A total of 96 stool samples were collected from children with bloody diarrhea from two hospitals in Baghdad. All samples were surveyed and examined for the presence of the Escherichia coli O157:H7 and differentiate it from other Non -Sorbitol Fermenting Escherichia coli (NSF E. coli). The Bacterial isolates were identifed by using morphological diagnostic methods, Samples were cultured on liquid enrichment medium, incubated at 37C? for 24 hrs, and then cultured on Cefixime Tellurite -Sorbitol MacConkey Agar (CT- SMAC). 32 non-sorbitol fermenting bacterial isolates were obtained of which 11 were identified as Escherichia coli by using traditional biochemical tests and API20E diagnostic system without differentiation between serotype O157:H7 and other NSF E. coli isolates . Four special biochemical tests were done for serotype O157:H7 differentiation from other NSF bacteria. Only 3 isolates belonging to the serotype O157:H7 were obtained . Latex agglutination test for O157 and H7 showed that the 3 isolates gave positive results with both tests. The Bacterial isolates were identifed by using Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction (MPCR) technology for the presence or absence of 4 genes (Stx1, Stx2, hlyA and eaeA) that encode for main virulence factors to diagnose E. coli O157:H7 isolated By using specific primers in MPCR . The result showed that one E. coli O157:H7 isolates contain all 4 genes , other isolates contain 3 genes: Stx2, hlyA & eaeA.
Diarrhea is a real disease in childhood which could cause death. Therefore, this study was conducted to isolate Salmonella from 350 stool samples taken from children under five years in age, suffering from diarrhea during the period from March 2019 to March 2020 in Tikrit city / Iraq. The results showed the possibility to isolate ten isolates of Salmonella enterica subsp. Enterica, an infection rate, represents 2.875% of the total rate of patients who suffer from diarrhea. The virulence genes were investigated for ten isolates of S. enterica subsp. enterica, the result is that all isolates possessed the genes stn, invA, lpfA with an appearance percentage of 100%, whi
... Show MoreA significant increase in the incidence of non-O157 verotoxigenic Escherichia coli (VTEC) infections have become a serious health issues, and this situation is worsening due to the dissemination of plasmid mediated multidrug-resistant microorganisms worldwide. This study aims to investigate the presence of plasmid-mediated verotoxin gene in non-O157 E. coli. Standard microbiological techniques identified a total of 137 E. coli isolates. The plasmid was detected by Perfectprep Plasmid Mini preparation kit. These isolates were subjected to disk diffusion assay, and plasmid curing with ethidium bromide treatment. The plasmid containing isolates were subjected to a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for investigating
... Show MoreNA Nasir, SHM Ali, HQMA AL-Ess, WA Hussein, MKW Al-Janabi, KIA Mohammed, JM Mosa, Euromediterranean Biomedical Journal, 2020
Diabetic mellitus is one of the main risk factors of fungal infections because poor glycemic control is associated with a high level of glucose in blood and saliva which could be treated as nutrient to fungi. This study aimed to isolate and identification of pathogenic fungi from diabetic patient. 140 samples were taken from different places of human body from the national center of diabetic patients that related to Mustansiriyah University / college of medicine and Al-yarmuk Hospital in Baghdad. 84 sample (60%) tested positive to fungi and 56 sample (40%) tested negative to fungi. The most frequented fungi isolated have been chosen for molecular identification by PCR (Millerozyma farinosa and Candida orthopsilosis) using specific pri
... Show MoreMutans streptococci (MS) are a group of oral bacteria considered as the main cariogenic organisms. MS consists of several species of genus Streptococcus which are sharing similar phenotypes and genotypes. The aim of this study is to determine the genetic diversity of the core species of clinical strains of Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sobrinus and Streptococcus downei by using repitative extragenic palindromic (REP) primer. The DNA of the clinical strains of S. mutans (n=10), S. sobrinus (n=05) and S. downei (n=04) have been employed in the present study, which have been previously isolated from caries active subjects. The DNA of the clinical and reference strains was
... Show MoreThis study focuses on diagnosis of Candida species causing Vulvovaginal Candidiasis using phenotype and genotype analyzing methods, and frequencies of candida species also using Vulvovaginal Candidiasis patients. 130 samples (100 from patients and 30 from non infected women) were collected and cultured on biological media. Identifying the yeasts, initially some phenotypic experiments were carried out such as germ tube, from motion of pseudohyphae and clamydospores in CMA+TW80 medium, API20 candida and CHROMagar Candida. Genomic DNA of all species were extracted and analyzed with PCR and subsequent Polymerase Chain Reaction - Restriction Fragments Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) methods. Frequency of C. albicans, C. krusei, C. tropicalis , C.
... Show MoreMethylotrophs bacteria are ubiquitous, and they have the ability to consume single carbon (C1) which makes them biological conversion machines. It is the first study to find facultative methylotrophic bacteria in contaminated soils in Iraq. Conventional PCR was employed to amplify MxaF that encodes methanol dehydrogenase enzyme. DNA templates were extracted from bacteria isolated from five contaminated sites in Basra. The gene specific PCR detected Methylorubrum extorquens as the most dominant species in these environments. The ability of M. extorquens to degrade aliphatic hydrocarbons compound was tested at the laboratory. Within 7 days, gas chromatographic (GC) studies of remaining utilize
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