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Factors Affecting Traffic Accidents Density on Selected Multilane Rural Highways
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Estimations of average crash density as a function of traffic elements and characteristics can be used for making good decisions relating to planning, designing, operating, and maintaining roadway networks. This study describes the relationships between total, collision, turnover, and runover accident densities with factors such as hourly traffic flow and average spot speed on multilane rural highways in Iraq. The study is based on data collected from two sources: police stations and traffic surveys. Three highways are selected in Wassit governorate as a case study to cover the studied locations of the accidents. Three highways are selected in Wassit governorate as a case study to cover the studied locations of the accidents. The selection includes Kut–Suwera, Kut–ShekhSaad, and Kut–Hay multilane divided highways located in the south of Iraq. The preliminary presentation of the studied highways was performed using Geographic Information System (GIS) software. Data collection was done to obtain crash numbers and types over five years with their locations, hourly traffic flow, and average spot speed and define roadway segments lengths of crash locations. The cumulative speed distribution curves introduce that the spot speed spectrum for each highway's whole traffic extends over a relatively wide range, indicating a maximum speed of 180 kph and a minimum speed of 30 kph. Multiple linear regression analysis is applied to the data using SPSS software to attain the relationships between the dependent variables and the independent variables to identify elements strongly correlated with crash densities. Four regression models are developed which verify good and strong statistical relationships between crash densities with the studied factors. The results show that traffic volume and driving speed have a significant impact on the crash densities. It means that there is a positive correlation between the single factors and crash occurrence. The higher volumes and the faster the driving speed, the more likely it is to crash. As the hourly traffic flow of automobile grows, the need for safe traffic facilities also extended. 

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Effect of Short Range Correlation on The Nuclear Charge Density Distribution, Elastic and Inelastic Electron Scattering Coulomb Form Factors of 18O Nucleus
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The effect of short range correlations on the inelastic longitudinal Coulomb form
factors for the lowest four excited 2+ states in 18O is analyzed. This effect (which
depends on the correlation parameter β) is inserted into the ground state charge
density distribution through the Jastrow type correlation function. The single particle
harmonic oscillator wave function is used with an oscillator size parameter b. The
parameters β and b are, considered as free parameters, adjusted for each excited state
separately so as to reproduce the experimental root mean square charge radius of
18O. The model space of 18O does not contribute to the transition charge density. As
a result, the inelastic Coulomb form factor of 18

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2007
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
The Effect of Photo-Initiated Oxidation on Mechanical Properties of High Density Polyethylene / Linear Low Density Polyethylene Blends
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The long – term behaviour of polyethylene products used out doors is affected by weathering. In the present work,
weathering test was carried out to find the effect of the environment conditions on the mechanical properties of
HDPE/LLDPE blends with different weight percents (0, 15, 30, and 45 %) relative to the LLDPE by increasing the
exposure times to (100, 150, 200, 250, 300) hr.
A series of tests (destructive), tensile, impact and hardness were carried out on the prepared samples, the results
obtained declare the changes on the material behaviour from ductile to brittle and the polymer shows a decline in the
mechanical properties with increasing the exposure times.
In the present work empirical equations were r

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study of matter density distributions, elastic charge form factors and size radii for halo 11Be, 19C and 11Li nuclei
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In this work, the calculation of matter density distributions, elastic charge form factors and size radii for halo 11Be, 19C and 11Li nuclei are calculated. Each nuclide under study are divided into two parts; one for core part and the second for halo part. The core part are studied using harmonic-oscillator radial wave functions, while the halo part are studied using the radial wave functions of Woods-Saxon potential. A very good agreement are obtained with experimental data for matter density distributions and available size radii. Besides, the quadrupole moment for 11Li are generated.

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Matter Density Distributions, Root-mean Square Radii and Elastic Electron Scattering Form Factors of Some Exotic Nuclei (17B, 11Li, 8He)
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The two-neutron halo-nuclei (17B, 11Li, 8He) was investigated using a two-body nucleon density distribution (2BNDD) with two frequency shell model (TFSM). The structure of valence two-neutron of 17B  nucleus in a pure (1d5/2) state and in a pure (1p1/2) state for  11L and 8He nuclei. For our tested nucleus, an efficient (2BNDD's) operator for point nucleon system folded with two-body correlation operator's functions was used to investigate nuclear matter density distributions, root-mean square (rms) radii, and elastic electron scattering form factors. In the nucleon-nucleon forces the correlation took account of

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 03 2020
Journal Name
An Economic And Environmental Analysis of the most Factors Affecting of Sustainable Agricultural Development In Iraq Through The Period 2000 -2017
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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Distribution of Municipal Services and Some Factors Affecting Them (A survey in a sample of districts from Rushed municipal in Baghdad)
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s The study aims to identify the fairness in the distribution of municipal services between  municipal districts and areas, from point of view  of municipal chamber staff and from the point of view of the citizen. It also aims to identify factors affecting the fairness of the distribution of municipal services. Municipal services were being studied : hygiene and waste, water supply, sewer, creating gardens,  and street paving .Factors which  examined its impact on municipal services are: resources available to municipal chamber, the managerial  process at municipal chamber,  and factors in the external environment surrounding  municipal chamber.The results of the study showed that level of the e

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Malaysia and the countries of the Middle East are a vision towards understanding the factors affecting the pattern of the relationship
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Malaysia is linked to the countries of the Middle East by a historical relationship identified by a number of factors and determinants that affected the developments of that relationship, especially its relentless endeavor to preserve its Islamic identity with the leadership of the rest of the other ethnicities, in addition to those factors and international determinants that directly affected the typicality of this relationship and perhaps the United States stands At the forefront of who represents this international variable, as it is considered the Middle East region as a core region and within its vital field, and therefore any analog relationship in the field of international relations and one of its parties is the countries of the

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2024
Journal Name
Chemical Engineering Research And Design
Treatment of petroleum refinery wastewater by a combination of anodic oxidation with photocatalyst process: Recent advances, affecting factors and future perspectives
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Scopus (3)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences (pen)
Development prediction algorithm of vehicle travel time based traffic data
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This work bases on encouraging a generous and conceivable estimation for modified an algorithm for vehicle travel times on a highway from the eliminated traffic information using set aside camera image groupings. The strategy for the assessment of vehicle travel times relies upon the distinctive verification of traffic state. The particular vehicle velocities are gotten from acknowledged vehicle positions in two persistent images by working out the distance covered all through elapsed past time doing mollification between the removed traffic flow data and cultivating a plan to unequivocally predict vehicle travel times. Erbil road data base is used to recognize road locales around road segments which are projected into the commended camera

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Classification of Rural Road Network in Al-Najaf Governorate
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This study has dealt with, the issue of classification of rural road network , in addition to prepare a suggested for the classification for this network in Iraq , this classification account , the specifications and characteristics of rural roads, population, and the range taking of settlements , then this classification was applied on the rural road network in the Najaf province there are four categories of classification ,the first is major arterial rural roads divided into two major arterial and minor arterial roads , while the second category collected roads which was divided into minor arterial roads and main collected roads. The third category was represented by Local Roads , it has been divided into paved roads and unpaved, the f

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