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A Characterization of Maximal Outerplanar-Open Distance Pattern Uniform Graphs
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Let A ⊆ V(H) of any graph H, every node w of H be labeled using a set of numbers; , where d(w,v) denotes the distance between node w and the node v in H, known as its open A-distance pattern. A graph H is known as the open distance-pattern uniform (odpu)-graph, if there is a nonempty subset A ⊆V(H) together with  is the same for all . Here  is known as the open distance pattern uniform (odpu-) labeling of the graph H and A is known as an odpu-set of H. The minimum cardinality of vertices in any odpu-set of H, if it exists, will be known as the odpu-number of the graph H. This article gives a characterization of maximal outerplanar-odpu graphs. Also, it establishes that the possible odpu-number of an odpu-maximal outerplanar graph is either two or five only.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 23 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The perceptive image of volunteering and its relationship to the motives towards volunteering among a sample of Al-Quds Open University students.
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This study aimed to identify the perceived mental image of volunteering, and its relationship to volunteer motivation among a sample of Al-Quds Open University students, as well as to identify the differences in the perceived mental image of volunteering due to variables (gender, year of study, place of residence, college). The researcher has used relational descriptive approach. The researcher has used two questionnaires, the first was used to measure the perceptive mental image of volunteering, and the second to measure the motivation towards volunteering, and the study population may consist of all students of Al-Quds Open University Hebron Branch during the first semester of the academic year 2021/2020 and their number (3462)Male and

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 18 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Fabrication and Characterization of Tri Metal Oxides by Chemical Spray Pyrolysis Technique as a Gas Sensor
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In this research tri metal oxides were fabricated by simple chemical spray pyrolysis technique from (Sn(NO3)2.20 H2O, Zn(NO3)2.6 H2O, Cd(NO3)2.4 H2O) salts at concentration 0.1M with mixing weight ratio 50:50 were fabricated on silicon substrate n-type (111). (with & without the presence of grooves by the following diemensions (20μm width, 7.5μm depth) with thickness was about ( 0.1 ±0.05 µm) using water soluble as precursors at a substrate temperature 550 ºC±5, with spray distance (15 cm) and their gas sensing properties toward H2S gas at different concentrations (10,50,100,500 ppmv) in air were investigated at room te

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of Open Budget in achieving of the transparency and responsibility and Reflect it on the administrative and financial corruption
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The open budget means everyone in the society can get information about the government budget in order to watch the governmental works. The aim of the research is to study the concepts of open budget, its advantage, limitations, role of supporting the transparency and questioning the administrative and financial corruption. Thus reflects positively on the national economy by providing governmental information to all users whether they are individuals or belong to the political class, or any other governmental or nongovernmental organizations which are interested in these information.

In order to achieve the objectives of the research aims, we make questionnaire to see aca

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Fractional Local Metric Dimension of Comb Product Graphs
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The local resolving neighborhood  of a pair of vertices  for  and  is if there is a vertex  in a connected graph  where the distance from  to  is not equal to the distance from  to , or defined by . A local resolving function  of  is a real valued function   such that  for  and . The local fractional metric dimension of graph  denoted by , defined by  In this research, the author discusses about the local fractional metric dimension of comb product are two graphs, namely graph  and graph , where graph  is a connected graphs and graph  is a complate graph &

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
level of awareness of mental health among the students of the Universities of Palestine Technical and Jerusalem open
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The study aimed to identify the level of awareness of mental health among the students of the Universities of Palestine Technical and Jerusalem open in the city of Tulkarem from the perspective of the students and the population of the study ( 8091 ) students at the two universities , and selected intentional sample size was ( 445 ) students , and used the tool questionnaire to measure responses of subjects , and the results showed that there are differences depending on the variable sex and was in favor of females , and depending on the variable University , and was in favor of the Al-Quds Open / variable Study level for the benefit of students of second year , did not show statistical differences depending on the variables of c

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Minimum Neighborhood Domination of Split Graph of Graphs
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Let  be a non-trivial simple graph. A dominating set in a graph is a set of vertices such that every vertex not in the set is adjacent to at least one vertex in the set. A subset  is a minimum neighborhood dominating set if  is a dominating set and if for every  holds. The minimum cardinality of the minimum neighborhood dominating set of a graph  is called as minimum neighborhood dominating number and it is denoted by  . A minimum neighborhood dominating set is a dominating set where the intersection of the neighborhoods of all vertices in the set is as small as possible, (i.e., ). The minimum neighborhood dominating number, denoted by , is the minimum cardinality of a minimum neighborhood dominating set. In other words, it is the

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Forgotten Index and Forgotten Coindex of Graphs
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F index is a connected graph, sum of the cubes of the vertex degrees. The forgotten topological index has been designed to be employed in the examination of drug molecular structures, which is extremely useful for pharmaceutical and medical experts in understanding the biological activities. Among all the topological indices, the forgotten index is based on degree connectivity on bonds. This paper characterized the forgotten index of union of graphs, join graphs, limits on trees and its complements, and accuracy is measured. Co-index values are analyzed for the various molecular structure of chemical compounds

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Characterization of a novel pathway for xanthene degradation by the engineered strain Sphingobium yanoikuyae B1DR
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Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a group of aromatic compounds that contain at least two rings. These compounds are found naturally in petroleum products and are considered the most prevalent pollutants in the environment. The lack of microorganism capable of degrading some PAHs led to their accumulation in the environment which usually causes major health problems as many of these compounds are known carcinogens. Xanthene is one of the small PAHs which has three rings. Many xanthene derivatives are useful dyes that are used for dyeing wood and cosmetic articles. However, several studies have illustrated that these compounds have toxic and carcinogenic effects. The first step of the bacterial degradation of xanthene is conducted by d

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Strongly Maximal Submodules with A Study of Their Influence on Types of Modules
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      Let S be a commutative ring with identity, and A is an S-module. This paper introduced an important concept, namely strongly maximal submodule. Some properties and many results were proved as well as the behavior of that concept with its localization was studied and shown.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The factors that affecting in the recruitment of a teaching staff for the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in university teaching at the University of Khartoum.
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This research aimed at identifying the factors that affecting in the recruitment of a teaching staff for the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in university teaching at the University of Khartoum. The descriptive method was followed. The questionnaire was used as a tool for data collection,, which was distributed directly to a sample of (181) respondent of the teaching staff members of the senate at University of Khartoum from those who were attend at the senate meeting No. (409) which was held on 22 August 2016 Of (272). The researcher followed for the distribution the chance method, where each questionnaire was distributed to each of a teaching staff from different faculties at the University of Khartoum, according to his willingness

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