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The Immunohistochemically Estimation of CD63 in Iraqi Patients with Gastric Cancer
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CD63 is -one of the tetraspanin family proteins, which are regarded as: hallmark exosomal markers because it is absent from other types of vesicles. It is expressed in the cell membrane of cancer cells, and cytoplasm of stromal cells. Objective: To assess CD63 expression in gastric cancer (GC) patients, and detected if it could be used as a predictive marker. Furthermore, the current study aimed to find the correlation between CD63 expression and clinicopathological parameters as: gender, age, invasion depth, histopathological type, involvement of lymph nodes, grade and stages of GC (TNM). The current study is a retrospective study in the period time from (2018 to-2020); 50 randomly patients formalin-fixed paraffin embedded blocks (FFPE) of stomach tissue (10 cases normal tissue without GC as control, and 40 patients with GC) with its reports and diagnosis were collected from Pathology Department of the Gastroenterology and Hepatology Teaching Hospital and some private hospitals. The histological sections were stained by hematoxylin and eosin stain (H&E), and immunohistochemistry (IHC) stain for CD63. Statistical analysis accomplished by SPSS system at (P ≤ 0.05). This study indicated that there were  significant differences between control group, and patients group in the expression of CD63, also there was a significant correlation between CD63 expression, and histopathological subtype, invasion depth, involvement of lymph node, and stages in patients, whereas there was a non- significant association between the age, grade, and gender of patients, and the expression of CD63.This result indicates that CD63 could be a good prospective marker in Iraqi cancer patients.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 28 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Predicting the Sporting Achievement in the Pole Vault for Men Using Artificial Neural Networks
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The physical sports sector in Iraq suffers from the problem of achieving sports achievements in individual and team games in various Asian and international competitions, for many reasons, including the lack of exploitation of modern, accurate and flexible technologies and means, especially in the field of information technology, especially the technology of artificial neural networks. The main goal of this study is to build an intelligent mathematical model to predict sport achievement in pole vaulting for men, the methodology of the research included the use of five variables as inputs to the neural network, which are Avarage of Speed (m/sec in Before distance 05 meters latest and Distance 05 meters latest, The maximum speed achieved in t

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 02 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Relationship Between the Attitude and Achievement in Mathematics for Intermediate Second Class Students
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Many studies mentioned that there is a decline in the a achievement of intermediate second class students in mathematics  . Parents and mathematics   teachers   had  emphasized   that  .  The  studies   related  this decline to the students weak attitude towards mathematics .

In spite  of the  importance  of this subject  , it has not been given enough attention  in research in our country . This research is an attempt to know  th e relationships  between  the  intermediate  second  class  students  , attitude and their achievement  in mathematics .

Also, to know the statistical sign

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Domestic Violence and Extremism among the Young: A Field Study in the Madain Region
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Young people represent the power and cornerstone of societies and their superiority is linked to their well-being. Their empowerment is as essential as the heart to the body, if it is corrupt, then the whole body is corrupt, and vice versa. The exposure to extremism and pressure from their families leads to violent acts and crimes for obtaining money through unknown organized bodies. This will drive them to fail in their life in an attempt to fulfill their most basic needs, which they have been deprived of by their families, the government, and other institutions. Therefore, governments should provide job opportunities for young people and provide entertainment centers, sports clubs, and family education centers that raise awareness of s

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Publication Date
Mon May 14 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Comparison Between Different Approaches to Overcome the Multicollinearity Problem in Linear Regression Models
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    In the presence of multi-collinearity problem, the parameter estimation method based on the ordinary least squares procedure is unsatisfactory. In 1970, Hoerl and Kennard insert analternative method labeled as estimator of ridge regression.

In such estimator, ridge parameter plays an important role in estimation. Various methods were proposed by many statisticians to select the biasing constant (ridge parameter). Another popular method that is used to deal with the multi-collinearity problem is the principal component method. In this paper,we employ the simulation technique to compare the performance of principal component estimator with some types of ordinary ridge regression estimators based on the value of t

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
مجلة الحقيقة
University e-learning and its role in raising technological skills
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تتبلور فكرة البحث حول التوصل لنوع العلاقة التي تربط التعليم الالكتروني خلال جائحة كورونا برفع المهارات التكنولوجية للأساتذة والطلاب، وتبرز أهمية البحث في ان نجاح الوصول لهذه العلاقة يمكن الإفادة منها في تغيير منهجية تطوير المهارات التكنولوجية مستقبلا وذلك باعتماد الجوانب التطبيقية الفعلية بدلا من الدورات وورش العمل والتي قد لا تضاهي الطريقة العملية في رفع مستوى المهارات المختلفة سواء التدريسية او التكنو

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 17 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Visual Perception and Persuasion in Television Advertising An analytical study
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The picture has taken a place that sometimes enables it to take precedence over media analysis، psychology، and political communication.
The image has the ability to influence to obtain persuasion، not only emotionally or
dramatically، but also on the level of commercial and political persuasion. In every
image، the intention of that persuasion is hidden.
It can be identified by a set of underlying dimensions such as vitality، social dominance، and confidence، for which a group of specific suggestions or movements، such
as a smile، the movement of hands، or the nature and way of looking with the eyes، is
established. The visual image often precedes its verbal counterpart in the proce

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Acquisition provisions in Islamic jurisprudence: A model - a comparative study
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Acquisition provisions in Islamic jurisprudence

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 02 2022
Journal Name
المجلة العراقية للمعلومات
Social Networking sites and their role in publishing Scientific knowledge
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The current research aims to highlight the role of social networking sites in the dissemination of scientific knowledge and the importance of their use by researchers, and the researcher relied on the descriptive approach and the survey method. Among the data collection tools are the questionnaire and paper and electronic sources. Among the most important results that the research came out with: The number of the subscribers’ sites was (14) sites, and the most used social sites for receiving and Disseminating Scientific knowledge are: Facebook, Telegram, WhatsApp, Viber, Messenger and YouTube. All respondents receive tacit knowledge (Exchange of Messages and News) through social networking sites, and few of them do not receive explicit kn

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 23 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Refused Derived Fuel RDF and its role in reducing production
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Refuse derived fuel (RDF) is considered one of the most important types of low cost thermal energy which can be tapped in the industry, especially the cement industry in particular being the need of high thermal energy during the production processes, and in this paper we have implemented the use of a derivative of the fuel RDF  as a substitute for gasoline , to reduce production costs and thereby achieve production efficiency, and the methodology used in this research statistical analysis as well as the use of the cost of kaizen target for the purpose of reducing costs and achieve production efficiency, and this has reduced the cost total cement production by which led to reduce total costs of cement production by 8.4% and an incre

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
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Modern sound systems and their work in contemporary feature film
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Perhaps going to watch movies in cinemas today has become different from what it was before. The cinematic film, the clarity of the image and the luster of its colors pulled the rug out from under the most important change that occurred in the structure of the contemporary cinematography, which is the sound. The surround sound environment that immerses viewers in the realism of sound that reaches them from all directions, and for this the researcher found it necessary to shed light on this topic because of its importance, so the research problem was represented in the following question: (How are modern sound systems used in the structure of contemporary feature films?) The theoretical framework included two topics: the first: the dialec

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