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A Case control study to determine Macrophage migration inhibitor, and N-telopeptides of type I bone collagen Levels in the sera of osteoporosis patients
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This study focused on determining the markers of Macrophage migration inhibitor (MIF), as well as the N-telopeptides of type I bone collagen (NTX), and some other parameters (alkaline phosphatase (ALP), vitamin D (Vit D), calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), and magnesium (Mg), and their correlation with other parameters in osteoporosis. One hundred ten subjects were involved in the current study. There were two groups of patients: group I (30) women with severe osteoporosis and group II (30) women with mild osteoporosis. For comparison, 50 apparently healthy individuals were included as a control. Serum levels of MIF, and NTX were significantly higher in groups I and II as compared to the control group, which indicate that these two parameters were related to disease. Moreover MIF, and NTX were organized in one cluster when applying cluster analysis test to all the studied groups. This indicates that in most of the studied samples the two parameters were related to each other as well as to osteoporosis.  Magnesium showed a significant decrease in its level in both groups as compared to the control. On the other hand, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) showed a significant increase in  its activity in both studied groups as compared to the control. Vitamin D level manifested significant difference between group I and group II, with a significant decrease in  its level when comparing group II with the control group.  The MIF, NTX was highly associated with osteoporosis patients, in addition to Mg and Vit-D. On the other hand, Ca and P levels did not alter in a significant way with osteoporosis which may be considered as a risk factor as long as they are organized in one cluster with MIF, NTX, Mg, and Vit D in all the studied patients. Both markers showed a clear cut-off value using the ROC curve in which the best cutoff value of NTX was 166.8 pg/ml, and the best cutoff value of MIF was 6.6 ng/ml according to ROC analysis. 

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 23 2019
Journal Name
American Rock Mechanics Association
Using an Analytical Model to Predict Collapse Volume During Drilling: A Case Study from Southern Iraq
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Zubair Formation is one of the richest petroleum systems in Southern Iraq. This formation is composed mainly of sandstones interbedded with shale sequences, with minor streaks of limestone and siltstone. Borehole collapse is one of the most critical challenges that continuously appear in drilling and production operations. Problems associated with borehole collapse, such as tight hole while tripping, stuck pipe and logging tools, hole enlargement, poor log quality, and poor primary cement jobs, are the cause of the majority of the nonproductive time (NPT) in the Zubair reservoir developments. Several studies released models predicting the onset of borehole collapse and the amount of enlargement of the wellbore cross-section. However, assump

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 18 2020
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Diagnostic Accuracy of Oral Fluids Biomarker Profile to Determine the Current and Future Status of Periodontal and Peri-Implant Diseases
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Severe periodontitis is ranked as the sixth most prevalent disease affecting humankind, with an estimated 740 million people affected worldwide. The diagnosis of periodontal diseases mainly relies upon assessment of conventional clinical parameters. However, these parameters reflect past, rather than current, clinical status or future disease progression and, likely, outcome of periodontal treatment. Specific and sensitive biomarkers for periodontal diseases have been examined widely to address these issues and some biomarkers have been translated as point-of-care (PoC) tests. The aim of this review was to provide an update on PoC tests for use in the diagnosis and management of periodontal diseases. Among the PoC tests developed so

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 31 2022
Journal Name
Mathematical Modelling Of Engineering Problems
Evaluation of Al-Ishaqi Irrigation Project: A Case Study Eastern Canal of the Project
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An evaluation the performance of the irrigation system for the Al-Ishaqi irrigation project for the Eastern Canal was conducted to identify management strategies that can be used to improve the operation and performance of the irrigation system. The study area is located in Salah al-Din G.0overnorate, Iraq. The field work included determining the moisture content of the soil before and after irrigation, measuring the inflow of the field to find the depth of the applied water, field monitoring, and measuring the depth of the root zone for each irrigation process. Field measurements showed that the average efficiency of water application for the two fields (A, and B) are 59.81% and 38.6%, respectively. The results of the efficiency of

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Evaluation of α1-Antitrypsine and Reduced Glutathione in Iraqi Patients of Diabetes Mellitus Type II.
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In order to investigate the levels of reduced glutathione GSH and  α1-antitrypsine in the sera of 20 type 2 diabetic patients and 10 healthy subjects, were enrolled in this study. A significant reduction in GSH level was found in the patient group compared with control.  On the other hand a significant elevation in α1-antitrypsine in patient compared with control was observed.  Correlation between α1-antitrypsine and reduced glutathion was found to be positive (+Ve) for diabetes mellitus type2 patients and negative (-Ve) for healthy control with r values 0.257 and – 0.339 respectively.  In conclusion the depletion of GSH as antioxidant defense insured higher free radical generation in diabetic patients

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Sustainable Studies
The Scope of Resorting to the Amicus Curiae at the Regional and International Levels
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The amicus curiae is one of the judicial procedures adopted in many judicial and legal systems around the world, under which a person who is not a party to the case, and without having a personal and direct interest in it, intervenes to draw the court’s attention to many factual and legal aspects

Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Evaluation of the Effect of Type II Diabetes mellitus on Bone Mineral Density of Upper and Lower Limbs by Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry
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Background: Bone mineral density has been assessed using Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry. Bone mineral density is measured according to the results of the Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry examination of the vertebral column and pelvis. Although diabetes mellitus type II (DM) is known to affect bone mineral density, at the present time this particular relationship is not clear. Objective: The aim of current study was to evaluate the effects of type II diabetes mellitus on bone mineral density of the upper and lower limbs as well as gender differences. Patients and Methods: This study involved 165 patients complaining of bone pain (85 males and 80 females), 85 patients of who suffered from diabetes, involving both genders. In addition,

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
International Medical Journal
Effect of Accelerated Canine Retraction by Vitamin D3 Local Administration on Apical Root Resorption, Alveolar Bone Integrity, and Chair-side Time: A Prospective Clinical Study.
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Objectives: To evaluate the effect of vitamin D3 local injections on apical root resorption, alveolar bone integrity, and chair-side time following three and six months of canine retraction. Subjects and Methods: Seventeen adult patients (18-35 years old) of class I and II malocclusions were recruited, who required bilateral maxillary 1st premolars extraction before starting maxillary canines retraction. The experimental side received 25 pg dose of vitamin D3 injected locally into the distal periodontal sulcus of the canine (before force application) every three weeks, while the control side received retraction force only. Periapical radiographic evaluation was conducted after 3 and 6 months of the start of canines' retraction. Results: At

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 12 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Adherence and Beliefs to Adjuvant Hormonal Therapy in Patients with Breast Cancer: A Cross-Sectional Study (Conference Paper) #
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  Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women over the world. To reducing reoccurrence and mortality rates, adjuvant hormonal therapy (AHT) is used for a long period. The major barrier to the effectiveness of the treatment is adherence. Adherence to medicines among patients is challenging. Patient beliefs in medications can be positively or negatively correlated to adherence. Objectives: To investigate the extent of adherence and factors affecting adherence, as well as to investigate the association between beliefs and adherence in women with breast cancer taking AHT. Method: A cross-sectional study included 124 Iraqi women with breast cancer recruited from Middle Euphrates

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
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مجلة البحوث والدراسات الإسلامية
Religious and Psychological guidance in the Qur’an and Sunnah, a descriptive study
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God saw his servants with truth and light, and made him easy for them, and he commanded those who help them, including a counselor, guide and preacher, so if a Muslim sees deficiencies or defects, he must help him to reform and refine it. That it was in the hands of the prophets, God Almighty created the human being together straight, then melted on those scholars and researchers in all religions on psychological counseling and religious sychotherapy, stressing the importance of religious values in the process of understanding man in the process of psychotherapy and in controlling human behavior. A lot of research and studies have been published. I dealt with the religious approach in the process of treating mental disorders and the aim of

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B
Discovery of a potent and dual-selective bisubstrate inhibitor for protein arginine methyltransferase 4/5
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