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Developing of Bacterial Mutagenic Assay System for Detection of Environmental and Food MutagensV – Using Anticancer Drug Cyclophosphamide

G-system composed of three isolates G3 ( Bacillus),G12 ( Arthrobacter )and G27 ( Brevibacterium) was used to detect the mutagenicity of the anticancer drug, cyclophosphamide (CP) under conditions similar to that used for standard mutagen, Nitrosoguanidine (NTG). The CP effected the survival fraction of isolates after treatment for 15 mins using gradual increasing concentrations, but at less extent comparing to NTG. The mutagenic effect of CP was at higher level than that of NTG when using streptomycin as a genetic marker, but the situation was reversed when using rifampicin resistant as a report marker. The latter effect appeared upon recording the mutagen efficiency (ie., number of induced mutants/microgram of mutagen). Measuring the Relative mutability revealed that isolate G12 was highly mutable by both mutagens. The Relative mutational results showed also that isolate G12 is more sensitive, except when recording rifampicin resistance as a genetic marker, and this pattern was similar to NTG.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 03 2020
Journal Name
Almaarif University College
The effect of food additives (Monosodium Glutamate-MSG) on human health-A Critical Review

According to the famous saying of the medieval physician Paracelsus, "There is no substance without poison. Only the dose determines the extent of the toxic effect." Here, the effect of monosodium glutamate (MSG) on human health and the risks to the health of its frequent use in the short term was addressed and the long term was evaluated according to the studies of several researchers specializing in this regard. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is known as one of the most popular food additives that classified as a flavor enhancer. Parts of the evidence were reviewed from the literature explaining its effect on immune system cells in addition to metabolic disorders by exposing individuals to obesity and what is known as metabolic syndrome, as w

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2024
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Impact of Using Subsurface Water Retention Technology on Improving Water Use Efficiency of Furrow Irrigation System
Abstract<p>Evaluation was carried out on the existing furrow irrigation system located in an open agricultural field within Hor Rajabh Township, south of Baghdad, Iraq (latitude: 33°09’ N, longitude: 44°24’ E). Two plots were chosen for comparison: treatment plot T1, which used subsurface water retention technology (SWRT) with a furrow irrigation system. While the treatment plot T2 was done by using a furrow irrigation procedure without SWRT. A comparison between the two treatment plots was carried out to study the efficiency of the applied water on crop yield. In terms of agricultural productivity and water use efficiency, plot T1 outperformed plot T2, according to the study’s final fin</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Lecture Notes In Electrical Engineering
A Study of the Influence of Steel Brushes in Rail Surface Magnetic Flux Leakage Detection Using Finite Elements Simulation

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 29 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Monitoring and Enhancement of Mobile System Performance

Android operating system, since its first start, is growing very fast and takes a large space in smart devices market. It is built and developed on Linux and designed basically for touch screen devices such as, mobiles, tablets, etc. Mobile devices are markedly complicated and feature-rich; therefore they are prone to reliability of software and performance problems. Because of the small resources, smart devices, such as CPU, RAM, suffer from problems. One of these problems is Software Aging (SA). SA is recognized in long running OSs as a shortage in resources, performance retreating, and finally failure. SA is looked at from two sides, namely the poor response time of application which represents the end user side and the shortage in me

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine And Toxicology,
Effect of algal extracts on the growth of tow bacterial types isloated from pollutants discharge

Effect of Chlorococcum humicola alcoholic algae extract was studied on the growth of, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Klebsiella pneumonia, which were isolated from contaminated water. The extract of Ch. humicola showed a high efficiency in reducing the numbers of the two types of bacteria. . The removal rate of K. pneumonia were 0.0, 48.4 and 57.0, The removal rate of P. aeruginosa were 63.1, 79.8 and 82.9% after24,48, 72 h respectively. The results improved that the K. pneumonia is more sensitive than P. aeruginosa for algae extract concentrations used in study ,and the beast effective time is 24h for the two bacterial species The aim of the study was to eliminate microorganisms using the Alcoholic algae extract. Especially P. aeruginosa and

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Veterinary World
Bacterial isolation from internal organs of rats (Rattus rattus) captured in Baghdad city of Iraq

Aim: Rats are accused in disseminating many zoonotic diseases. This study aimed to isolate and identify bacteria from internal organs of rats captured in Baghdad City, Iraq. Materials and Methods: A total of 120 black rats (R. rattus) were trapped from different areas in Baghdad city. Rats were kept in individual plastic cages for 3 h before euthanizing. Deep pharyngeal swab, intestinal content, urine, and pieces of the liver and spleen, lung, kidney, and brain were obtained aseptically. The specimens were inoculated into peptone water and incubated at 37°C for 24 h for enrichment. A loopful of each specimen was then subcultured onto MacConkey Agar, Blood Agar, and Mannitol Salt Agar. CHROMagar O157 H7 and CHROMagar Listeria were u

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Application of Geographic Information System for Preparing the Bill of Quantities of Construction Projects

The information required for construction quantities surveying is not only generated by various participants in different construction phases but also stored in different forms including graphics, text, tables, or various combinations of the three. To report a bill of quantities (BOQ), the project manager has to continuously excerpt information from various resources and record it on papers. Without adequate staff and time, this repetitive and tedious process is difficult for the project manager to handle properly and thus reduces the effectiveness and the accuracy of the quantities surveying process which creates problems during the design, tender, and construction supervision of construction projects for designers and contractors pract

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 24 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Determination of Mefenamic Acid Using a New Mode of Irradiation (Array of Six Identical LEDs) and Detection( Twin Solar Cells) Through Turbidity Measurement by CFIA

A newly developed analytical method characterized by its speed and sensitivity for the determination of mefenamic acid (MFA) in pure and pharmaceutical preparation is established via turbidimetric measurement (0-180o) by Ayah 6SX1-ST-2D Solar cell CFI Analyser . The method was based on the reaction of
phosphomolybdic acid with mefenamic acid in aqueous medium to form blue color precipitate as an ion-pair complex . Turbidity was measured via the reflection of incident light that collides on the surface precipitated particles at 0-180o . The chemical and physical parameters were studied and optimized. The calibration graph was linear in the range of 0.3-7 or 0.3-10 mMol.L-1, with correlation coefficient r = 0.9907 or 0.9556 respectively

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 02 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering Papers
Assessing Environmental Impact on Asphalt Stabilized Subgrade Soil

Assessment of the in service behavior of asphalt stabilized subgrade soil under environmental impact has got little attention by the research workers. However, the sustainability of the roadway depends mainly on the welfare of its subgrade soil condition. In this work, Gypseous soil was stabilized with asphalt emulsion for subgrade usage, the durability of the mixture has been assessed in term of its ability to maintain the compressive strength when practicing the environmental impacts. Specimens of 38 mm in diameter , and 76 mm in height have been prepared with various water-asphalt percentages, and subjected to 30 cycles of (freezing-thawing), (heating-cooling) and (wetting-drying) processes. Specimens have been tested for unconfined comp

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 21 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Design &amp; Nature And Ecodynamics
Environmental Influences on the Settlements Patterns of Communities in the Marshes of Iraq

In the field of residential community planning, one of the appropriate places to study the mutual influences between man and the environment, away from the influences, concepts and mechanisms of contemporary planning theories are isolated environments in rural areas, and the marshlands in Iraq represent one of these models. These areas still retain the planning patterns of residential communities for thousands of years. This research attempts to conduct a descriptive study of traditional settlement patterns, which relied on the capabilities of the surrounding areas to provide planning and architectural solutions based on the environmental factor. Establishing such a clear framework for these impacts can help in any future interventi

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