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Honeyword Generation Using a Proposed Discrete Salp Swarm Algorithm
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Honeywords are fake passwords that serve as an accompaniment to the real password, which is called a “sugarword.” The honeyword system is an effective password cracking detection system designed to easily detect password cracking in order to improve the security of hashed passwords. For every user, the password file of the honeyword system will have one real hashed password accompanied by numerous fake hashed passwords. If an intruder steals the password file from the system and successfully cracks the passwords while attempting to log in to users’ accounts, the honeyword system will detect this attempt through the honeychecker. A honeychecker is an auxiliary server that distinguishes the real password from the fake passwords and triggers an alarm if intruder signs in using a honeyword. Many honeyword generation approaches have been proposed by previous research, all with limitations to their honeyword generation processes, limited success in providing all required honeyword features, and susceptibility to many honeyword issues. This work will present a novel honeyword generation method that uses a proposed discrete salp swarm algorithm. The salp swarm algorithm (SSA) is a bio-inspired metaheuristic optimization algorithm that imitates the swarming behavior of salps in their natural environment. SSA has been used to solve a variety of optimization problems. The presented honeyword generation method will improve the generation process, improve honeyword features, and overcome the issues of previous techniques. This study will demonstrate numerous previous honeyword generating strategies, describe the proposed methodology, examine the experimental results, and compare the new honeyword production method to those proposed in previous research.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2009
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Breast Tumor Diagnosis Using Diode Laser in Near Infrared Region
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In the last years, new non-invasively laser methods were used to detect breast tumors for pre- and postmenopausal females. The methods based on using laser radiation are safer than the other daily used methods for breast tumor detection like X-ray mammography, CT-scanner, and nuclear medicine.  

      One of these new methods is called FDPM (Frequency Domain Photon Migration). It is based on the modulation of laser beam by variable frequency sinusoidal waves. The modulated laser radiations illuminate the breast tissue and received from opposite side.

      In this paper the amplitude and the phase shift of the received signal were calculated according to the orig

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 16 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The Effect of Proposed Exercises Using Sponge Mat On the Level of Performing Offensive Skills in Sitting Volleyball
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Publication Date
Fri Apr 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Genetic Algorithm for Task Allocation Problem in the Internet of Things
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In the last few years, the Internet of Things (IoT) is gaining remarkable attention in both academic and industrial worlds. The main goal of the IoT is laying on describing everyday objects with different capabilities in an interconnected fashion to the Internet to share resources and to carry out the assigned tasks. Most of the IoT objects are heterogeneous in terms of the amount of energy, processing ability, memory storage, etc. However, one of the most important challenges facing the IoT networks is the energy-efficient task allocation. An efficient task allocation protocol in the IoT network should ensure the fair and efficient distribution of resources for all objects to collaborate dynamically with limited energy. The canonic

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 10 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics
A novel kite cross hexagonal search algorithm for fast block motion estimation
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The performance quality and searching speed of Block Matching (BM) algorithm are affected by shapes and sizes of the search patterns used in the algorithm. In this paper, Kite Cross Hexagonal Search (KCHS) is proposed. This algorithm uses different search patterns (kite, cross, and hexagonal) to search for the best Motion Vector (MV). In first step, KCHS uses cross search pattern. In second step, it uses one of kite search patterns (up, down, left, or right depending on the first step). In subsequent steps, it uses large/small Hexagonal Search (HS) patterns. This new algorithm is compared with several known fast block matching algorithms. Comparisons are based on search points and Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR). According to resul

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 22 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Optimizing the location of banks using the Gis
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the banks are one of the public services that must be available in the city to ensure easy financial dealings between citizens and state departments and between the state departments with each other and between the citizens themselves and to ensure easy access to it, so it is very important to choose the best location for the bank, which can serve the largest number of The population achieves easy access. Due to the difficulty of obtaining accurate information dealing with the exact coordinates and according to the country's specific projection, the researcher will resort to the default work using some of the files available in the arcview program

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
strong criminal capabilities، Using simulation .
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The penalized least square method is a popular method to deal with high dimensional data ,where  the number of explanatory variables is large than the sample size . The properties of  penalized least square method are given high prediction accuracy and making estimation and variables selection

 At once. The penalized least square method gives a sparse model ,that meaning a model with small variables so that can be interpreted easily .The penalized least square is not robust ,that means very sensitive to the presence of outlying observation , to deal with this problem, we can used a robust loss function to get the robust penalized least square method ,and get robust penalized estimator and

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 16 2025
Journal Name
Adab Al Rafidayn
Measuring the quality of office services using (LibQUAL + ®): the central library of the University of Baghdad as a model
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Libraries, information centers, and everything related to organizing and preparing information need to be periodically re-evaluated in order to stand on the level of quality, which means improving the general reality of these institutions to ensure sufficient satisfaction from beneficiaries of the services provided. This is what was worked on in this research, as one of the most important quality standards in libraries and information centers, LibQUAL+®, was applied in one of the most important and oldest central university libraries, namely the Central Library of the University of Baghdad at its two locations, Al-Jadriya and Al-Waziriya. The sample of beneficiaries to whom the questionnaire was distributed reached 75 beneficiaries distrib

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 08 2002
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Study of Laser Propagation Parameters in the Underdense Plasma Region Using a Two Dimensional Simulation Code
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The propagation of laser beam in the underdense deuterium plasma has been studied via computer simulation using the fluid model. An appropriate computer code “HEATER” has been modified and is used for this purpose. The propagation is taken to be in a cylindrical symmetric medium. Different laser wavelengths (1 = 10.6 m, 2 = 1.06 m, and 3 = 0.53 m) with a Gaussian pulse type and 15 ns pulse widths have been considered. Absorption energy and laser flux have been calculated for different plasma and laser parameters. The absorbed laser energy showed maximum for  = 0.53 m. This high absorbitivity was inferred to the effect of the pondermotive force.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 28 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Experimental Investigation of the Mechanical and Structural Properties of a Functionally Graded Material by Adding Alumina Nanoparticles Using A Centrifugal Technique
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In this work, functionally graded materials were synthesized by centrifugal technique at different
volume fractions 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2% Vf with a rotation speed of 1200 rpm and a constant rotation time, T
= 6 min . The mechanical properties were characterized to study the graded and non-graded nanocomposites
and the pure epoxy material. The mechanical tests showed that graded and non-graded added alumina
(Al2O3) nanoparticles enhanced the effect more than pure epoxy. The maximum difference in impact strength
occurred at (FGM), which was loaded from the rich side of the nano-alumina where the maximum value was
at 1% Vf by 133.33% of the sample epoxy side. The flexural strength and Young modulus of the fu

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 07 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Automatic brain tumor segmentation from MRI Images using superpixels based split and Merge algorithm
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RA Ali, LK Abood, Int J Sci Res, 2017 - Cited by 2

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