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Factors Affecting Traffic Accidents Density on Selected Multilane Rural Highways
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Estimations of average crash density as a function of traffic elements and characteristics can be used for making good decisions relating to planning, designing, operating, and maintaining roadway networks. This study describes the relationships between total, collision, turnover, and runover accident densities with factors such as hourly traffic flow and average spot speed on multilane rural highways in Iraq. The study is based on data collected from two sources: police stations and traffic surveys. Three highways are selected in Wassit governorate as a case study to cover the studied locations of the accidents. Three highways are selected in Wassit governorate as a case study to cover the studied locations of the accidents. The selection includes Kut–Suwera, Kut–ShekhSaad, and Kut–Hay multilane divided highways located in the south of Iraq. The preliminary presentation of the studied highways was performed using Geographic Information System (GIS) software. Data collection was done to obtain crash numbers and types over five years with their locations, hourly traffic flow, and average spot speed and define roadway segments lengths of crash locations. The cumulative speed distribution curves introduce that the spot speed spectrum for each highway's whole traffic extends over a relatively wide range, indicating a maximum speed of 180 kph and a minimum speed of 30 kph. Multiple linear regression analysis is applied to the data using SPSS software to attain the relationships between the dependent variables and the independent variables to identify elements strongly correlated with crash densities. Four regression models are developed which verify good and strong statistical relationships between crash densities with the studied factors. The results show that traffic volume and driving speed have a significant impact on the crash densities. It means that there is a positive correlation between the single factors and crash occurrence. The higher volumes and the faster the driving speed, the more likely it is to crash. As the hourly traffic flow of automobile grows, the need for safe traffic facilities also extended. 

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Identifying factors affecting the productivity of nursing service empirical research in Batool Teaching Hospital and the Hospital public of Baquba in Diyala province
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This research aims to measure the productivity of nursing services and recognize the reality of providing such services in some public hospitals in the province of Diyala, as well as identify the most important factors affecting the productivity of nursing services, and developer measure adopted by the researcher (Kien, 2012), which includes seven factors (workforce , management team, stimulation, pressure of working hours (time), material / equipment, supervision, safety), Used the experimental method in the search, one of the private scientific research curriculum depends primarily on the scientific experiment and study of the subject, or a scientific phenomenon, which provides an opportunity to learn the facts

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
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Expressive Discourse in the Rural Singing Form: وليد حسن الجـــــــابري
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The expressive discourse, in the form of the rural singing, is considered one of the interactive framework and the metaphorical dialogues in creating the aesthetic climate that connects the circles of its basic elements, singing, playing music, expression, costumes, sham movements and so forth.  

     The rhetorical language in this field includes all those parts and turns them into an integrated idea within the culture of the musical science, specifically the heart of the rural singing. This research dealt with a number of topics of relevance in the expressive discourse for the form of the rural singing. The first chapter consists of the methodological framework of the research, represented by the r

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The exercise of activities and sports are of great importance to public health and to maintain the ideal health weight as well as the psychological and mental comfort of humans. The aim of this study is to determine the contribution and participation of educated females in physical activities at the University of Baghdad hall for the years 2011-2016, and to show the factors that influence women's contribution to physical activities at the university by selecting 100 students of males and 100 females' students randomly. During the questioning questions and statistical analysis of the questioning to find out the reasons for the discouraging contribution of the women to the various physical activities and try to find solutions and r

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The Calculation of the Charge Density Distributions and the Longitudinal Form Factors of 10 B Nucleus by Using the Occupation Numbers of the States
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The charge density distributions of 10 B nucleus are calculated using the
harmonic oscillator wave functions. Elastic and inelastic electron scattering
longitudinal form factors have been calculated for the similar parity states of 10B
nucleus where a core of 4He is assumed and the remaining particles are
distributed over 3/ 2 1p and 1/ 2 1p orbits which form the model space.
Core-polarization effects are taken into account. Core-polarization effects are
calculated by using Tassie model and gives good agreement with the measured

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 31 2022
Journal Name
Ieee Access
SHE Networks: Security, Health, and Emergency Networks Traffic Priority Management Based on ML and SDN
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Recently, the increasing demand to transfer data through the Internet has pushed the Internet infrastructure to the nal edge of the ability of these networks. This high demand causes a deciency of rapid response to emergencies and disasters to control or reduce the devastating effects of these disasters. As one of the main cornerstones to address the data trafc forwarding issue, the Internet networks need to impose the highest priority on the special networks: Security, Health, and Emergency (SHE) data trafc. These networks work in closed and private domains to serve a group of users for specic tasks. Our novel proposed network ow priority management based on ML and SDN fullls high control to give the required ow priority to SHE dat

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Bulletin Of Electrical Engineering And Informatics
Traffic management inside software-defined data centre networking
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In recent years, data centre (DC) networks have improved their rapid exchanging abilities. Software-defined networking (SDN) is presented to alternate the impression of conventional networks by segregating the control plane from the SDN data plane. The SDN presented overcomes the limitations of traditional DC networks caused by the rapidly incrementing amounts of apps, websites, data storage needs, etc. Software-defined networking data centres (SDN-DC), based on the open-flow (OF) protocol, are used to achieve superior behaviour for executing traffic load-balancing (LB) jobs. The LB function divides the traffic-flow demands between the end devices to avoid links congestion. In short, SDN is proposed to manage more operative configur

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering (ijece)
Image encryption algorithm based on the density and 6D logistic map
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One of the most difficult issues in the history of communication technology is the transmission of secure images. On the internet, photos are used and shared by millions of individuals for both private and business reasons. Utilizing encryption methods to change the original image into an unintelligible or scrambled version is one way to achieve safe image transfer over the network. Cryptographic approaches based on chaotic logistic theory provide several new and promising options for developing secure Image encryption methods. The main aim of this paper is to build a secure system for encrypting gray and color images. The proposed system consists of two stages, the first stage is the encryption process, in which the keys are genera

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Medical Journal Of Babylon
Impact of chronic hepatitis B virus infection on bone mineral density
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Background: Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a common health problem that has a worldwide distribution. Apart from the direct effect of the virus on the liver, there are many extrahepatic manifestations among which the probable effect on bone turnover associated with low bone mineral density (BMD). Objectives: This study aimed to determine the association between treated and untreated chronic HBV infection with BMD. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study which included a total of 48 patients with chronic HBV (28 patients treated with tenofovir-disoproxil-fumarate [TDF] antiviral drug and 20 patients have not yet started treatment). Other age- and sex-matched 30 apparently healthy individuals were recruited to represent the hea

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
The Effect of the Five Fingers Strategy and Traffic Signals Strategy on Physics First Grade Intermediate School Students' Achievement and Personal Intelligence
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The aim of this research is to know the effect of two strategies of active learning, the five fingers and traffic signals, on the first grade intermediate level student's achievement and personal intelligence. The research sample was chosen from the Al- Mansour intermediate school for boys, including (101) students divided into three groups chosen randomly which represented the first experimental group (32) students, the second experimental group (34) students, and the control group (33) students. To achieve the research aims, the research prepared a physics achievement test containing (26) items, and a personal intelligence test containing (20) items. The psychometric characteristics, of the tests were checked up the following results were

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2003
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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To explore the durability of some local species of wood to fungal deterioration among the
storage period, this research has conducted on three species Eufcalyptus cammaldulensis,
Juglans regia, presence of some genus of fungi; Aspergillus, Penicillium,Botryoderma,
Chaetomium, Phoma, Cladosporium and Pacilomyces in different intensities.
The two fungi Aspergillus and Penicillium appeared more dominants than others, therefore
they were chosen for the pathogenicity test. The results showed that the two species of fungi
preferred Juglans wood firstly were the size of infection was more than 10 times of any of the
other two woods. Eucalyptus showed similar response to that of Morus, but with Aspergillus
it was few bett

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