A model using the artificial neural networks and genetic algorithm technique is developed for obtaining optimum dimensions of the foundation length and protections of small hydraulic structures. The procedure involves optimizing an objective function comprising a weighted summation of the state variables. The decision variables considered in the optimization are the upstream and downstream cutoffs lengths and their angles of inclination, the foundation length, and the length of the downstream soil protection. These were obtained for a given maximum difference in head, depth of impervious layer and degree of anisotropy. The optimization carried out is subjected to constraints that ensure a safe structure against the uplift pressure force and sufficient protection length at the downstream side of the structure to overcome an excessive exit gradient. The Geo-studio software was used to analyze 1200 different cases. For each case the
length of protection (L) and volume of structure (V) required to satisfy the safety factors mentioned previously were estimated for the input values, namely, the upstream cutoff depth (S1), the downstream cutoff depth (S2), the foundation width (B), the angle of inclination of the upstream cutoff (Ɵ1) and the angle of inclination of the downstream cutoff (Ɵ2), H (differencehead), kr (degree of anisotropy) and D (depth of impervious layer). An ANN model was developed and verified using these cases input-output sets as its data base. A MatLAB code was written to perform a genetic algorithm optimization modeling coupled with this ANN model using a formulated optimization model. A sensitivity analysis was done for selecting the crossover probability, the mutation probability and level,
the number of population, the position of the crossover and the weights distribution for all the terms of the objective function. Results indicate
that the most factors that affects. the optimum solution is the $ number of population required. The minimum value that gives stable global optimum solution of this parameter is (30000) while other variables have little effect on the optimum solution.
A genetic algorithm model coupled with artificial neural network model was developed to find the optimal values of upstream, downstream cutoff lengths, length of floor and length of downstream protection required for a hydraulic structure. These were obtained for a given maximum difference head, depth of impervious layer and degree of anisotropy. The objective function to be minimized was the cost function with relative cost coefficients for the different dimensions obtained. Constraints used were those that satisfy a factor of safety of 2 against uplift pressure failure and 3 against piping failure.
Different cases reaching 1200 were modeled and analyzed using geo-studio modeling, with different values of input variables. The soil wa
The integration of decision-making will lead to the robust of its decisions, and then determination optimum inventory level to the required materials to produce and reduce the total cost by the cooperation of purchasing department with inventory department and also with other company,s departments. Two models are suggested to determine Optimum Inventory Level (OIL), the first model (OIL-model 1) assumed that the inventory level for materials quantities equal to the required materials, while the second model (OIL-model 2) assumed that the inventory level for materials quantities more than the required materials for the next period. &nb
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The study using Nonparametric methods for roubust to estimate a location and scatter it is depending minimum covariance determinant of multivariate regression model , due to the presence of outliear values and increase the sample size and presence of more than after the model regression multivariate therefore be difficult to find a median location .
It has been the use of genetic algorithm Fast – MCD – Nested Extension and compared with neural Network Back Propagation of multilayer in terms of accuracy of the results and speed in finding median location ,while the best sample to be determined by relying on less distance (Mahalanobis distance)has the stu
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... Show MoreIn this research Artificial Neural Network (ANN) technique was applied to study the filtration process in water treatment. Eight models have been developed and tested using data from a pilot filtration plant, working under different process design criteria; influent turbidity, bed depth, grain size, filtration rate and running time (length of the filtration run), recording effluent turbidity and head losses. The ANN models were constructed for the prediction of different performance criteria in the filtration process: effluent turbidity, head losses and running time. The results indicate that it is quite possible to use artificial neural networks in predicting effluent turbidity, head losses and running time in the filtration process, wi
... Show MoreWireless Body Area Network (WBAN) is a tool that improves real-time patient health observation in hospitals, asylums, especially at home. WBAN has grown popularity in recent years due to its critical role and vast range of medical applications. Due to the sensitive nature of the patient information being transmitted through the WBAN network, security is of paramount importance. To guarantee the safe movement of data between sensor nodes and various WBAN networks, a high level of security is required in a WBAN network. This research introduces a novel technique named Integrated Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm with Artificial Neural Network (IGO-ANN) for distinguishing between trusted nodes in WBAN networks by means of a classifica
... Show MoreThe Artificial Neural Network methodology is a very important & new subjects that build's the models for Analyzing, Data Evaluation, Forecasting & Controlling without depending on an old model or classic statistic method that describe the behavior of statistic phenomenon, the methodology works by simulating the data to reach a robust optimum model that represent the statistic phenomenon & we can use the model in any time & states, we used the Box-Jenkins (ARMAX) approach for comparing, in this paper depends on the received power to build a robust model for forecasting, analyzing & controlling in the sod power, the received power come from
... Show MoreA .technology analysis image using crops agricultural of grading and sorting the test to conducted was experiment The device coupling the of sensor a with camera a and 75 * 75 * 50 dimensions with shape cube studio made-factory locally the study to studio the in taken were photos and ,)blue-green - red (lighting triple with equipped was studio The .used were neural artificial and technology processing image using maturity and quality ,damage of fruits the of characteristics external value the quality 0.92062, of was value regression the damage predict to used was network neural artificial The .network the using scheme regression a of means by 0.98654 of was regression the of maturity and 0.97981 of was regression the of .algorithm Marr
... Show MoreIt is an established fact that substantial amounts of oil usually remain in a reservoir after primary and secondary processes. Therefore; there is an ongoing effort to sweep that remaining oil. Field optimization includes many techniques. Horizontal wells are one of the most motivating factors for field optimization. The selection of new horizontal wells must be accompanied with the right selection of the well locations. However, modeling horizontal well locations by a trial and error method is a time consuming method. Therefore; a method of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) has been employed which helps to predict the optimum performance via proposed new wells locations by incorporatin