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Analysis of Adipokines and some Steroid Hormones in Myocardial Infarction
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The most common cause of death is cardiovascular disease (CVD), with ischemic heart disease being the most notable type.  There is a propensity to raise the sensitivity of methods in contemporary laboratory for diagnosing of CVD, and assessing key as CVD bio-indicators. The urgent task is to seek for different indicators as a hopeful tool for early detection and monitoring of myocardial infarction in blood samples only. This study comprised 117 Volunteers, recorded with both genders in the age range of 32-64 years old. The volunteers were categorized into two groups: 67patients of myocardial infarction, other group embraced 50 healthy individuals. The samples of blood were collected and directed for biochemical analysis to evaluate estradiol, testosterone, progesterone, adiponectin, leptin, and lipid profile [total cholesterol, triglycerides, high density lipoprotein (HDL), and low-density lipoprotein (LDL)] levels in each group. The following conclusion can be drawn from this study based on statistical assessment of bio-indicator parameters, significantly reduced of testosterone and HDL (P <0.001) levels in myocardial infarction, within non-significantly elevated P <0.061 of progesterone levels in myocardial infarction patients as compared with healthy individuals. The remaining biochemical tests indicated significantly elevated levels in patients with myocardial infarction such as estradiol (P <0.001), adiponectin (P <0.001), leptin (P <0.001), total cholesterol (P <0.001), triglycerides (P <0.001) and LDL (P <0.001) levels. Adipokines (adiponectin, leptin) and some steroid hormones (estradiol, testosterone) show crucial roles in the improvement of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases and may be utilized as bio-pointer for myocardial infarction exposure, medical conduct and severity. This acknowledgment offers early diagnosis of disease and progression. 

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2013
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Greatness of God in Creating the Hoopoe Bird - A Miracle Study - Explanatory
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Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the best of the messengers, Muhammad, and all his family and companions. And after:
For when I had the pleasure of looking at the chapters of the Noble Qur’an, and its evident signs, my view fell on one of its brightest verses, and it is the Almighty saying: ﭽﯜ ﯝ ﯞ ﯟ ﯠ ﯡ ﯢ ﯣ ﯤ ﯥ ﯦ ﯧ ﯨﭼ (). The tag: (God’s Greatness in Creating a Hoopoe). The research methodology required that I divide it into four sections:
The first topic: an overview of birds.
The second topic: the characteristics and characteristics of hoopoe.
The third topic: the logic of the bird.
The fourth topic: Praise the bird.
This has relied in my research on

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 30 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Social Reform in the Light of Modern Islamic Thought (Malik bin Nabi model)
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      Social reform is the main pillar of the organization of societies. Therefore, all religions and theories were directed to focus on this aspect as the most important element for the development of economic and cultural development. In addition to the analysis and application of the Islamic Sharia, he did not present a theory, but offered real solutions and remedies to the crises in our Arab and Islamic societies alike, despite the criticism directed at him. Z his opinions.


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Publication Date
Tue Apr 18 2023
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Marginalization strategies in Iraqi newspapers' coverage of the October 2019 protests “Paradigm” Module
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This study aims to inspect the marginalization strategies implemented by Iraqi newspapers, with a focus on the daily newspaper (Al-Sabah) and its coverage of the October 2019 protests in Iraq, by employing the “Paradigm” Module. The research is descriptive the researcher implemented a descriptive-analytical survey method by using a non-probability sampling represented by (74) issues of Al-Sabah newspaper and used (content analysis form) as a tool to analyze (93) news content related to the October protests.
The Researcher reached several conclusions:
1- Al-Sabah newspaper mainly depends on “Economic Reforms” as a marginalization strategy in its news coverage of the October 2019 protests.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Determine the optimal decision in the process of production planning usingDynamic programming style
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The operation of production planning is a difficult operation and it's required High effect and large time especially it is dynamic activity which it's basic variables change in continuous with the time, for this reason it needs using one of the operation research manner (Dynamic programming) which has a force in the decision making process in the planning and control on the production and its direct affect on the cost of production operation and control on the inventory.

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
The effectiveness of intense pulsed light (home use) device in facial hair reduction
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Background: Intense pulsed light (IPL) devices produce polychromatic incoherent high-intensity pulsed light with a specified wavelength spectrum, fluence, and pulse duration through the use of flashlamps and bandpass filters. Similar to lasers, IPL devices operate on the selective photothermolysis principle, with melanin acting as the chromophore. Despite this similarity, they are constructed differently and produce different amounts of light Aim of the study: To investigate the efficacy of IPL home-use device in hair reduction technique for women with unwanted facial hair. Subjects and methods: The study was conducted in Baghdad on forty-five female subjects with Fitzpatrick skin phototype (II to IV) and black, brown hair in a period of ei

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Hiding the Type of Skin Texture in Mice based on Fuzzy Clustering Technique
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A substantial matter to confidential messages' interchange through the internet is transmission of information safely. For example, digital products' consumers and producers are keen for knowing those products are genuine and must be distinguished from worthless products. Encryption's science can be defined as the technique to embed the data in an images file, audio or videos in a style which should be met the safety requirements. Steganography is a portion of data concealment science that aiming to be reached a coveted security scale in the interchange of private not clear commercial and military data. This research offers a novel technique for steganography based on hiding data inside the clusters that resulted from fuzzy clustering. T

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Machine Learning Techniques for Analyzing Survival Data of Breast Cancer Patients in Baghdad
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The Machine learning methods, which are one of the most important branches of promising artificial intelligence, have great importance in all sciences such as engineering, medical, and also recently involved widely in statistical sciences and its various branches, including analysis of survival, as it can be considered a new branch used to estimate the survival and was parallel with parametric, nonparametric and semi-parametric methods that are widely used to estimate survival in statistical research. In this paper, the estimate of survival based on medical images of patients with breast cancer who receive their treatment in Iraqi hospitals was discussed. Three algorithms for feature extraction were explained: The first principal compone

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Performance Auditing Of Hotels Sector Under (Covid-19) And It’s Reflection On The Outcome Of Activity
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              The hotel sector is one of the most vital sectors exposed to risks, and the authorities concerned with control must take their active and influential role in putting the hotel sector on the right track and compatible with the internationally approved approaches, and the importance of auditing the performance of the hotel sector in light of the (Covid-19) pandemic is embodied in the fact that it gives a clear and realistic picture to the management and regulatory bodies about the performance and activities of this sector and the shortcomings and deviations that must be addressed, and also helps government decision makers to ob

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 14 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
THE SEMIOTICS OF PROPAGANDA SPEECH IN SOCIAL MEDIA SITES (A Semiotic Study of the News Reports on the Israeli "Makan" Channel)
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Technological and digital development has allowed the emergence of many methods of producing semantics on social media sites within semiotic and propagandistic frameworks. This is what made the image appear in different molds and shapes, especially as it is the first material for visual perception.
This made the Israeli propaganda discourse use it as an important tool to manage the content of suggestive messages with semiological connotations. By doing so, such tool uses social networking sites as an appropriate environment to achieve those goals, which are related to cases of manipulating emotions and minds. It, moreover, changes convictions, attitudes, trends and behaviors according to what the propaganda planner wants.
Many Isra

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of organizational change to achieve strategic success A field research in the Petroleum Research & Development Center-Ministry of Oil
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  This current research deals with the "The role of organizational change in the achievement of strategic success" Who are getting increased attention to being one of the important topics and relatively new, And which have a significant impact on the future of the organization So there is a need for this research, which aims to identify the role of organizational change across dimensions (technology, organizational structure, human resources, organizational culture) in the strategic success through its components (a specific strategy, effective implementation, innovation, customer satisfaction)، And that by two main hypotheses, branched about eight hypothes

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