The ground state proton, neutron and matter densities, the corresponding rms radii and charge form factors of a dripline nuclei 6He, 11Li, 12Be and 14Be have been studied via a three–body model of (Core + n + n). The core–neutron interaction takes the form of Woods-Saxon (WS) potential. The two valence neutrons of 6He, 11Li and 12Be interact by the realistic interaction of ZBMII while those of 14Be interact via the realistic interaction of VPNP. The core and valence (halo) density distributions are described by the single-particle wave functions of the WS potential. The calculated results are discussed and compared with the experimental data. The long tail performance is clearly noticed in the calculated neutron and matter density distr
... Show MoreThe Buzurgan oil field is one of the most important oil fields border in southern Iraq.
Adjacent to the Fauqi and Abu Ghirab oil fields common with Iran. The 3D seismic data showed the structural and stratigraphic of the Buzurgan oil field, where the results showed that the structure is an anticline fold with two structural domes separated by a saddle, the northern culmination is shallower and less deformation. Thirty-one faults were detected and most of them at the south part of the field which are small while the north faults are larger.
This research attempts to investigate narrative structure in oral narrative particularly in Oprah's Show from a sociolinguistic viewpoint. Narrative is said to be universal in the sense that it is found in all times and places. There is no society or culture without narrative. Oral narrative is organized in a specific order. The research aims at studying and analyzing this order. In addition to that, it highlights the importance of narrative in conveying some moral messages to people who are listening to the story. The study is divided into two parts; theoretical and practical. The theoretical part draws on presenting a survey of literature which includes definitions and explanations of some related terms. The practical part is concerned
... Show MoreIn this paper we present the first ever measured experimental electron momentum density of Cu2Sb at an intermediate resolution (0.6 a.u.) using 59.54 keV 241Am Compton spectrometer. The measurements are compared with the theoretical Compton profiles using density function theory (DFT) within a linear combination of an atomic orbitals (LCAO) method. In DFT calculation, Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) scheme is employed to treat correlation whereas exchange is included by following the Becke scheme. It is seen that various approximations within LCAO-DFT show relatively better agreement with the experimental Compton data. Ionic model calculations for a number of configurations (Cu+x/2)2(Sb-x) (0.0≤x≤2.0) are also performed utilizing free a
... Show MoreThe philosopher and social psychologist Erich Fromm (1900-1980), in his book "Escape from Freedom" highlighted the distinction between the "I" of the authoritarian personality and the "I" of the destructive personality based on their stance towards "the other." The former (the authoritarian self) relies on a submissive, enslaving formula, where the "I" is the master/dominator/controller/strong, while "the other" is the servant/submissive/controlled/weak, essential for perpetuating this formula. In contrast, the latter (the destructive self) relies on an annihilating, negating formula, where the "I" is existence/killer/destroyer/pe
... Show MoreThe present study aims to describe the histological structure of kidney of, (Herpestes javanicus ) that inhabits Iraqi lands. Transverse sections of kidney stained with hematoxylin and eosin showed two distinct regions, the outer thin darkly stained cortex and inner thick lightly stained medulla, which further subdivided into external and internal medullary zones linked with one conical renal papilla. The lateral margin of the outer medullary tissue forms a secondary renal pyramid with a specialized fornix. All the nephrons in the kidney start with the renal corpuscle [Malpighian], which is formed from two distinct parts, these are a centrally located glomerulus, which represented by a tuft of blood capillaries and an outer Bowman’s capsu
... Show MoreThe liver of marsh harrier grossly appeared as large, bi-lobed organ divided into left and right lobes, which are approximately equal in size and not divided into secondary lobes. Histologically, the liver of marsh harrier was found to contain numerous lobules which are not well defined by the connective tissue of the septa except that surrounded the portal triads. The parenchyma of liver composed of irregular branching cords of hepatocytes organized in double rows alternating with tortures path sinusoids which are lined with flattened endothelial cells and large, irregular outlined kupffer cells. Hepatic cords arranged in a radial pattern around the central vein of the liver lobule while in a subscapsular region they run parallel to the ca
... Show MoreCoronavirus disease (Covid-19) has threatened human life, so it has become necessary to study this disease from many aspects. This study aims to identify the nature of the effect of interdependence between these countries and the impact of each other on each other by designating these countries as heads for the proposed graph and measuring the distance between them using the ultrametric spanning tree. In this paper, a network of countries in the Middle East is described using the tools of graph theory.
This study sheds light on the structure of the phoneme composition of the verses describing the servants of the Most Merciful in Surat Al-Furqan, and on how its silences, voices, and syllables are distributed, questioning and talking to them about their condition, their aesthetics, and the accuracy of Quranic employment for them, stemming from the presence of a strong, inseparable bond, and a close relationship between the voice and meaning As (i.e. the voice) is the nerve of speech, forming the basic building blocks of speech through synergy of syllables and syllables with each other, creating an audio context with a rhythm that is parallel, expressive, and in harmony with the content, as the vocal context and the fabric based on it are
... Show MoreThis study presents determination of the paleostress magnitudes and orientation of Bekhme Structure in Shaqlawa area northeastern Iraq. Paleostress Analysis of slip-fault measurements is performed using Right dihedral, Lisle diagram and Mohr Circles methods. Depending on Mohr Circles, Bott law and vertical thickness, the magnitudes of the paleostress at the time of the tectonic activity were determined. Firstly, Georient Software was used to estimate the orientation of the paleostresses (σ1, σ2 and σ3). Secondly, using the rupture –friction law, taking into account depth of the overburden and the vertical stress (σv) was calculated to determine the magnitude of the paleostresses (σ1=4500 bars, σ2=1
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