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Retrieving Encrypted Images Using Convolution Neural Network and Fully Homomorphic Encryption

A content-based image retrieval (CBIR) is a technique used to retrieve images from an image database. However, the CBIR process suffers from less accuracy to retrieve images from an extensive image database and ensure the privacy of images. This paper aims to address the issues of accuracy utilizing deep learning techniques as the CNN method. Also, it provides the necessary privacy for images using fully homomorphic encryption methods by Cheon, Kim, Kim, and Song (CKKS). To achieve these aims, a system has been proposed, namely RCNN_CKKS, that includes two parts. The first part (offline processing) extracts automated high-level features based on a flatting layer in a convolutional neural network (CNN) and then stores these features in a new dataset. In the second part (online processing), the client sends the encrypted image to the server, which depends on the CNN model trained to extract features of the sent image. Next, the extracted features are compared with the stored features using a Hamming distance method to retrieve all similar images. Finally, the server encrypts all retrieved images and sends them to the client. Deep-learning results on plain images were 97.94% for classification and 98.94% for retriever images. At the same time, the NIST test was used to check the security of CKKS when applied to Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR-10) dataset. Through these results, researchers conclude that deep learning is an effective method for image retrieval and that a CKKS method is appropriate for image privacy protection.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Symmetric- Based Steganography Technique Using Spiral-Searching Method for HSV Color Images

Steganography is defined as hiding confidential information in some other chosen media without leaving any clear evidence of changing the media's features. Most traditional hiding methods hide the message directly in the covered media like (text, image, audio, and video). Some hiding techniques leave a negative effect on the cover image, so sometimes the change in the carrier medium can be detected by human and machine. The purpose of suggesting hiding information is to make this change undetectable. The current research focuses on using complex method to prevent the detection of hiding information by human and machine based on spiral search method, the Structural Similarity Index Metrics measures are used to get the accuracy and quality

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 03 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Civil Engineering And Technology (ijciet)
Condition Prediction Models of Deteriorated Trunk Sewer Using Multinomial Logistic Regression and Artificial Neural Network

Sewer systems are used to convey sewage and/or storm water to sewage treatment plants for disposal by a network of buried sewer pipes, gutters, manholes and pits. Unfortunately, the sewer pipe deteriorates with time leading to the collapsing of the pipe with traffic disruption or clogging of the pipe causing flooding and environmental pollution. Thus, the management and maintenance of the buried pipes are important tasks that require information about the changes of the current and future sewer pipes conditions. In this research, the study was carried on in Baghdad, Iraq and two deteriorations model's multinomial logistic regression and neural network deterioration model NNDM are used to predict sewers future conditions. The results of the

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology
Water quality assessment and sodium adsorption ratio prediction of Tigris River using artificial neural network

Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology (jestec)
Water Quality Assessment and Sodium Adsorption Ratio Prediction of Tigris River Using Artificial Neural Network

Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) is considered as a measure of the water suitability for irrigation usage. This study examines the effect of the physicochemical parameters on water quality and SAR, which included Calcium(Ca+2), Magnesium(Mg+2), Sodium (Na+), Potassium (K), Chloride (Cl-), Sulfate(SO4-2), Carbonate (CO3-2), Bicarbonate (HCO3-), Nitrate (NO3-), Total Hardness (TH), Total Dissolved Salts (TDS), Electrical Conductivity (EC), degree of reaction (DR), Boron (B) and the monthly and annually flow discharge (Q). The water samples were collected from three stations across the Tigris River in Iraq, which flows through Samarra city (upstream), Baghdad city (central) and the end of Kut city (downstream) for the periods of 2016-201

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Optimum Dimensions of Hydraulic Structures and Foundation Using Genetic Algorithm coupled with Artificial Neural Network

      A model using the artificial neural networks and genetic algorithm technique is developed for obtaining optimum dimensions of the foundation length and protections of small hydraulic structures. The procedure involves optimizing an objective function comprising a weighted summation of the state variables. The decision variables considered in the optimization are the upstream and downstream cutoffs lengths and their angles of inclination, the foundation length, and the length of the downstream soil protection. These were obtained for a given maximum difference in head, depth of impervious layer and degree of anisotropy. The optimization carried out is subjected to constraints that ensure a safe structure aga

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
International Journal On “technical And Physical Problems Of Engineering”
Age Estimation Utilizing Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Network

Estimating an individual's age from a photograph of their face is critical in many applications, including intelligence and defense, border security and human-machine interaction, as well as soft biometric recognition. There has been recent progress in this discipline that focuses on the idea of deep learning. These solutions need the creation and training of deep neural networks for the sole purpose of resolving this issue. In addition, pre-trained deep neural networks are utilized in the research process for the purpose of facial recognition and fine-tuning for accurate outcomes. The purpose of this study was to offer a method for estimating human ages from the frontal view of the face in a manner that is as accurate as possible and takes

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Scopus (10)
Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Oil spill classification based on satellite image using deep learning techniques

 An oil spill is a leakage of pipelines, vessels, oil rigs, or tankers that leads to the release of petroleum products into the marine environment or on land that happened naturally or due to human action, which resulted in severe damages and financial loss. Satellite imagery is one of the powerful tools currently utilized for capturing and getting vital information from the Earth's surface. But the complexity and the vast amount of data make it challenging and time-consuming for humans to process. However, with the advancement of deep learning techniques, the processes are now computerized for finding vital information using real-time satellite images. This paper applied three deep-learning algorithms for satellite image classification

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Computer Model Application for Sorting and Grading Citrus Aurantium Using Image Processing and Artificial Neural Network
Abstract<p>This study was conducted in College of Science \ Computer Science Department \ University of Baghdad to compare between automatic sorting and manual sorting, which is more efficient and accurate, as well as the use of artificial intelligence in automated sorting, which included artificial neural network, image processing, study of external characteristics, defects and impurities and physical characteristics; grading and sorting speed, and fruits weigh. the results shown value of impurities and defects. the highest value of the regression is 0.40 and the error-approximation algorithm has recorded the value 06-1 and weight fruits fruit recorded the highest value and was 138.20 g, Gradin</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Steganography and Cryptography Techniques Based Secure Data Transferring Through Public Network Channel

Attacking a transferred data over a network is frequently happened millions time a day. To address this problem, a secure scheme is proposed which is securing a transferred data over a network. The proposed scheme uses two techniques to guarantee a secure transferring for a message. The message is encrypted as a first step, and then it is hided in a video cover.  The proposed encrypting technique is RC4 stream cipher algorithm in order to increase the message's confidentiality, as well as improving the least significant bit embedding algorithm (LSB) by adding an additional layer of security. The improvement of the LSB method comes by replacing the adopted sequential selection by a random selection manner of the frames and the pixels wit

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 11 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Artificial Neural Network for TIFF Image Compression

The main aim of image compression is to reduce the its size to be able for transforming and storage, therefore many methods appeared to compress the image, one of these methods is "Multilayer Perceptron ". Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) method which is artificial neural network based on the Back-Propagation algorithm for compressing the image. In case this algorithm depends upon the number of neurons in the hidden layer only the above mentioned will not be quite enough to reach the desired results, then we have to take into consideration the standards which the compression process depend on to get the best results. We have trained a group of TIFF images with the size of (256*256)  in our research, compressed them by using MLP for each

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