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The effect of some environmental variables on the abundance and distribution of aquatic macrophytes in Al-Hawizeh marsh, Iraq
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Abstract<p>Aquatic macrophyte communities and environmental factors were studied at four Al-Hawizeh marsh sites from December 2017 until November 2018. Quantitative data from thirty species of aquatic plants were collected to investigate density, vegetation cover, biomass and their relationship to the environmental factors. For emerging plants, relative abundance reached the highest values (36%) than submerged and wet species, while free-floating plants produced the lowest value (17%).Physical and chemical properties have been studied including water temperature ranging from 11.3 ° C in January to 31.4 ° C in August, dissolved oxygen (DO)ranging from 1.88 mg/L in September to 10.5 mg / L in April, pH varied from 7.2 in June to 8.4 in December, electrical conductivity (EC μ.S/cm) differs from 2257 μ.S/cm in November to 6859 μ.S/cm in April. The results identified the highest percentages of vegetation cover reported during the summer, the lowest percentages revealed during the winter for all plant groups. The highest annual vegetation cover rates for submergent species achieved 52.54% by <italic>C.demersum</italic>, for free-floating plants 66.67% of <italic>S. polyrrhiza</italic>, for emergent plants 85.5% of <italic>P. australis</italic>, 41.62% of <italic>P. paspaloide</italic> for wet plants. Total mean biomass of plant groups showed the highest value of 844.02 (gm dry weight/m<sup>2</sup>) reported by emerging plants, the lowest value of 47.25 (gm dry weight / m<sup>2</sup>) by the wet plants. Thus, biomass values were correlated with the vegetation cover values for all plants.</p>
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Biodiversitas Journal Of Biological Diversity
Assessment of some heavy metals in various aquatic plants of Al-Hawizeh Marsh, southern of Iraq
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Abstract. Al-Abbawy DAH, Al-Thahaibawi BMH, Al-Mayaly IKA, Younis KH. 2021. Assessment of some heavy metals in various aquatic plants of Al-Hawizeh Marsh, southern of Iraq. Biodiversitas 22: 338-345. In order to describe the degree of contamination of aquatic environments in Iraq, heavy metals analysis (Fe, Ni, Cr, Cd, Pb, and Zn) was conducted for six aquatic macrophytes from different locations of Al-Hawizeh Marsh in southern Iraq. The six species were Azolla filiculoides (floating plant), Ceratophyllum demersum, Potamogeton pectinatus, Najas marina (submerged plants), Phragmites australis, and Typha domingensis (emergent plants). The results indicate that cadmium, chromium, and iron concentrations in aquatic plants were above the

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Ecological survey of aquatic macrophytes in Al-Huwaizah Marsh southern of Iraq after inclusion in the world Heritage list
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 28 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Impact of some environmental parameters on phytoplankton diversity in the eastern Al-Hammer marsh / southern Iraq
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Biodiversity is one of the important biological factors in determining water quality and maintaining the
ecological balance. In this study, there are 223 species of phytoplankton were identified, and they are as
follows: 88 species of Bacillariophyta and were at 44%,70 species of Chlorophyta and they were at 29 %, 39
species of Cyanophyta and they were at 16 %, 12 species of Euglenozoa and they were at 4 %, four species of
Miozoa and they were at 3 %, and, Phylum Charophyta and Ochrophyta were only eight and two species,
respectively and both of them were at 2%. The common phytoplankton recorded in the sites studied
include Nitzschia palea, Scenedesmus quadricauda, Oscillatoria princeps, and Peridinium

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2017
Journal Name
Environmental assessment of Al-Hammar Marsh, Southern Iraq
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Matec Web Of Conferences
Possibility of reusing Al-Machraya River for feeding Hawizeh marsh
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Al Machraya River was considered as one of the water feeders of Hawizeh Marsh. In 1986, the outlet of this river into the marsh was blocked and the river was used as a main channel for the East Tigris Irrigation Project near Kalat Salih. This causes significant decrease in the available water supply sources, deterioration in the water quality distribution patterns and increasing the stagnation areas within the marsh. This research aims to study the possibility of reusing this river for feeding Hawizeh Marsh. A frequency analysis study was carried out to study the maximum and minimum probable water level (MMPWL) of Tigris River at the upstream of Kalat Salih Barrage. Six statistical models; Normal distribution, Log-Normal type II, Lo

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Environmental Study of Some Water Characteristics at Um-Al-Naaj Marsh, South of Iraq.
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Um-Al-Naaj region in Al-Hawiezah Marsh, Southern Iraq was chosen to study the environmental variations of some water characteristics during 2008, seasonally. The results showed clear seasonal changes in values of some environmental variables (temperature, depth, light penetration, turbidity, total suspended solids, pH, dissolved oxygen, reactive phosphate, reactive nitrite, and reactive nitrate), while there were no clear seasonal changes in electrical conductivity and salinity values. In addition, high nutrients concentrations and light penetration were noted. Statistical analysis showed significant positive relationship between air and water temperature; electrical conductivity and salinity. Water turbidity was significantly affecte

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Water Quality Assessment and Total Dissolved Solids Prediction using Artificial Neural Network in Al-Hawizeh Marsh South of Iraq
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The Iraqi marshes are considered the most extensive wetland ecosystem in the Middle East and are located in the middle and lower basin of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers which create a wetlands network and comprise some shallow freshwater lakes that seasonally swamped floodplains. Al-Hawizeh marsh is a major marsh located east of Tigris River south of Iraq. This study aims to assess water quality through water quality index (WQI) and predict Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) concentrations in Al-Hawizeh marsh based on artificial neural network (ANN). Results showed that the WQI was more than 300 for years 2013 and 2014 (Water is unsuitable for drinking) and decreased within the range 200-300 in years 2015 and 2016 (Very poor water). The develope

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering/
Water quality assessment and total dissolved solids prediction using artificial neural network in Al-Hawizeh marsh south of Iraq
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The Iraqi marshes are considered the most extensive wetland ecosystem in the Middle East and are located in the middle and lower basin of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers which create a wetlands network and comprise some shallow freshwater lakes that seasonally swamped floodplains. Al-Hawizeh marsh is a major marsh located east of Tigris River south of Iraq. This study aims to assess water quality through water quality index (WQI) and predict Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) concentrations in Al-Hawizeh marsh based on artificial neural network (ANN). Results showed that the WQI was more than 300 for years 2013 and 2014 (Water is unsuitable for drinking) and decreased within the range 200-300 in years 2015 and 2016 (Very poor water). The

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effects of Castor Oil Nanoemulsion Extracted by Hexane on the Fourth Larval stage of Culex quinquefsciatus from Al Hawizeh Marsh/Iraq, and Non- Targeted Organism
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           The current study aims to show the importance of plant products as mosquitocides against Culex quinquefasciatus. Castor oil Nanoemulsions were subedit in various ratios including castor oil, ethanol, tween 80, and deionized water by using ultrasonication. Thermodynamic, centrifugation, PH, assay which improved that the formula  of 10 ml  of castor  oil, ethanol  5ml, tween 80 (14 ml) and deionized water 71ml was more stable than other formulas. The stable formula of castor oil nanoemulsion was characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and dynamic light scattering (DLS). Nanoemulsion droplets were spherical in shape and were found to have a Z-average diameter of 87.4nm. A concentration of ca

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
The effect of different flooding ratio on Al-Shuwaija marsh
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In this research, the effect of changing the flood level of Al-Shuwaija marsh was studied using the geographic information systems, specifically the QGIS program, and the STRM digital elevation model with a spatial analysis accuracy of 28 meters, was used to study the marsh. The hydraulic factors that characterize the marsh and affecting on the flooding such as the ranks of the water channels feeding the marsh and the degree of slope and flat areas in it are studied. The area of immersion water, the mean depth, and the accumulated water volume are calculated for each immersion level, thereby, this study finds the safe immersion level for this marsh was determined.

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