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The Association between Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms rs1042522 and rs1642785 in the TP53 gene and Acute Myeloid leukemia in a sample of the Baghdad/ Iraq population
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Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) represents the most prevalent type of acute leukemia in adults and is responsible for approximately 80% of all cases. The tumor suppressor gene (TP53) is a gene that has been frequently studied in cancer, and mutations in this gene account for about 50% of human cancers. This study aims to evaluate the correlation between two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the gene: rs1042522 and rs1642785, and a group of Iraqi patients suffering from pre-diagnostic acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Blood samples were collected from sixty patients (26 males and 34 females) and sixty controls (26 males and 34 females); these subjects were matched in gender, age, and ethnicity. Genomic DNA has been extracted from whole frozen blood samples by using the Easy Pure® Blood Genomic Kit, and then the purity and concentration have been measured by using the Nano drop NAS-99 spectrophotometer. Nano Drop readings ranged between 7-55ng/µl for the concentration and between 1.78-1.9 for the purity. High resolution melt (HRM) real-time PCR was used in the detection of these two SNPs. TP53 genotype frequencies have been in accordance with Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE), with statistically significant differences p≤0.05 between the genotypes of the control and patient groups. The rs1042522 genotype frequency was significantly different between patients and controls p = 0.0001, and participants with the GA genotype were more likely to develop AML OR = 7.8, 95% CI 3.2–18.4, p= 0.0001. In addition, the genotype frequency of rs1642785 was significantly different between patients and controls p = 0.002, and participants with the GA genotype were more likely to develop AML OR = 3.5, 95% CI 1.5–8.12, p = 0.002.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Modifying an Equation to Predict the Asphaltene Deposition in the Buzurgan Oil Field
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Buzurgan oil field suffers from the phenomenon of asphaltene precipitation. The serious negatives of this phenomenon are the decrease in production caused by clogging of the pores and decrease in permeability and wettability of the reservoir rocks, in addition to the blockages that occur in the pipeline transporting crude oil. The presence of laboratories in the Iraqi oil companies helped to conduct the necessary experiments, such as gas chromatography (GC) test to identify the components of crude oil and the percentages of each component, These laboratory results consider the main elements in deriving a new equation called modified colloidal instability index (MCII) equation based on a well-known global equation called colloidal in

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 26 2021
Journal Name
Asian Journal Of Civil Engineering
Using AHP to prioritize the corruption risk practices in the Iraqi construction sector
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Publication Date
Wed Jul 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Measuring the Concentration of Radon Gas in Book Stores in Primary Schools in Diyala Governorate
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  In this research, the concentration of radon gas was calculated in the book store rooms of schools in Diyala Governorate, it was calculated by Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors (SSNTDS) when the detector (CR-39) was used, the detector was placed and suspended at a distance of 160 cm from the surface of the earth, and the detector was exposed for 30 days to record alpha tracks. The results of radon concentration showed that the highest concentration percentage was found in (Eishtar) school, which was equal to (84.896) Bq/m3, while the lowest value was recorded in (Habhib) school, which was equal to (11.242) Bq/m3, where the concentration rate was equal to (28.158) Bq/m3. When we compared our results w

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 17 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Employing; Health Awareness, Health Awareness Announcements: (A research takenfrom a master’s degree thesis)
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The goal of health awareness is to familiarize people with health information and facts, and make them realize their sense of responsibility towards their health and the health of others.   And translate that goal in practice through applying healthy and sound behaviors spontaneously. This, the goal, is pursued by health awareness announcements through employing announcement persuasion of health as one of the methods of influencing the masses to adopt ideas, behaviors, and adherence to health advice and guidelines; The study aims to analyze the content of the Ministry of Health and Environment announcements regarding health awareness and to reveal the most employable persuasions in health awareness announcements

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 24 2015
Journal Name
Plos One
Environmental Response and Genomic Regions Correlated with Rice Root Growth and Yield under Drought in the OryzaSNP Panel across Multiple Study Systems
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
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The Formal Organization in Internal Spaces of Medical Laboratories: نور عامر علي-فاتن عباس لفته
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تشغل الفضاءات الداخلية الطبية اهتمام واسع , لما توفره من رعاية صحية للمرضى ,فلابد ان يُهتَمْ بها من الجانب الوظيفي(الادائي), لتحقيق الراحة البصرية والنفسية والجسدية لغرض الوصول الى الاداء الجيد للكادر الطبي, ولهذا وجد ضرورة التعرف على تلك الفضاءات الداخلية بشكل اعمق , وهل انها ملاءمة للمرتكزات التصميمية المتعارف عليها؟ , لذلك تم تسليط الضوء على الفضاءات الداخلية للمختبرات الطبية, وقد تناول البحث المشكلة واه

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Revista Electronica De Veterinaria
The Molecular Identification of Pathogenic E. coli Isolated from Raw Cow Milk and Assessment Their Anti-susceptibility to Medical Plants at Al-Najaf city/ Iraq
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Background: Toxin-producing Shiga Escherichia coli has been identified as a new foodborne pathogen that poses a significant health risk to humans. Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli can be found in raw cow milk and its derivatives. A small number of Escherichia coli strains that produce shiga toxin are pathogenic. Aim of study: The study aimed to see if there were any virulence genes in 50 milk samples that were typical of Entero-haemorrhagic E. coli and evaluate the Myrtus communis effects on these bacteria. Materials and Method: Milk samples were used to isolate E. coli bacteria (n= 27), biochemically analyzed, and genetically screened for virulence genes using a multiplex (PCR). The hydro-alcoholic extraction of Myrtus communis leave

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2000
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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This work deals with the description of histopathological effects of the nematode Hartertia
gallinarurn Theiler. 1919 on the digestive system of the seesee partridge collected from Qa’ra
area in the western desert district of Iraq. along with some notes on intensity fluctuation of the
parasite according to the seasons. It is found that the major effects of the nematode are
necrosis and fibrosis of gizzard: granulomatous reaction. necrosis and mononuclear
infiltration of proventriculus: damage of mucosal lining of intestine and lymphocytic
infiltration of liver.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 28 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis, Characterization and Theoretical Investigation of Innovative Charge-transfer Complexes Derived from the N-phenyl 3, 4-selenadiazo Benzophenone Imine
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In the current study, a direct method was used to create a new series of charge-transfer complexes of chemicals. In a good yield, new charge-transfer complexes were produced when different quinones reacted with acetonitrile as solvent in a 1:1 mole ratio with N-phenyl-3,4-selenadiazo benzophenone imine. By using analysis techniques like UV, IR, and 1H, 13C-NMR, every substance was recognized. The analysis's results matched the chemical structures proposed for the synthesized substances. Functional theory of density (DFT)
has been used to analyze the molecular structure of the produced Charge-Transfer Complexes, and the energy gap, HOMO surfaces, and LUMO surfaces have all been created throughout the geometry optimization process ut

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 03 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Sources of income subject to tax in the Iraqi Income Tax Law No.113 of 1982
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The tax is a financial amount collected from the taxpayer for the account of the public treasury.. and is the cornerstone of the close bond between members of the community and the country in which they live , as income tax is imposed on the profits and revenues achieved by people and often the constitution of most contemporary countries stipulate that the legislator is obligated to determine the sources of revenues and profits subjected to tax. Because the tax has a serious impact on people’s money because it is exposed to that money through direct deduction . Therefore, we note that the applicable income Tax Law stipulated that in order income to be subject to tax , it must be derived from one or more of the income sources st

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