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           This paper introduce two types of edge degrees (line degree and near line degree) and total edge degrees (total line degree and total near line degree) of an edge in a fuzzy semigraph, where a fuzzy semigraph is defined as (V, σ, μ, η) defined on a semigraph G* in which σ : V → [0, 1], μ : VxV → [0, 1] and η : X → [0, 1] satisfy the conditions that for all the vertices u, v in the vertex set,  μ(u, v) ≤ σ(u) ᴧ σ(v) and  η(e) = μ(u1, u2) ᴧ μ(u2, u3) ᴧ … ᴧ μ(un-1, un) ≤ σ(u1) ᴧ σ(un), if e = (u1, u2, …, un), n ≥ 2 is an edge in the semigraph G*, in which a semigraph is defined as a pair of sets (V, X) in which the vertex set V is a non - empty set and edge set X is a set of n – tuples for various n ≥ 2, of distinct elements of V with the properties that, any two elements in the edge set X has at most one vertex in common and for any two edges (ɑ1, ɑ2,…, ɑn ) and (b1, b2,…, bm)  in the edge set X are equal if, and only if, n = m and either one of the conditions ɑj = bj  or ɑj = bn-j+1 occur for j where the value of j lies between 1 and n. In addition to that edge regularities (line regular and near line regular) and total edge regularities (total line regular and total near line regular) of the corresponding edge degrees and total edge degrees are studied, their properties are examined and a few results connecting vertex regularity and edge regularity of a fuzzy semigraph are obtained.

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: 05C72, 05C07.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of intellectual capital on the Total quality management of higher education and scientific research institutions in Baghdad
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         The purpose and goal of the research revolve around the diagnosis of intellectual capital as the logical indicator to study an effective human resource management practice and its influential role in determining the overall quality management of higher education institutions and scientific research in Baghdad.

       To achieve the purpose of the research, an upgraded standard questionnaire was used to collect data and distribute it to the selected sample in a statistical manner from the study population of (5) institutions affiliated with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Resear

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation of Drinking Waters’ projects in accordance with the standard Malcolm Baldrige Award for Excellence in the framework of total quality management / applied research in Water Department of Baghdad
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The research aims to evaluate the selected projects from the water Department of Baghdad, according to a standard for total quality management and to achieve this goal , adopted the case study method to get to know how close or turn away those projects in the management of Standard Malcolm Baldrige Award for Excellence in Quality Management its comprehensive one scales the world's most famous in this area , in order to draw a general framework to evaluate how project management can benefit from this approach to modern management , input from the entrances of the comprehensive management reform and development.

Be standard Malcolm Baldrige Award of several elements: - leadership , strategic planning , foc

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Sat Mar 29 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Studies And Researches Of Sport Education
Design and rationing test compound to assess the performance of the attack straight in terms of power characteristic speed And vital capacity for young players duel weapon Blinds
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
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The effect of ground motion characteristics on the fragility analysis of reinforced concrete frame buildings in Australia
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