Iraqi network in a windy and sunny region, the Badra-Zurbatya-11 kV feeder, in the Wasit governorate. A substation of hybrid RE sources is connected to this

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
K-Nearest Neighbor Method with Principal Component Analysis for Functional Nonparametric Regression

This paper proposed a new  method to study functional non-parametric regression data analysis with conditional expectation in the case that the covariates  are functional and the Principal Component Analysis was utilized to de-correlate the multivariate response variables. It  utilized the formula of the Nadaraya Watson estimator (K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN)) for prediction with different types of the semi-metrics, (which are based on Second Derivative and Functional Principal Component Analysis (FPCA))  for measureing the closeness between curves.  Root Mean Square Errors is used for the  implementation of this model which is then compared to the independent response method. R program is used for analysing data. Then, when  the cov

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 15 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Applications
Hybrid Techniques based Speech Recognition

Information processing has an important application which is speech recognition. In this paper, a two hybrid techniques have been presented. The first one is a 3-level hybrid of Stationary Wavelet Transform (S) and Discrete Wavelet Transform (W) and the second one is a 3-level hybrid of Discrete Wavelet Transform (W) and Multi-wavelet Transforms (M). To choose the best 3-level hybrid in each technique, a comparison according to five factors has been implemented and the best results are WWS, WWW, and MWM. Speech recognition is performed on WWS, WWW, and MWM using Euclidean distance (Ecl) and Dynamic Time Warping (DTW). The match performance is (98%) using DTW in MWM, while in the WWS and WWW are (74%) and (78%) respectively, but when using (

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Novel Results of K Quasi (ℷ-M)-hyponormal Operator

     This research aims to present some  results for  conceptions of  quasi -hyponormal operator defined on Hilbert space . Signified by the -operator, together with some significant characteristics of this operator and various theorems pertaining to this operator are discussed, as well as, we discussed the null space and range of these  kinds of operators.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Solvability of (λ, μ)-Commuting Operator Equations for Bounded Generalization of Hyponormal Operators

Recently, new generalizations have been presented for the hyponormal operators, which are (N, k)-hyponormal operators and (h, M)-hyponormal operators. Some properties of these concepts have also been proved, one of these properties is that the product of two (N, k)-hyponormal operator is also (N, k)- hyponormal operator and the product of two (h, M)-hyponormal operators is (h, M)-hyponormal operator. In our research, we will reprove these properties by using the (l,m)-commuting operator equations, in addition to that we will solve the (l, m)-commuting operator equations for (N, k)-hyponormal operators and (h, M)-hyponormal operators.

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Cubic Bipolar Fuzzy Ideals with Thresholds (α, β), ( ω ,ϑ) of a Semigroup in KU-algebra

In this paper, we introduce the concept of cubic bipolar-fuzzy ideals with thresholds (α,β),(ω,ϑ) of a semigroup in KU-algebra as a generalization of sets and in short (CBF). Firstly, a (CBF) sub-KU-semigroup with a threshold (α,β),(ω,ϑ) and some results in this notion are achieved. Also, (cubic bipolar fuzzy ideals and cubic bipolar fuzzy k-ideals) with thresholds (α,β),(ω ,ϑ) are defined and some properties of these ideals are given. Relations between a (CBF).sub algebra and-a (CBF) ideal are proved. A few characterizations of a (CBF) k-ideal with threshol

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Revista Aus
On Simply* Compact Spaces

In the present paper, a simply* compact spaces was introduced it defined over simply*- open set previous knowledge and we study the relation between the simply* separation axioms and the compactness, in addition to introduce a new types of functions known as 𝛼𝑆 𝑀∗ _irresolte , 𝛼𝑆 𝑀∗ __𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑜𝑢𝑠 and 𝑅 𝑆 𝑀∗ _ continuous, which are defined between two topological spaces.

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
New sizes of complete (k, 4)-arcs in PG(2,17)

              In this paper, the packing problem for complete (  4)-arcs in  is partially solved. The minimum and the maximum sizes of complete (  4)-arcs in  are obtained. The idea that has been used to do this classification is based on using the algorithm introduced in Section 3 in this paper. Also, this paper establishes the connection between the projective geometry in terms of a complete ( , 4)-arc in  and the algebraic characteristics of a plane quartic curve over the field  represented by the number of its rational points and inflexion points. In addition, some sizes of complete (  6)-arcs in the projective plane of order thirteen are established, namely for  = 53, 54, 55, 56.

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