Methylotrophs bacteria are ubiquitous, and they have the ability to consume single carbon (C1) which makes them biological conversion machines. It is the first study to find facultative methylotrophic bacteria in contaminated soils in Iraq. Conventional PCR was employed to amplify MxaF that encodes methanol dehydrogenase enzyme. DNA templates were extracted from bacteria isolated from five contaminated sites in Basra. The gene specific PCR detected Methylorubrum extorquens as the most dominant species in these environments. The ability of M. extorquens to degrade aliphatic hydrocarbons compound was tested at the laboratory. Within 7 days, gas chromatographic (GC) studies of remaining utilized crude oil revealed that 61.14 % of the initial content had been degraded, and GC fingerprinting of the utilized aliphatic compounds revealed significant reductions in C12, C13, C14, and C15. Globally this is the first time found a new strain of M. extorquens has the ability to degrade aliphatic hydrocarbons compound. Conventional PCR and gene sequencing revealed the presence of the facilitative methylotrophic bacteria in polluted areas in Basra. M. extorquens was dominant and showed a substantial ability to degrade crude oil which makes them an important tool to be employed in bioremediation.
The aim of this stud to isolate and identified of A. fumigatus from different sources and study the genetic diversity among these isolates by using RAPD and ISSR markers.Collected 20 samples from 7samples were isolated A. fumigatusisolates were characterized depending on its morphological, then extracted DNA from its.RAPD markersrandomly bandingwith sitesof genome more than ISSR markers where the primer OPN-07 achieved discriminative power (19.1) and 43 bands, while ISSR6 achieved discriminative power (17.1) with 32 bands.ISSR were more efficiency in specific binding then RAPD, ISSR primers has great a binding to production unique band, when 9 primers from 01 primers, ISSR9 was produce (5) unique bands, while RAPD markers was low ability
... Show MoreFourteen morphologically varied Ricinus communis L. seeds were collected from different localities in Egypt, El-Sudan and Saudi Arabia. Seed morphology and ITS barcoding analysis were performed to assess their diversity and phylogenetic relationship. Sequence’s alignment of nrITS region from different accessions display high levels of genetic similarities. Cluster analysis could not group different accessions according to their geographical distribution. Nevertheless, the genetic barcodes are interestingly matched with the morphological features of the Ricinus seeds. In conclusion, seed morphology proved to be a valuable tool in evaluating biodiversity and phylogenetic relationship in plant species with different loca
... Show MoreCrop diseases are usually caused by inoculum of pathogens which might exist on alternate hosts or weeds as endophytes. These endophytes, cum pathogens, usually confer some beneficial attributes to these weeds or alternate hosts from protection against herbivores, disease resistance, stress tolerance to secondary metabolites production. This study was therefore carried out to isolate potential crop pathogens which exist as endophytes on weed species in the University of Ilorin plantations. Green asymptomatic leaves were collected from 10 weed species across the plantations, and processed for their endophytic fungi isolation. Isolates were purified into pure cultures and used for molecular identification using the internal transcribed spac
... Show MoreDiabetic mellitus is one of the main risk factors of fungal infections because poor glycemic control is associated with a high level of glucose in blood and saliva which could be treated as nutrient to fungi. This study aimed to isolate and identification of pathogenic fungi from diabetic patient. 140 samples were taken from different places of human body from the national center of diabetic patients that related to Mustansiriyah University / college of medicine and Al-yarmuk Hospital in Baghdad. 84 sample (60%) tested positive to fungi and 56 sample (40%) tested negative to fungi. The most frequented fungi isolated have been chosen for molecular identification by PCR (Millerozyma farinosa and Candida orthopsilosis) using specific pri
... Show MoreLeishmaniasis is a group of parasitic diseases caused by Leishmania spp., an endemic infectious agent in developing countries, including Iraq. Diagnosis of cutaneous lesion by stained smears, serology or histopathology are inaccurate and unable to detect the species of Leishmania. Here, two molecular typing methods were examined to identify the promastigotes of suspected cutaneous leishmaniasis samples, on a species level. The first was species-specific B6-PCR and the second was ITS1-PCR followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) using restriction enzyme HaeIII. DNA was extracted from in vitro promastigote culture followed by amplification of kDNA by B6 or amplification and digestion of LITSR/L
... Show MoreA total of 96 stool samples were collected from children with bloody diarrhea from two hospitals in Baghdad. All samples were surveyed and examined for the presence of the Escherichia coli O157:H7 and differentiate it from other Non -Sorbitol Fermenting Escherichia coli (NSF E. coli). The Bacterial isolates were identifed by using morphological diagnostic methods, Samples were cultured on liquid enrichment medium, incubated at 37C? for 24 hrs, and then cultured on Cefixime Tellurite -Sorbitol MacConkey Agar (CT- SMAC). 32 non-sorbitol fermenting bacterial isolates were obtained of which 11 were identified as Escherichia coli by using traditional biochemical tests and API20E diagnostic system without differentiation between
... Show MoreThis study was aimed to isolate and identify Saccharomyces boulardii from Mangosteen fruits (Garcinia mangostana L.) by traditional and molecular identification methods To get safe and healthy foods probiotics for use, The isolates and two commercial strains were subjected to cultural, morphological and biochemical tests, The colonies of the isolates were spherical, smooth, mucoidal, dull and white to cream colour on SD agar media .The shape of cells was globose to ovoid and sometimes with budding, in a single form or clustered like a beehive. The isolates and two commercial strains were unable to metabolized galactose and lactose , Results shows that all isolates were unable to utilize potassium nitrate and not grow in the presence of (
... Show MoreCutaneous leishmaniasis is one of endemic diseases in Iraq. It is considered as widely health problem and is an uncontrolled disease. The aim of the study is to identify of Leishmania species that cause skin lesions among patients in Thi-Qar Province, South of Iraq, also to detect some virulence factors of L. tropica. This study includes three local locations, Al-Hussein Teaching, Suq Al-Shyokh General and Al-Shatrah General Hospitals in Province for the period from the beginning of December 2018 to the end of September 2019. The samples were collected from 80 patients suffering from cutaneous leishmaniasis, both genders, different ages, various residence places and single and multiple lesions. Nested-PCR technique was
... Show MoreThis researchpaper includes the incorporation of Alliin at various energy levels and angles
With Metformin using Gaussian 09 and Gaussian view 06. Two computers were used in this work. Samples were generated to draw, integrate, simulate and measure the value of the potential energy surface by means of which the lowest energy value was (-1227.408au). The best correlation compound was achieved between Alliin and Metformin through the low energy values where the best place for metformin to b
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